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Madeline Meyers

Mrs. Storer
English 3H B2
September 20, 2019

Socratic Circle Reflection on The Crucible

I felt thoroughly prepared for the Socratic circle because I prepared my notes and
arguments ahead of class and had quotes to back them up. I would rate my contributions well
because I spoke once, allowing for others to participate. This added to the quality of the group
because I brought up points of analysis that allowed the text and characters to be viewed with
deeper meaning. I also connected it to our lives and maturity levels at this age. I think I was
decent at teamwork because I refrained from speaking at times that I wanted to in order to give
others an opportunity, however I never directly brought anyone into the conversation. My quality
of feedback in the outside was also mediocre. I thought my partner did a great job and marked all
of the positive boxes, so I had no advice for her except to continue doing what she was doing. I
could have improved by requesting a certain question when the facilitator offered a choice. Next
Socratic Seminar I hope to use more textual evidence to support my argument
I think my group did a good job of being prepared because nearly everyone spoke, and
when they did, they offered strong points that were supported by examples from the text. There
were good quality discussions in my inner circle. Many valid and well supported claims were
made; however I wish those who disagreed chimed in more. I would rate my inner circle’s
teamwork very highly because the facilitator did a good job of including everyone and keeping
them engaged. I would rate the feedback a 5/10 because although there were no negative effects,
I also did not notice any change in he way the inner circle conducted themselves after the
Abigail’s continuous immoral actions made in an attempt to benefit herself at the expense
of other show that she is a villain. Abigail first has an affair with a married man. After he rejects
her, she attempts a ritual with a couple other girls to kill his wife. When this is discovered, she
places the blame on anyone around her that she can, not caring about the consequences it will
have on them. These actions are one of a villain, not a victim.
This content reminds me of a social media’s cancel culture. Cancel Culture is defined by
Urban Dictionary as, “A modern internet phenomenon where a person is ejected from influence
or fame by questionable actions. It is caused by a critical mass of people who are quick to judge
and slow to question.” In The Crucible, as soon as someone is accused of something devilish, the
entirety of Salem flocks to plot on their demise, despite a lack of merit to the claims. Likewise,
in Cancel Culture it is common for a person to be accused of something with unsubstantiated
claims and then completely outcasted by that sect of society. For example, famous youtuber,
James Charles was, “canceled” after multiple allegations by one woman were thrown against
him. These claims were later disproven, however the damage was done and James lost millions
of subscribers in the couple days this situation took place.

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