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Information Communication Technology

Grade 11 – 1st Term 2019

Competency Competency Level Contents Learning Outcomes Duration/ Due Date Completed Info
Periods Date
10. Writes 10.1. Analyzes the  Identification of inputs  Identifies inputs and outputs 2
programs to problem and outputs  Explores solution space
solve problems  Identification of possible
alternate process steps
10.2 Uses control  Introduction to  Explains purpose of algorithms 2
structures in algorithms: purpose  Describes control structures
developing  Control structures for  Applies control structures to develop
algorithms to solve developing algorithms algorithms
problems o Sequence
o Selection
o o Iteration
10.3 Uses different  Tools for developing  Identifies symbols of flow charts 4
tools to present algorithms  Explains structure of pseudo code
algorithms. o Flow charts  Draws flow charts to represent
o Pseudo codes algorithms
o o Conversion of  Converts flow charts to pseudo code
flowcharts into
pseudo codes
10.4 Uses data types in  Identifiers, reserved  Declares identifiers using correct data 4
programming. words and key words in a types
computer programming  Uses variables effectively in programs
 Variables and constants
in computer
 Description of data types
o Purpose of data
o Use of meaningful
names for identifiers

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 Basic Data Types:
o Numeric (integer,
floating point)
o Character
o o Logical
10.5 Uses operators in  Purpose of operators  Selects correct operators in 4
programming  Basic operators computations
o Arithmetic  Applies operators effectively in
operators programs
o Comparison  Evaluate results of expressions
o Logical operators:
 Operator precedence
 Expressions
10.6 Develops  IF-EndIf and If-Else-EndIf  Identifies correct selection control 5
programs involving statement structure.
selection control  Use of switch/case when  Identifies correct selection
structure single variable has condition.
multiple conditions  Uses selection control structure in
 Conversion of flow charts programs.
into pseudo codes and  Combines selection control
subsequent coding into a structures to meet programming
programming language needs
10.7 Develops programs  Use of iterations  Identifies correct iteration structure. 7
involving basic (repetitions) in:  Applies correct condition to control
iterations.  Cases where the iterations.
number of iterations  Uses iteration control structure in
are known programs.
 Cases where the
number of iterations
are unknown
 Checking of the
condition for iterations
o Beginning of the
iteration o End of the

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 Conversion of flow
charts into pseudo
codes and subsequent
coding using a
programming language
10.8 Develops  The purpose of using  Identifies cases where nested 3
programs with nested control control structures are required.
nested control structures  Uses nested control structures in
structures  Use of control programs
structures within
another control
o Selection
within selection
o Iteration within
o Iteration within
o Selection
within iteration
 Conversion of flowcharts
into pseudo codes and
subsequent coding into a
programming language
10.9 Develops programs  The purpose of the use of  Describes features of one 3
using one arrays dimensional arrays.
dimensional array.  Definition of the one  Carries out operations in arrays.
dimensional array  Uses one dimensional arrays in
o Properties of an programs.
o Index
o oContiguous
o Random access
 Array Operations
o Declaration
o Accessing
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o Assignment of
10.10 Structures  The purpose of the use  Describes the need of sub-programs. 2
programs through of sub-programs  Demonstrates the use of
the use of  Improvement of code valuereturning and valuenot
subprograms. reusability, o returning subprograms.
Readability, ease of  Uses sub-programs in programming.
o Maintainability
 Types of sub-programs:
value turning and not
 Structuring of programs
using sub-programs
Development of basic
programs with a single
10.11 Explores the  Low-level languages  Compa res and contrasts low-level 2
evolution of o Machine language and high-level languages.
programming o Assembly language  Describes features of high-level
languages.  High-level languages languages.
 Types of high-level  Describes the operation of
languages: language translators
o Procedural vs
o Structured vs
Object oriented
o Programming vs
 Methods used to convert
source code to machine
o Interpreters
o Compilers Testing
and debugging
11. Explores the 11.1 Describes the  Definition of a system  Describes an information system. 4
Systems concept of  Components of a
Development information system. system
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Life Cycle of o Input,outut,process  Identifies the relationship
information  Manual systems between the components of an
system  Computer based information system.
development. systems  Explains the significance of an
 Information systems information system.
o Importance of
Information in
decision making
o o Inputs, outputs,
dataflows and
11.2 Explains the The system development  Describes the stages in system 3
Systems lifecycle development.
Development life o Identification of  Provides examples of each stage.
cycle requirements
o Design of the
o Implementation of
the solution
o Testing of the
o Deployment of the
o Maintenance of the
 Difference between
phased system
development life-cycle and
iterative increment life-

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