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THE LECTURE: Dr. Dra. Jamilah M.Pd.

Indra Wakhidatul Audriyanti
18202241080, PBI K 2018

a. Book’s Title : David Copperfield Stage 3

b. Writer : Charles Dickens
c. Pages : 124 pages
d. Year : 1967
e. Summary of the story
This book talk about a man named David Copperfield that lived in England. It was
about his story from his still a boy until he had a happy life.
He had a happy life when he was a boy. He lived with his mother and a servant
named Peggotty. His father was die when his mother still pregnant.

His life changed when her mother married a man, Mr. Murdstone. They loveeach other.
But David didn’t like him. He said that David was a bad boy, heneed to teach more.
Mr. Murdstone taught David hardly, David always felt afraid with him.

One day David went to school near London, in this school he met two boys named
Steerfoth and Traddles. They became close friend with David.

The next story, David’s mother was die, and David stopped went to school. Mr.
Murdstone sent him to an office, so he could work there and earn money by himself.
But David hated his work. In this work he lived with Mr. Micawber, he was a poor
man, he never lucky with money. He owed moneybut he couldn’t pay it back.

When Mr. Micawber had to go to Plymouth. He left David, and David went to Dover,
to meet his aunt, Miss Trotwood. Then he lived with her. She look-ing for school for
David, she met Mr. Wickfield, he was a lawyer. He had adaughter named Agnes and
she became David’s friend. She was a pretty anda kind girl. She was like a sister for

David was a clever boy, after all of the thing happen in his life, he met many people
and it made his life more colorfull. Every problems came to hislife, but it made him to
be a mature person, be more wise person.

He married a beautiful and kind woman named Dora, she was Mr. Spenlow’sdaughter.
He was an owner of a place of David’s work. But Dora couldn’t do her role as a good
wife for David. They ever had a baby, but he was die, it’s made them felt sad. But
David never complain to Dora, he always love her. After born a baby, Dora just could
lay on her bed, she was sick.

After a long time, she had to leave the world. Dora was die and before she dead,
she talked to Agnes. She had to married with David.

David felt very sad when Dora was died. He becomes sadder when he looked his close
friends Steerfoth and Ham was died. He felt that England was a sorrow place for him,
so he went to many countries to let all of thatsad things go away from him.

When he received a letter from Agnes, he realized that he loved her. All thetime he
just felt she was a sister for him, now he realized it. But he felt afraid to say it to
Agnes, perhaps it could make Agnes felt sorry.
When he came back to London, he asked his aunt about Agnes. She would get
married soon and it made him feel sad. He came to Agnes’s home congratulate her be
cause she would get married. But Agnes blame it, she said that she just love one man
and he was David. David feel surprised, hefelt happy and asked her to be his wife.
Then Agnes accepted it, and they get married.

In the end, David lived happily with his beautiful and kind wife, Agnes. They had five
children and Peggoty lived with them.

f. Theme : The plight of the weak.

g. Characters :
1) David Copperfield
2) Agnes Wickfield
3) James Steerforth
4) Clara Peggotty
5) Dora Spenlow
6) Clara Copperfield
7) Mr. Murdstone
8) Miss Jane Murdstone
9) Mrs. Steerforth
10) Rosa Dartle
11) Mr. Peggoty
h. Setting place : England
i. Moral value :
David is a person who never try to give up. Even he has bad experiences in the past
he always try to face them all. Every problem come to him, but it make him be more
mature and wise.
j. Comment:
I like the story of David Copperfield because it teaches us to be a humble person, do
not easily give up even you get the worst problem in your life.
a. Book’s Title : The Hound of the Baskervilles
b. Writer : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
c. Pages : 130 pages
d. Year : 1951
e. Summary of the story
There were three character in this simplified novel. There were Sherlock
Holmes, Dr.Watson, and Dr. Mortimer. From the title we would knew that int
his story Sherlock Holmes with his friend Dr. Watson tried to finished a case.

The case about the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. Many people said that
this case had relation with a legend The Hound of the Baskervilles. But
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson didn’t believe it.

Baskervilles family had a legend curse from their old family, it is about The
Hound of the Baskervilles. One day a doctor from Baskerville family,
Mortimer from Devonshile came to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. He told
to them about the dark history of Baskerville’s family. He came to them
because his uncle, Sir Charles Bakskerville was died.

Everyone told Charles Baskerville was died because he got heart attack when
saw a ghost and Dr. Mortimer believed it’s had relation with mystic thing.
With that curse. Because when he found a trail of giant dog traced beside
Charles’s body. He just told it to Sherlock Holmes.

Holmes tried to found the died caused from every head family of Baskerville.
It was to safe the new head family, Sir Henry Baskerville.

Holmes not allowed Sir Henry went to Baskerville Hall by himself. But he
refused it so, Watson and Mortimer went to Devonshil with him used train.
It was an uncomfortable place, it was like scary place for everyone that
came to this place.

They already came to Baskerville Hall, and stayed there. When Watson was
walked around the Baskerville Hall, he met Stapleton, he was a nature lovers
and master of plant. He knew about Watson from Dr. Mortimer.

When he stayed at Baskerville Hall, he ever heard crying of a woman in

midnight, met a mysterious couple Barrymore, had a journey found a
criminal, and a legend of Hugo Baskervilles.

Sherlock Holmes came suddenly on Devonshire. It turned out that he had

been in the village all this time and did investigations. He found the truth
for every case that had relation with Baskerville Halls curse. The legend of
Hound of the Baskervilles and Baskervilles curse was revealed. The dog was
not demond dog, or monster,it was Stapleton’s dog. Stapleton was the
mastermind behind every murder case in Devonshire. Stapleton still
Baskerville family. He was Rodger Baskerville’s child, the youngest brother of
Sir Charles.
Treasure, love, and betrayal, that reason caused Stapleton did that things.
That was the end of the story of this book. Sherlock Holmes finished his
case and the legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles wasn’t true.

f. Theme : Truth and fantasy

g. Characters :
1) Dr. Watson
2) Sir Henry Baskeeerville
3) Sir Charles Baskerville
4) Sir Hugo Baskerville
5) Mortimer
6) Dr. Jack Stapleton
7) Miss Stapleton
8) Mr. John Barrmore and Mrss. Eliza Barrmore
9) Mr. Frankland
10) Sherlock Holmes
h. Setting place : in the late nnineteenth century, around Basekrville Hall, an an
cient house on Dartmoor, London.
i. Moral value :
A crime committed will always be found out and the criminal punished how
ever ingeniously the plan may be founded still.
j. Comment :
When you read this book there are a lot of mysteri happen here and one
by one uncovered by Sherlock Holmes. It is interesting because you will
follow the story and tryto know the detail of the case about the story of
the myth in the story and try to know is the myth is true or not.
a. The title : Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
b. Writer : J.K. Rowling
c. Year : 1999
d. Pages : 368 pages
e. Summary of the novel

Harry is back with the Dursleys, where he sees that a prisoner named Sirius Black
has escaped from The Azkaban. Marge, Vernon’s sister, visit to the house, Harry
inflates her after saying rude comments about his parents. This leads to him running
away and getting picked up by the Knight Bus. He travels to Diagon Alley in which he
meets Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. He tells Harry that he has to stay in
Diagon Alley for the remaining three weeks before school starts again.

The night before the Hogwarts Express departs, Harry learns that Sirius Black is a
convicted murderer, who is believed that he wants to murder Harry. The next day,
when Harry and all the students of Hogwarts at the Hogwarts Express have a trip to
Hogwarts, a Dementor, the guard from Azkaban who looking for Sirius Black, boards
the Hogwarts Express, causing Harry to faint, but the new Defence Against the Dark
Arts teacher, Remus Lupin helps them. The trio learn that the Dementors will be
patrolling around the school in order to protect Harry from Sirius.

Harry has several problems with the Dementors, including an event where during
a Quidditch match, the most populer sport in magical world, he faints and falls off his
broomstick 50 feet in the air. His broom is smashed by the Whomping Willow. Lupin,
outside of class, teaches Harry to repel Dementors using the Patronus Charm.

Unable to visit Hogsmeade, George and Fred gives Harry a Marauder’s Map,
which tells about the details hidden passages in Hogwarts and the person who is
currently in them. Harry visits a village in Hogsmeade where he learns that Sirius Black
was his family friend and godfather to Harry, who betrayed them and gave Voldemort
access to their home. He is also convicted for killing thirteen Muggles in front of their
friend Peter Pettigrew.

Harry’s close-friends, Ron and Hermione, debats because Ron believe that
Hermione’s cat, Crookshanks, ate his rat, Scabbers. At Christmas, Harry receives a
late-model Firebolt broom, as a gift. Fearing that it might be cursed, Hermione reports
it to McGonagall.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried to save Hagrid’s hippogriff, Buckbeak from
execution, after attacking Draco Malfoy at outside study. Their efforts are
unsuccessful, but Scabbers reappears suddenly around Hagrid’s house the place
where Buckbeak being executed.

Ron chases Scabbers, only to be attacked by a big black dog, who drags Ron
through a tunnel under the Whomping Willow into the Shrieking Shack. Harry and
Hermione follow him to find Ron and Sirius, who was transformed as a dog. Lupin
enters and explains that he is a werewolf, which led his friends James Potter, Peter
Pettigrew, and Sirius Black to becomes animagi. Lupin tells them that Scabbers is
Pettigrew in his animal form, who was hiding from Sirius, after he framed him for
murdering Harry’s parents and thirteen Muggles.
Severus Snape arrives to apprehend Sirius, but Harry knocks him out. Lupin and
Sirius transform Peter into his human form and prepared to kill him. Harry stops them,
telling him that his father would have not wanted it.

At night, Lupin turns into a werewolf and becomes violent. Peter escapes again,
but Sirius prevents Lupin from attacking the others. Dementors approach them and
the three lose consciousness. When they wake up in the hospital, Harry, Ron and
Hermione learn that Sirius has been sentenced to receive the Dementor’s Kiss, which
removes the soul of the recipient.

The story is continue when Dumbledore advices Hermione to use her time-turner,
to go back in time and save Buckbeak, who later carries Sirius back to safety. She with
Harry leave Ron who is still sick at the hospital and go back to the past, try to repair
several things. In the end of the story Sirius Black can save and fly away with
Buckbeack, Petty Pettigrew escapes, and Mr. Lupin should resign from Hogwarts.

The intrinsic structure of the novel:

a. Theme : fantasy, friendship, fear

b. Setting : Hogwarts

c. The characters :
1) Harry Potter 14) Lucius Malfoy
2) Ron Weasley 15) Ginny Weasley
3) Hermione Granger 16) Percy Weasley
4) Remus Lupin 17) Fred Weasley
5) Sirius Black 18) George Weasley
6) Petter Pettigrew 19) Molly Weasley
7) Voldemort 20) Arthur Weasley
8) Hagrid 21) Vernon Dursley
9) Albus Dumbledore 22) Petunia Dursley
10) Sibyll Trelawney 23) Dudley Dursley
11) Minerva McGonagall 24) Aunt Marge
12) Severus Snape 25) Lily Potter
13) Draco Malfoy 26) James Potter

d. Moral value:
1) Sometimes you should be a different person to save someone or hide
something to protect someone or something.
2) A person must keep an open mind. Things are not necessarily as they
seem and people who do not keep an open mind expose themselves to

e. Glosarium and expressions:

1) Tomb 6) glimpsed
2) Luminous 7) Snap
3) Sleek 8) Sneak
4) Gleaming 9) Emblazoned
5) Tore off 10) Scuttled
11) Shovellike nonsense
12) “Bad egg” 14) “... Bad blood will out.”
13) Namby-pamby, wishy-washy 15) Scrounger

f. Comment:
It is one of my favorite fantasy novel. I watched the movie version of this
novel, the way of J.K. Rowlin present the story is very good. I am not a novel
review, but by seeing the nominal of people who ever read this book that
could be the reason why I could say like that.
a. Tittle : When You Are Old
b. Writer : William Butler Yeats
c. Year : 1893
d. The Review of the Poetry:

The speaker directly addresses someone else and asks this person to imagine old age,
a time of grey hair and general tiredness. The speaker tells the addressee to pick up
this book when they're falling asleep by the fire, and to read from it, while dreaming
of the soft and shadowed look the addressee's own eyes used to have.

The addressee should also think of how many people loved the addressee's
gracefulness and beauty, whether or not these people were sincere in their love. But
there was one man who genuinely loved the addressee's emotional and spiritual
restlessness. This man also loved the sadness that showed on the addressee's face as
it changed over the years.

The speaker imagines the addressee bending down to tend to a fire and muttering
sadly about how love ran away to walk restlessly in the mountains and hide among
the stars of the night.

Intrinsic structure from the text:

a. Theme : Love, aging
b. Comments:
The poetry tell us to get a mirror when we are getting old. A lot of things
would disappear when you are getting old and there is just a person who
really love you will stay until you are getting old.
a. Title : Alice in Wonderland Part 1: Down the rabbit hole
c. Year : 2015
d. Summary :
It is one of the part of the drama text. The drama text tell us when Alice
follow a talking white rabbits who derive him to a strange world. she
follows the rabbits which seems in rush and need to go somewhere. But
when she follow him she only finds a long hall with many doors was locked.
Then she try to find the keys of the doors. When she finds it the other
problem occur, the door is too small and she find a bottle which seems
unique and makes her curios. Suddenly her body get smaller and she is
happy. But, she forget about the key, she puts the key on the table and it
is difficult to reach the key use his small body. Then she finds another
bottle and drinks it which makes her bigger than normal. The story end by
the narration from the narrator in this part.

e. The characters:
1) Alice
2) White Rabbits
f. Glosarium:
1) Curious : wanting to know everything about everything
2) daisies (singular: daisy) : small garden flowers that are white with yellow
3) Marmalade : a kind of jam made from oranges
4) Telescope : a metal tube with glass at the end that you use
to see things that are very far away.
5) Creep : to move very carefully and secretly so that
nobody sees you
William Butler Yeats
1. Introduction
William Butler Yeats is one of the greatest English-language poets of the 20th
century and received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. Yeats, who died
in 1939, is remembered as one of the leading Western poets of the 20th cent

2. The Early Life

William Butler Yeats was born on June 13 1865, in Dublin, Ireland. His parent
name is John Butler Yeats and Susan Mary Pollexfen. He spent his time more
in London than in Ireland, because he should follow his father who was
studying art.

In the Mid-1880s, Yeats pursued his own interest in art as a student at the
Metropolitan School of Art in Dublin. Following the publication of his poens in
the Dublin University.

3. The Career Life

Yeats began his career for the first time when met writers Oscar Wilde, Lionel
Johnson, and George Bernard Shaw when he came back from London in late
1880s. He also became acquainted with Maud Gonne, a supporter of Irish
independence. This revolutionary woman served as a muse for Yeats for years.
He even proposed marriage to her several times, but she turned him down.
He dedicated his 1892 drama The Countess Kathleen to her.

Around this time, Yeats founded the Rhymers' Club poetry group with Ernest
Rhys. He also joined the Order of the Golden Dawn, an organization that
explored topics related to the occult and mysticism. While he was fascinated
with otherworldly elements, Yeats's interest in Ireland, especially its folktales,
fueled much of his output. The title work of The Wanderings of Oisin and
Other Poems (1889) draws from the story of a mythic Irish hero.

In addition to his poetry, Yeats devoted significant energy to writing plays. He

teamed with Lady Gregory to develop works for the Irish stage, the two
collaborating for the 1902 production of Cathleen Ni Houlihan. Around that
time, Yeats helped found the Irish National Theatre Society, serving as its
president and co-director, with Lady Gregory and John Millington Synge. More
works soon followed, including On Baile's Strand, Deirdre and At the Hawk's

Following his marriage to Georgie Hyde-Lees in 1917, Yeats began a new

creative period through experiments with automatic writing. The newlyweds
sat together for writing sessions they believed to be guided by forces from
the spirit world, through which Yeats formulated intricate theories of human
nature and history. They soon had two children, daughter Anne and son
William Michael.
The celebrated writer then became a political figure in the new Irish Free
State, serving as a senator for six years beginning in 1922. The following year,
he received an important accolade for his writing as the recipient of the
Nobel Prize in Literature. According to the official Nobel Prize website, Yeats
was selected "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form
gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation."

Yeats continued to write until his death. Some of his important later works
include The Wild Swans at Coole (1917), A Vision (1925), The Tower (1928) and
Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems (1932). Yeats passed away on
January 28, 1939, in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France. The publication of Last
Poems and Two Plays shortly after his death further cemented his legacy as a
leading poet and playwright.
a. The title : Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
b. Writer : Ransom Riggs
c. Year : 2011
d. Pages : 352
e. Summary :

The story begins with Jacob, the protagonist, being tired of his normal life - a slightly
abnormal life because he is rich, but otherwise a normal life. In a short time we are
told about his entire family, basically. But there is a shift in plot when Jacob gets a
call from his grandfather which was very different from a normal day-to-day
conversation you have with your grandfather. However, for Jacob it was usual.
Jacob decides to visit his grandfather and upon arrival he finds him dead. This is
where things start it gets a little messy and different. Yeah, sure, Jacob wanted a
different life, but not like this. Jacob experiences more than a little adventure that
he always used to hear in his grandfather’s story. He finds himself in a place
unknown to the mundane world. He finds a whole new world within his own world.
It’s a little ‘peculiar’ but it’s home. However, there is an unknown terror out there,
and will Jacob be able to save himself and his new world? Or will he be the reason
for its destruction?

The intrinsic structure of the novel:

a. Theme : Science-fiction
b. Setting :
c. The characters :
1) Jacob 14) Olive
2) Emma 15) Claire
3) Miss Peregrine 16) Hugh
4) Grandpa Portman 17) Horace
5) Franklin Portman 18) Kev
6) Maryann Portman 19) Dylan
7) Dr. Golan 20) Worm
8) Millard 21) Martin
9) Enoch 22) Oggie
10) Ricky 23) Miss Finch
11) Miss Avocet 24) Miss Bunting
12) Bronwyn 25) Victor
13) Fiona 26) Malthus

d. Moral value:

1) Do not embrace your ability.

2) Strength comes in all shapes and sizes. Do not underestime the other person when
you do not know them well.
3) Don’t let being shy stop you from doing what you want in life.
e. Comment:
This story is illustrated in a very unique manner. Just like the title, the book is
completely different from my expectations. It was ‘good’ different. It also time-travels,
and it is so interesting for me personally when a character from the future or past
goes to another time zone. It is awkward, difficult yet so exciting for each one of them.
Any excitement or feeling gives a very happy vibe to the readers.

This book consists of a lot of pictures which was a complementary to the book.
Sometimes I can’t imagine a character and if the pictures weren’t provided I would
have not imagined the character up to the mark. I am thankful for Rigg’s creativity in
this book. I had no idea that this book had pictures. And I also salute the various
photographers who took such fascinating pictures of real people and objects.

f. Glosarium:

1. Falter : move hesitatingly, as if about to give way

2. Torpor : a state of motor and mental inactivity
3. Listless : marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm
4. Pessimistic : expecting the worst possible outcome
5. Feign : make believe with the intent to deceive
6. Blanch : turn pale, as if in fear
7. Rebuff : reject outright and bluntly
8. Tableau : any dramatic scene
9. Excavate : find by digging in the ground
10. Ornithologist : a scientist who studies birds
11. Dossier : papers containing detailed information about a person
12. Effigy : a representation of a person
13. Predicate : involve as a necessary condition or consequence
14. Noxious : injurious to physical or mental health
15. Debase : make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance

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