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17:84 Say: �Each acts according to his own manner.

What comes from the Adamite other than disloyalty? What comes from water and clay
other than
error? What will be seen from the Lord�s generosity other than loyalty?
In the whole Qur�an, no verse offers more hope than this. He is saying, �Everyone
does what
comes from him, and from everyone comes what is worthy of him. The servant returns
to sin and
the Lord returns to forgiveness.�
One of revealed books tells us that God said, �O child of Adam! You keep on
returning to sins,
and I keep on returning to forgiveness.�
It was said to the abandoned one of the empire, the despairing Iblis, �Prostrate
yourself before
He said, �I will not, for Adam is from dust, and I am from fire.�
It was said to him, �O unlucky one! No doubt everyone does what is worthy of him,
and from
everyone comes what is inside him. When fire dies down, it becomes ashes, which can
never be
renewed. Dust, even if it is old, is renewed by sprinkling water on it. O Iblis, O
you who are of
fire, you left aside one command, so you will die and never come to life! O Adam, O
you who are
of dust, you let one tear of remorse fall from your eyes, so I have forgiven your
sins and will caress
you. O Iblis, what you did comes from fire. O Adam, what you saw is born of dust.
Say: �Each
acts according to his own manner.��Myabudi

[17:84] Say: �Everyone acts according to his [own] character, that is, [according
to] his
makeup and his predominant natural disposition in his station. Thus the one whose
station is the soul and whose character is the requirements of its [his soul�s]
traits, he will do what we have mentioned in the way of being disregardful and
despairing. The one whose station is the heart and whose character is the virtuous
temperament he will exercise gratitude and patience in accordance with its
requirements; and your Lord knows best who is better guided as to the way�, from
[all] doers, the one who does good as entailed by the temperament of the heart and
one who does evil as entailed by the nature of the soul and He will recompense both
accordance with their deeds. Kashani

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