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2019 was a pretty difficult year, mostly school.

I grew so much individually and

personally, which leads me to my Pol. I feel I was extremely honest in my pol last year. I feel like
practicing my pol was the best thing I did. Each day before my pol I rehearsed and asked either
my teachers, siblings, friends, or parents for help. As a result, I gained a ton of confidence in my
work and felt very un nervous about the presentation. I do believe if I had gathered more
interactive evidence my presentation of learning would have been more engaging. For example,
If I somehow could find better evidence for math so my presentation could have been less
boring during that section. The panel could have been more intrigued by the work I completed.
Besides my evidence lacking, I also did a bad job of lacking simple presentation skills. Like
fidgeting and pacing around. In the future, I hope to master those skills to make my
presentations even better. I was proud of my pol though because I did pass the first time
around. I feel like I had a ton of good work and showed true refinement through my presentation
the week before. To be honest, though It was extremely difficult for me at first because I wasn't
used to the new prompt of the pol. As I did go to mountain middle school before the polls there
were extremely different. However once accumulated to the new template I felt I did extremely
well. My smart goal or in other words a goal I made to bring my growth up to a strength this
semester was; next semester my smart goal is to attend Torrey office hours or visit her during
lunch at least once every two weeks, to ask for more challenging work so I feel pushed and
proud of the work I complete.

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