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This file was twice compressed and divided to accomdate 28 GB files so please have patient
when installing and extracting files. Thank you.

1. copy in your desktop the part 1 & part 2 from your 2 16GB USB Files.(be sure they are in the
same folder or else it won't work

2. Open any of the file from part 1 or 2 and you will see "Adobe Master Collection CC 2019 RUS-
ENG v3", please extract this RAR FILE or drag to another FOLDER your desktop. You don't have to
worry any of the part to open, they are the same and connected.

3. Remove the 2 ISO FILES inside the RAR, this the FINAL COLLECTION FILE or INSTALLER. (You
must title the Folder "FINAL INSTALLER to avoid any confusion.

4. This is ISO file, you may mount it and ready to install in your windows 10 or virtual drive
usiing power iso.

5. . You may now Follow the instructions how to install inside the ISO FILE Disk 1 and 2. This is
ready install program and fixed.

6. Enjoy (chat us if you have any question. Thank you.)


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