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Holy Cross College of Carigara

Rebolledo St. Ponong Carigara, Leyte

6529 Philippines

Applied Economics

Submitted by:
Hegel Merimee Ligutan Alvarado
Marian Rose Penetrado Hernandez
Mildred Cardines
XII – General Academic Strand

Submitted to:
Mrs. Donna Obeña



1. Business Size Issues They hire more employees to They need to have a bigger
the business it will have a great budget for the employee’s
manpower and will be able to wage.
have a best service the
consumers can get.

2. Issues Related to Mission They need to create mission They are not sure if the
and Objectives and objectives for them to mission and objectives they
have a specific goals on what created represent their business
they are aiming to achieve to well.
their business.

3. Procedures for Once they passed the pre Getting the requirements for
Incorporation requisite papers for upgrading upgrading to a corporation it
to a corporation they can now needs time, effort and patience
improve their services to the and it can be very tiring.

4. Personnel Issues They can have employees with They might find it difficult to
great experience, a college hire such efficient, loyal and
graduate and can be relevant to productive employees when
the corporation and can bring starting a corporation.
growth to the corporation.

5.Control Issues The decision will be noted The owners will have to deal
equally with the owners and with each other to make
can be good as they want the decision because they have
best for the company. different perceptions and
insights on what is the best for
the corporation.

6. Funding Sources Issues They can have greater and They don’t know if the
easier access to funds, company’s debt will be paid
especially larger loans from because there is possibilities
banks. that the company can’t secure
it future.

7. Legal and Taxation Issues The corporate tax rate doesn't Shareholders cannot deduct the
go as high as the individual losses of the corporation.

1. Don’t be afraid to take RISKS.
2. Be persuasive to make them agree to what you wanted to do in your business.
3. Have a meeting first to your Board of Members and discus it with them to gain opinions
and feedbacks on what will be the great decision.
4. The Abakada Company must have Plans because if the Plan A will fail at least they have
Plan B, C and D.
5. As a growth minded entrepreneur Abakada Company should not settle for doing things as
they’ve always done instead they could constantly strive to improve their impact and
effectiveness as a business.
6. They should give people what they want and know the trends to
7. Have in faith in your employee, in yourself and especially to God.

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