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2007 OHSAS 18001:2007 Sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Persyaratan Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements PaaS ONLY Ht 1a 9 alte by Jack Mata Occupational health = Requirements \d safety management systems 1 Scope This Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Standard specifies recuirements for an ‘cccupationsl health and safely (OH&S) management system, 10 enable un organization to control its OH&S risks abd improve its OH&S performance. It does mot state specific OH&S perfomance criteria, nor doos give dciiled specifications for the design of 9 ‘management systera This OHSAS Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes te |. establish an OH&S management system to climinate or minimize risks 1 personnel axed ‘other interested parties who could be exposed 10 (OHS havands associated wit is activities 2. implement, maintain and continually improve an (OHS management system 3. assure itself of its conformity with its stated OH&S polieys 4, demonstrate conformity with this OHSAS Standard by: a) making a sel-determination and selt= declaration, or bb) secking conizmation of is coufoemance by patios having an in the Drganivation, sue as custo ©) seeking confirmation of its selfleclaration by a panty extemal lo the organization, oF cationiegistration fits OWS management system by an extemal organization AI! the requirements in this OHSAS Standan! are intended to be incorporated into any OHS management system. The extent ofthe application will depend on such factors as the OFS policy of the organization. the nature of its activities and dhe risks and complexity ofits ‘operations, This OHSAS Standard is ‘oceopational estth and safety address other health and sifely areas such as employee mended 1 id $$ not intended 19 ales wellbeing/wellness programmes, product safety, properly ange or envitonmental impacts Pow ran rated ING PURPOSE ONLY AS 18001-2007 ‘Sistem manajemon keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja Persyaratan 1 Ruang tingkeup Seri porsyaratan Penilaian Keschalan dan Keselamatan Koga (OHSAS) ini menyatakan persyaratan sistem anjemen kesalaman dan Keschavan key (K3), sig forganisasi amampu mengendalikan risikerisiko K3 dan meningkutkan kinerjanya, Secara spesifik persyasaan ink tidak menyatakan kriteia kiner, akaupun memberikaa persyaratan seca lengkap dalam meraneang sistem rmanajemen Perysratan OHSAS ini dapat displikasikan kepada ‘organisasi yang Bema untuk 4. menibus suaty sistem manajemen K3- atk ‘menghilangkan alan mentinimalkan sisiko kepada personel han pihakspihiak terkalt lain yang mungkin ditimbutkan oleh sisiki K3 yng terkait dengan aktivitas keri 0 renerapk, berkelanjutan mening K3 3. menentukan persyaratan tersebut sesuaé dengan ‘ebijakun K3 yang ditetaphat tka sistem manajemen 4 aukankeseswainn” dengan standar 2) menentukan sendiriketentuan dan dokkaasi osesvaian, ah 'b) mendapatkan konfirmesi kesesuaiannya el pia fain yang mneopunya bu mnisadyya polaggan a ©) mendapatkan pernystsan deklorast semis leh pitak tur, ats 2) mendaparkan serifikavregisiras!atas sistem manajemen K3 oleh organisast eksternal Semus persyaratan dalam Standar OHSAS ini imaksudkan ugar dapat digabuna sistem rnanajemien 13 apapan, Laasnya aplikasi akan tergantung ita faktor-fakior sepesti kebjjokan K3 arganisesi sii ‘dai aktvisastersebut can rsiko-risiko sects Komplete «ds operasi-operasiny Standar OHSAS ini ditjukan untuk mengelots sspek esliatan dian eselamnstan Retin, day baka tuk searea kesehntan dan kesolamatan my kesejahieravavkesehatan Produk, Rodstkan—propest huntuk-mengelaks Thin seperti programpr ka esolamatt ‘aupun dampak Hot 2 2 Reference publications (ther publications that provide information oF guikance sre listed in the bibliography. ft is advisable that che editions of such publications be consulted, ically, reference shod bo made to © OHSAS 18002, Occupational hcl and! safety management systems ~ Guidelines for the ‘nplemeniation of OHSAS 18001 © Intemational “Labour Organization:2001, Guidelines on Ocenpaaional Heath ad Sajety Management Systems (OSH-MS} 3 Verms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terns and éetiitions apply: 3.L acceptable risk sisk that as been reduced 10 « level dat can be tolerate by the organization having regard toils Tegal obligations and ils own OHSS poliey G.16). 3.2 audit systematic, independent and documented process. for obtaining “audit evidence” and evaluating i objectively {o dotermine the exten! 10 which “audit criteria” are ‘willed. (180 9000:2005, 3.9.1) NOTE J budependent does not necessarily mean external for the organ In-many eases, partientarty tn sinatler —orgemioations, independence — canbe demanstrated by te freedom fey vexponsibitity for the acviy being ented. NOTE 2 For further guideice on “edb evidence” ane see 180 1901 aanditeviteria”, 3.3 continual improvement recurring process of enhuncing the OHS manageme system (3.13) in order to achiove improvements. in ‘overall OHS performance (3.18) consistent with the “orgapization’s (3.17) ONS policy (3.16) NOTE J The pracess need avi rake place in all areas of caetivity simultaneously. NOTE 2 Adapted fiom ISO 14001:2004, 3.2. 3a corrective aetion action nnoneonformity (3.11) or ather undesirable situation, climinate the cause of a detected NOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for a FOR TRAINING PURPOSE ONLY “Trapslatod by Jack Matta OUNSAS 18001,2007 2 Referensi publikasi Publikas nin yang menycalakan Zaformasi atau pedoman terdapal ped: aftar publikasi. Sebaiknya gunskan publikasi edisi terakhir. Socara khusus, seferensi yang pengendalian —terkait pembelian materi peralatan dan jas ass ©) pengondalian terkait para kontesktor dan (arm {ant Tain ke tempat ke 18) mendokomentasikan proedur-pnnsealr ‘mencakup situasi-siwvasi di mana ketialsannya dapar——-menyebabkon——-penyimpangam penyimpangan di kebijakany day cajuan-tea KS ©) siteria-kritesa opens! yong telah ditetaptan di mana Ketiadninys dapat mpenyebabkan penyimpangan-peayimpangan dari kebljakan

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