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NAME : WANDA FAHRIANI (1805113386)



1) “ The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life become. “
 PEACEFUL, DEFINITION : Free from disturbance; tranquil.
 SYNONYM : Calm, Quiet.
 ANTONYM : Noisy, Unquiet.

2) “ Because Allah is most loyal to us. Like the sun, it brightens. But we often forget.
Like water, it revives. But we often ignore it. “
 REVIVES, DEFINITION : Restore to life or consciousness; Give new lif or
 SYNONYM : Renew, Repair.
 ANTONYM : Break, Destroy.

3) “ Always be strong enough to let go, and be wise enough to wait for what you
deserve. “
 WISE, DEFINITION : Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good
judgement; Aware of, especially so as to know how to act.
 SYNONYM : Smart, Careful.
 ANTONYM : Stupid, Careless, Ignorant.

4) “ There’s a special place in my heart for people who take responsibility for their
actions. “
 RESPONSIBILITY, DEFINITION : The state or fact of having a duty to deal
with something or of having control over someone.
 SYNONYM : Importance, Trust.
 ANTONYM : Distrust, Freedom.

5) “ Just because you feel terribel now, doesn’t mean you always will. “ -MANSI-
 TERRIBLE, DEFINITION : A period in a child’s social development
(typically around the age of two years) which is associated with very defiant
or unruly behavior.
 SYNONYM : Unfortunate, Unpleasant.
 ANTONYM : Comforting, Lucky.

6) “ I hate when people ask me ‘Why are you so quiet?’ Because I am. That’s how I
function. I don’t ask others ‘Why are you so noisy?’ It’s rude. “
 RUDE, DEFINITION : Offensively impolite or bad-mannered.
 SYNONYM : Savage, Wild.
 ANTONYM : Smooth, Polite.

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