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One of the things commonly used worldwide is glue.

Glue is usually a liquid substance that can stick two or more things together.
The first glues may have been natural liquids that came from trees when they are
cut. And as time passes by people learned and started to make glue from other
things, almost anything that contain protein can be turned to glue with the proper

It is really important to pick the high quality glue that you can always rely on.
Whether youre cardmaking, binding fabric or home decorating that needs a touch of

But what if these high quality glues contain substances that can also be harmful to
kids? For example if accidentally ingested.

That is the purpose of this project. To see if the researchers are able to make a
homemade glue that can perform as good as commercial glues. By using materials at
low cost, easy to find and safe for people.


1. Can the homemade glue compete with the commercial glue? Which one sticks better?

2. What is cheaper? the homemade glue or other brand of glue? How much did the
homemade glue cost in total?


The researchers, hypothesized that the produced homemade glue using milk can be
alternative glue incase of emergency when there is no available glue. People can
just make their own and it's easy to make and find the materials.

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