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Prices’s argument is stronger than Beatty’s argument because Price’s claim is that

children today are watching too much tv and explains the effects. Price argues that children

before tv were able to form their own experiences through first hand experiences. Kids

nowadays get their imagination or ideas from tv and what they watch. Price states that, “In all

the millenia before humans began to read, our imaginations were formed from first-hand

experiences… Ask the same students now, and you’re likely to get a story that amounts to an

airless synopsis of a made-for-TV movie-a stereotypical situation of violence or outlandish

adventure that races superficially along, then resolves in emotionless triomphe for the student's

favorite character”(Price). This supports Price’s claim because it shows how kids nowadays are

influenced and hypnotised by what they are watching on tv. Therefore, Price’s claim is stronger

than Beatty’s because Beatty doesn’t have good proof to back up his claim. All Beatty is saying

is that books should be burned, but he never has enough evidence to prove why they are really

bad. Beatty tells Montag “Burn all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean”(Beatty). This

shows that Beatty didn’t have a lot of evidence to support his claim. Beatty never really told

Montag why books are terrible. Price has a personal experience to back up his claim and it

makes his argument stronger. In conclusion, Price’s claim is stronger than Beatty’s claim

because Price has more evidence to back up his claim, which is that kids today are watching

too much tv. Technology has taken over the lives of kids today and it controls what they think.

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