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Semester Contract

I hereby acknowledge that I have read the course objectives and I am aware of my
responsibilities and all the requirements for this course. By signing this contract, I am
acknowledging my compliance for:

Release of Artwork

I hereby grant the instructor the use of documenting photographs of my artwork from this
class as seem fit for teaching portfolio purposes only. These images may be printed, digitally
documented or displayed on the instructors or class website and or class facebook pages.

ART 2201C
Wen (Vivian) Ye
Design Fundamentals I -2D Spring 2020

School of Visual Arts and Design

College of Arts and Humanities

University of Central Florida

Student Name (PRINT): _____________________________________________

Student Signature : _____________________________________________

Semester: Spring 2020 Class Section: ___________ Date: ___________

*Please hand this in the first week of class

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