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Story Background:

- Amanda​: young blonde, 15 years old, freshman, cheerleader, popular, trendsetter
- Alex​: 17 years old, blonde, plays soccer, girl, older sister, captain of team, popular, well
known, dating quarterback/was
- Driving to Starbucks and they get into an argument because Alex is having a rough day
- Rainy day
- gloomy

The rain dripped down the side of Alex’s window. Her music was not as upbeat as it has usually
been. Amanda sat in the passenger seat, eager to get to Starbucks because she has found a
new drink on the secret menu. Alex, who was distracted slammed the brakes suddenly to stop
herself from hitting the car ahead of them.
“Are you stupid? Come on Alex what’s wrong with you today. Maybe he dumped you
because you can’t drive.”
“Why don’t you just shut up, or else you can walk home in the rain.”
Amanda sat back in her chair as her smile faded into a more serious face. She reached across
the middle console to grab Alex’s phone to change the song.
“What are you depressed? Alex it’s like that think that Grandma Lou says, there are
plenty of fish in the sea. Plus, you captain of the soccer team and one of the hottest girls at
school, he’s the one missing out.”
Alex looked at her sister as tears streamed down her cheeks. Everything seemed to stop. Time
was slow and Alex pondered as to what she would do.
“It’s not just that. I have to get rid of something. He is such a jerk. He acts like this was
all my fault and promised me that I would get to make the choice and when I do he leaves. I
don’t even know what to tell mom or dad.”
Amanda sat in awe as she looked at her sister piecing the puzzle together. It suddenly clicked
and her draw dropped.
Alex looked at her sister with no response. Her face had gone white. As pale as a snowflake in
the winter snow. She shuddered as the truth seemed to unravel before her.
“Look, I have to get rid of it. Josh won’t be with me if I have this kid. Our kid. But, it’s fine.
If Josh will be with me after I mean I don’t even want a kid.”
“Oh my God. Are you mad? A baby? Gone? No way. Dude you're freaking crazy. Alex
think about this dude mom and dad might kill you but you have ALWAYS wanted a kid. He kinda
is to blame too you know… but he can’t love you for not agreeing with him. He is a jerk.”
Alex is now balling as they turn into the starbucks parking lot as they roll down the window to
order at the drive thru and she looks at the menu.
“Can I order a cotton candy frap?”
Amanda leans over to order puzzled. Her sister never ordered colorful drinks or anything other
than a caramel macchiato double shot of espresso. Maybe it was her time to step out of the
norm and do things for herself.

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