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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (2006) 97: 285–291  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s10549-005-9122-7

Preclinical study

Human breast duct anatomy, the ‘sick lobe’ hypothesis and intraductal approaches
to breast cancer

James J. Going1 and Timothy J. Mohun2

Division of Cancer Sciences and Molecular Pathology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK; 2Develop-
mental Biology Division, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, UK

Key words: anatomy, breast, cancer, ductoscopy, human, nipple, pre-cancer

Introduction. Information about central and peripheral duct anatomy is a requirement for developing intraductal
approaches to human breast cancer, but remains sparse. This study looks at the acquisition and digital modelling of
data describing breast duct branching from thick (‘subgross’) sections using data structures from the neurosciences,
and at high-throughput imaging of duct anatomy in the nipple.
Methods. The branching of a large breast duct system was modelled using data extracted from cleared and
stained 2 mm ‘subgross’ sections of an autopsy breast using a public-domain neuron modelling program (CVAPP),
and episcopic fluorescence image capture (EFIC) was used to collect a stack of 1100 autofluorescence images of
ducts in a mastectomy nipple.
Results. The duct skeleton was captured in 440 line segments with some pruning of terminal ducts. Extracting this
data manually in a usable form was, however, laborious and error prone, emphasising the need for improved
morphological informatics. EFIC captured anatomical detail and subsequent 3D reconstruction was consistent with
the distinction between ‘type A’ and ‘type B’ nipple ducts proposed by Going and Moffat (J Pathol 203: 538–544,
Conclusions. Whole-lobe duct modelling and EFIC reveal central and peripheral duct anatomy in human breast.
Such knowledge is required for understanding normal breast development, the growth of cancer precursors, and for
developing the intraductal approach to breast cancer.

Introduction central and peripheral duct anatomy need to be filled,

but conventional histology is not a viable route to large-
In 1840 Astley Cooper said ‘to dissect and prepare [the scale breast mapping. To process all of an average 400 g
mammary glands’] constituent parts and intimate breast for histology would require more than 200
structure for a clear demonstration is a very difficult blocks, and tracing duct branching would require sec-
task; so that I have heard a good anatomist say, ‘‘The tions to be examined at multiple levels from every block.
breast is so complicated that I can make nothing clear of ‘Subgross’ methods which derive ultimately from the
it’’ [1]. This complexity is still challenging: while the work of Leipzig anatomist Werner Spalteholz [4–7] are
living breast can be imaged by thermography, X ray, more promising. Opaque tissues are made transparent
ultrasound and MRI, and tissues and cells can be (‘cleared’) in organic solvents of high refractive index like
examined by histology, electron microscopy and the methyl salicylate (m=1.53), benzyl alcohol (m=1.54),
techniques of molecular biology, it is difficult for results benzyl benzoate (m=1.57) or blends like benzyl alcohol/
of these investigations to be examined in the context of a benzyl benzoate (‘BABB’), and structures stained with
complete breast. alum carmine or haematoxylin, or blood vessels injected
Comprehensive 3D mapping of duct branching in a with India ink, are visible in the cleared tissues. Densely
complete human breast would permit morphological cellular structures embedded in a sparsely cellular stroma,
and molecular investigations to be linked to their ana- like breast ducts and lobules, are seen best and small or-
tomical context, illuminating normal breast develop- gans like mouse or rat mammary glands can be studied in
ment and the evolution of cancer precursors. With their entirety [8]. Such ‘wholemount’ preparations are
increasing interest in diagnostic and therapeutic access extensively used in experimental studies of rodent mam-
to the breast via the nipple (nipple aspiration, duct mary gland development, and an entire adult human
lavage, ductoscopy) [2,3], gaps in our knowledge of breast can be studied in stained and cleared serial sections
286 JJ Going et al.

2–3 mm thick [7]. This paper examines the challenge of The <x> <y> and <z> coordinates were ex-
extracting duct branching data from such thick sections of tracted from digital images of duct tracings created for
breast tissue. Breast ducts and neurons are both charac- all 25 breast slices from the original subgross photo-
teristically branching, so data structures designed to de- graphs. All points at which a duct could be observed
scribe neurons in neurophysiological modelling ought to entering one side of a thick section, bifurcation points
be adaptable to describing the breast ducts. identifiable within thick sections, and the points at
In addition, a novel methodology, episcopic fluores- which a duct was seen to exit from a slice were encoded.
cence image capture (EFIC) [9], is evaluated as a tool for Ducts exiting one slice were almost always identifiable
gathering 3D structural information about ducts in the entering the adjacent thick section, defining a parent/
crowded environment of the nipple. Conventional 3D child relationship between the two duct segments. The
reconstruction from images of serial sections has to <x> <y> coordinates of the point at which one duct
overcome two non-trivial challenges: registration left the ‘upper’ section did not always match exactly the
(determining image rotations and translations required <x> <y> coordinates of the point at which same duct
to align each image with the images above and below it was identified entering the next section, so the <x>
in the image stack) and segmentation (determining which <y> coordinates of the terminus of the ‘parent’ and the
areas of the image correspond to the object(s) to be beginning of the ‘child’ were normalised as <(xn+x¢n)/
reconstructed). Registration is unnecessary with inher- 2> and <(yn+y¢n)/2> where <xn> <yn> and
ently registered images generated by CT or MRI scan- <x¢n> <y¢n> were the x and y coordinates of the exit
ning, confocal or multiphoton microscopy, and EFIC of the ‘parent’ from the slice above and the entry of the
was devised to generate inherently registered images for ‘child’ into the slice below.
high-throughput structural phenotyping of transgenic Z coordinates were assigned to each plane of section
embryos [9]. Tissue embedded in opaque paraffin wax is starting at zero for the top of slice one, allowing an
sectioned and the cut surface of the tissue remaining in arbitrary increment of 10 pixel units for each successive
the block is imaged by autofluorescence after each sec- thick section. The same z measurement was attributed to
tion is cut. Provided no block movement occurs during the bottom of one section and the top of the next.
section cutting, images are perfectly registered. Bifurcations within the thickness of a section were
allocated z values by interpolation.
Materials and methods
Episcopic fluorescence image capture
This study pilots the modelling of duct branching in one
mammary lobe of a previously studied autopsy breast An unstained tissue block 2 mm thick containing the
[10,11], and also pilots the application of EFIC to the apex of the papilla of a surgical mastectomy breast fixed
generation of detailed 3D structural data from one in formaldehyde was embedded in paraffin wax dyed a
mastectomy nipple (not previously studied). deep red, which absorbs light emitted from below the
block surface. A total of 1100 images were collected of
Whole-breast ductal anatomy serial sections through the tissue at 2 lm intervals. Data
was collected in the original xy plane and in recon-
Public-domain neuron modelling software CVAPP structions in the xz and yz planes in the laboratory of
(University of Southampton; [12]) was used to model in Dr Tim Mohun at the National Institute for Medical
3D the largest duct system in a single autopsy breast Research, Mill Hill, London. The ducts were also
previously studied using subgross methods [10,11]. reconstructed by JJG in the public domain 3D recon-
CVAPP treats a neuron as a list of individual line seg- struction program ‘Reconstruct’ [13] using a subset of
ments. Each individual segment is represented using this 170 sections from the EFIC image stack. A total of 19
data structure: <identity number> <diameter> ducts were traced and visualised.
<type> <parent> <x> <y> <z>. Convention-
ally, the first item in the file is allocated number o. From
this origin a straight line segment <1> extends to ter- Results
minate at <x1><y1><z1>. If no branching occurs at
this point and the duct does not terminate, line segment Visualising whole-breast ductal anatomy
<2><diameter> <type> <1> <x2> <y2>
<z2>, will lead to <3> <diameter> <type> <2> In the case of the ‘subgross’ breast data the largest duct
<x3> <y3> <z3> until a bifurcation is reached at system was encoded in its entirety by manual extraction
the end of some line segment k. At this point the data file of 440 straight line sections, with some pruning of ter-
follows one branch past several more bifurcations if minal branches. The CVAPP model created in this
need be until a termination is reached. A jump back to manner is shown in Figure 1. This establishes that it is
the first bifurcation is made and the next branch, <n> possible to represent the 3D branching of an entire duct
<diameter> <type> <k> <xk> <yk> <zk> is system using data extracted from thick serial sections,
followed. Eventually the branching structure is encoded but manual data extraction was laborious and error-
in its entirety and the file ends. prone, requiring extensive checking. The absence of any
Human breast duct anatomy 287

duct lumens became smaller. Some would eventually

disappear altogether but others could be followed to the
surface, supporting the distinction between ‘type A’ and
‘type B’ nipple ducts proposed by Moffat and Going
[10]. To visualise this anatomy in greater detail, all
identifiable ducts (N=19) were traced individually in
every sixth section in the image stack (N=170) and
displayed in the ‘Reconstruct’ program. An image of all
the ducts (Figure 4) confirms that some can be traced
onto the skin surface while others cannot. Figure 5
contrasts two of these ducts in a closer view. EFIC
images did not, however, have sufficient resolution to
discriminate reliably between keratin plugging and duct
termination beneath the skin surface in the case of ducts
which could not be traced onto the skin surface.
Figure 1. Branching skeleton of a complete duct system in an adult
human breast. Data from subgross slices visualised in CVAPP. This is
a ‘snapshot’ view of a 3D model. Discussion
closed ‘cycles’ in this particular duct system can be ob-
served by rotating the model in CVAPP, but cannot Duct anatomy in the nipple
easily be appreciated from this single 2D projection.
The ducts in the nipple present some paradoxical fea-
Episcopic imaging of nipple ducts tures. There are ducts which can be cannulated from the
outside but do not appear to go anywhere in the breast
The stack of 1100 images representing the nipple [14]. There are sizable ducts in the nipple duct bundle
revealed the lumens of the major ducts as absence of signal which cannot be traced onto the skin surface [10]. There
(dark) against the bright autofluorescent background of are many more ducts in the nipple duct bundle than
the connective tissue of the nipple (Figure 2). There was appear to yield milk or can be cannulated, and indi-
variation in diameter between ducts and along their
length. Duct profiles were generally rounded except
furthest from the nipple surface where they began to
adopt the convoluted outlines characteristic of the cen-
tral breast ducts. Fine detail was visible. Viewing images
in sequence as a movie showed the course of a particular
duct through the tissue. As well as viewing data in the xy
plane in which it was collected it was also possible to
view data in the xz and yz planes also (Figure 3). Fine
detail was visible. As the surface was approached, the

Figure 2. Cross section in the x y plane through the ducts of a mas-

tectomy nipple about 1 mm below the skin surface, imaged by auto- Figure 3. EFIC reconstructed in the y z plane. Images 816, 820, 824,
fluorescence EFIC. This is one image out of a stack of 1100. No prior 828 and 832. These five closely spaced images of EFIC data show two
tissue staining has been used, so cytological detail is not captured by ducts which communicate with the skin surface (at the top in each
this approach. image). Horizontal banding in these images is an illumination artifact.
288 JJ Going et al.

Figure 5. Two individual ducts seen in close-up. On the left a duct

terminates before it reaches the skin surface; to the right a duct is
clearly traced in continuity onto the skin surface.
Figure 4. Three D reconstruction of ducts in the mastectomy nipple.
The inset shows how the 3D reconstruction relates to the intact nipple
(of a normal volunteer). Some ducts clearly reach the skin surface but confirmed as an effective tool for examining this
others do not identifiably do so. This may either be a consequence of question, although it may not always discriminate
the lumen being blocked by keratin, or the duct may truly not open
between disappearance of lumens due to keratin plug-
onto the nipple surface.
ging (in the case of type A ducts) or decreasing to very
small calibre (in the case of type B ducts). A fluores-
vidual duct systems vary greatly in their extent [10]. cent nuclear stain revealing duct epithelium in EFIC
Whether these anatomical differences imply differences images should clarify this issue.
in function or susceptibility to disease remains un-
known, but studies based on the approaches described Duct anatomy in the body of the breast
in this paper may contribute to their resolution.
Love and Barsky [14] found that on average 5–9 Many secondary accounts of breast anatomy describe
ducts yield milk in the lactating breast, a figure com- radial ‘lobes’ approximately equal in size, like segments
parable to the 9 central ducts identified by ultrasound of an orange or similar fruit. Primary data supporting
in lactating women [15]. These numbers are inconsis- this model is rarely quoted and Astley Cooper himself
tent with the well-documented median of 27 ducts at presented evidence against it [1]. Cooper injected dif-
the base of the papilla in mastectomy breasts [10]. ferent-coloured masses into individual duct systems in
Teboul and Halliwell [16] have suggested that this large the breasts of women dying in established lactation.
number is a consequence of duct branching within the Dissection of individual duct systems showed that dif-
nipple. An alternative model, based on 3D recon- ferent duct systems vary greatly in size and may lie over
struction of a mastectomy nipple, postulates two dif- or under one another, rather than adopting a strictly
ferent populations of ducts in the nipple: a minority radial configuration. Cooper likens their intertwinings
corresponding to the 5–9 ducts yielding milk during to the roots of a tree.
lactation, and a larger number of ducts tapering to an Duct injection studies in mastectomy breasts may be
origin from skin appendages, but not actually opening compromised by extravasations, blockages, leakage
on the skin surface [10]. In this model there is no duct from cut ends, and the difficulty of injecting every duct
branching in the nipple. The EFIC data reported here system. It seems unlikely that the small-calibre ‘type B’
did not show any branching in the first 2 mm or so ducts described by Going and Moffat would readily be
below the skin surface, which does not exclude injected. In ‘subgross’ thick section studies the ramifi-
branching in the papilla at a deeper level, but EFIC is cations of a duct system can be followed wherever they
Human breast duct anatomy 289

go, and with patience it is possible to visualise all ducts procedure from one plane to the next would bring the
and their branching in a complete breast. whole stack into alignment and from this aligned data
individual duct systems and their branching would be
extractable and modellable.
Subgross sections are suitable for subsequent histo-
logical processing, and the digital model could be used
Duct anastamoses allowing abnormally proliferating
to show whether histological abnormalities involve sin-
and motile cells to escape from one duct system into
gle or multiple duct systems, a point of interest in rela-
another could explain the very extensive DCIS some-
tion to the development of mammary pathology and
times observed. Anastamoses could also be significant
neoplasia, and to map molecular as well as histological
for intraduct approaches to breast diagnosis and treat-
changes into their whole-breast developmental/mor-
ment: without anastamoses there is only one path
phological context.
between a duct opening on the apex of the nipple and
any parenchymal unit derived from that central duct.
Anastamoses could provide alternate pathways. Ohtake Optimising for subsequent molecular analysis
has reported anastamoses [17,18] but Going and Moffat
[10] did not find any in the breast they studied inten- To optimise the scope of subsequent molecular analysis,
sively; Love and Barsky [14] did not find evidence of some drawbacks of classical subgross methods may need
anastamoses in several different studies, including a to be circumvented. Prolonged fixation in formaldehyde
review of an extensive ductography archive; and Cooper before cutting thick sections would be impossible to
himself says that in all the dissections he made, only one integrate with tissue processing in a diagnostic service
anastamosis was ever found. This question remains laboratory, and damages tissue antigens and nucleic
undecided. Experience of 3D duct modelling suggests acids, compromising immunohistochemistry and other
that great care is required to avoid errors in duct tracing, analyses such as PCR. Overnight cooling on ice may
which could create a false impression that anastamoses allow slicing at appropriate thickness prior to fixation
exist when, in fact, they do not. [4], so the ‘subgross’ methodology should be adaptable
for later molecular analysis. Fixation in 70% ethanol
Data structures representing duct branching may be more suitable for subsequent molecular analysis
than formaldehyde [22], and fluorescent dyes like the
The necessity imposed by the CVAPP data structure to dimeric cyanines which become intensely fluorescent
identify ‘parent’/‘child’ relationships explicitly for every when bound to DNA [23] may have advantages over
pair of line segments complicated duct tracing from haematoxylin and alum carmine.
subgross material. Although a compact representation of
the data, it required endless cross-reference between ‘Field change’ and cancer risk in human breast
adjacent thick sections to follow ducts correctly, and
complexity of duct branching limited the manual duct A motive for seeking to understand whole-breast duct
tracing studies of Going and Moffat to one case. It would anatomy is to understand breast cancer origins, and to
be a great advantage if structures present in a thick sec- investigate possible patterns of ‘field change’ in breast.
tion could be encoded without having to look at adjacent The emergence of more than one malignancy in a tissue
sections. Working on 2D photographs, one only knows field (e.g. oesophageal squamous cancer in a patient who
that a duct leaves a thick section heading ‘up’ into section has had a previous head and neck cancer) may follow
n)1 because a corresponding duct appears in that section exposure to common aetiological factors. Some (if not
and not in section n+l, so one must look at the adjacent all; [24]) bilateral breast cancer is likely to be explained
sections to find out which is the case. Stereoscopic images on such a basis. But other kinds of ‘field change’ may be
would show whether a duct exits slice n on the side of possible. A cell that acquired a growth-promoting
slice n)1 or slice n+l. Instead of the parent/child data mutation might establish a large clone of descendents,
structure, each duct element could be described by the which might not be histologically detectable if there was
<x><y><z> coordinates of both ends. Once this no morphological phenotype. Such a cell arising before
had been achieved for all duct elements in every thick thelarche could be the founder of an extensive duct sys-
section ducts leaving section ‘n’ would need to be mat- tem in its own right; X inactivation ‘patch size’ in normal
ched to ducts entering sections n)1 or n+1 in the rele- breast is at least as big as a lobule [25,26], but could be
vant plane. In this data structure, separate 2D ‘point larger; information on this point could show how widely
clouds’ correspond to the ‘down’ side of slice n and the a mutation prior to thelarche might be dispersed within
‘up’ side of slice n+l. If section preparation has caused developing breast. Such a cell arising after thelarche
little distortion, translation and rotation in the z plane could give rise to daughter cells replacing the normal
will bring the two point clouds into registration and al- population, increasing cancer risk. Either mechanism
low matching of the corresponding points. This is a well could create a ‘sick lobe’ at increased risk of neoplastic
understood problem in the computing sciences, with a transformation, so the lobar architecture of the breast is
number of algorithmic solutions [19–21]. Iteration of this potentially relevant to mammary carcinogenesis and also
290 JJ Going et al.

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current status and future prospects. Eur J Surg Oncol 31: 3–8, 2005 E-mail:

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