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Beginners Guide to belly dancing

In recent times belly dancing has gained huge popularity and recognition in India. With this
increasing popularity, there has been an increase in professional belly dancing classes in
Ahmedabad, Delhi, Chandigarh and many more.

Belly dancing is believed to originate from somewhere in the Middle East. Belly dancing in
the Middle East has two different social contexts, one as a social or folk dance and the other
as a performing art. The most common costume worn while performing belly dance is
bedlah style suit which includes a fitted top or bra, a full-length skirt or harem pants and a
fitted belt. The top and the belt are decorated with lots of beads, sequences, coins etc.
otherwise these have high embroidery and fringes.

When we talk about belly dancing in India the first name that clicks is Meher Malik aka
Banjaran. She has taken the form of belly dancing to greater heights in Indian society. Other
famous belly dancers that India had given to the world are Bindu Bolar, Arun Bhardwaj, Alex
Victor, Suraiya Ibrahim, Maya Elixir and Debapriya Das. The only thing that helped them in
establishing their name in the field of belly dancing is dedication and long hours of practice.

Being a belly dancer who has just started learning belly dancing one should be aware of
many facts about belly dancing. The below mentioned are some of the important points
that you should keep in mind while your training and learning period.

1. Break the myth: the first thing to know about belly dancing is that there is no such
thing as the ideal body. There is no such rule or regulation that to be a belly dancer
you must have a flat stomach or a lean body. To be a belly dancer you just need to
have the passion and dedication to learn. You should be in love with your body and
feel comfortable about yourself.

2. Leave the consciousness behind: once you start learning belly dancing, you should
never feel conscious. Try and express yourself through your belly dancing just like
you would have done in any other dance form.

3. Try not to hold your breath: one of the most common mistakes that beginners do is
that people hold their breath while learning new moves. Try to maintain a regular
breathing pattern throughout your routine.

4. Practice makes a man perfect: The way you can be a perfect belly dancer is
practising in proper schedules and with all your dedication.

5. Wear what makes you comfortable: it is not compulsory to show your belly while
dancing. If you are comfortable wearing a t-shirt wear that. There is no such hard
and fast rule about the costumes in the learning stage. Once you are sure that you
want to become a professional or you want to continue belly dancing further then
you can invest in the gears you need like fitted tops and belts loaded with beads,
coins and even with heavy embroidery.

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