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Participants were selected for this research Design

through the process of random selection from a
This study was done to analyze the connection
target audience. Total numbers of 100
of depression with internet usage. The
participants were selected for this research
participants were randomly selected
irrespective of their gender, race, ethnicity and
irrespective of any gender, race, ethnicity and
religion. The participants selected for this
religion. The interviews of the participants
research included people from all walks of life.
were conducted to measure the four variables:
Students from universities, High Schools and
Loneliness, Depression, Self-esteem, Social
Middle Schools were selected. Adults (age
support and Insomnia. The variables were
ranging from 25 to 65) were selected. Most of
measured as they manipulate the independent
the adults were employed and some of them
variable which is the “The Internet Usage”.
were unemployed or weren't interested in
The participants were provided with unlimited
pursuing employment. Senior citizens were also
internet connection and no restrictions were
part of this research. We've also included people
imposed on their usage of computers. The
with disabilities, special needs, transgender and
participant’s internet activity was monitored
people from the LGBTQ community to
for a period of three months.
diversify our research. In the selection of the
participants it was established that the Measures
participants had access to internet and computer
Depression was measured using the Center
system in their homes and offices. According to
for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale
the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and
(CES-D). The scale consists of 20 items
Code of Conduct 2017 provided by the
relating to mood and behavior (e.g., “I was
American Psychological Association (APA)
bothered by things that usually don’t bother
the participants were informed about the
me,” “I felt hopeful about the future,” “I
research and its process. All queries of the
talked less than usual”). Subjects rate each
participants regarding the research were
five-point scale (1 = Not at all characteristic of
answered. Consent of the participants was taken
me; 5 = Very much characteristic of me).
before the start of the research and no part of the
research was kept hidden from the participants.
Loneliness was measured using the UCLA
Permission was taken from the participants to
Loneliness Scale. The 20 item scale was used
monitor their internet activities for collecting
to measure one’s personal feelings of
data regarding the research. It was made sure
loneliness and social isolation. Participants
that the data collected from the participant’s
rate each item as O (“I often feel this way”), S
internet activities will only be used for research
(“I sometimes feel this way”), R (“I rarely feel
purposes and privacy of any participant will not
this way”), and N (“I never feel this way”).
be at risk.
Self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg RESULT
Self-Esteem Scale, which is a 10 item scale
According to the conducted statistical analysis
focusing on both positive and negative feelings
of the data obtained from the research it was
of a person (e.g., “I feel that I have a number of
observed that several features that correlated
good qualities,” “ I feel I do not have much to
depression with increased internet usage.
be proud of”). Subjects rate each five point scale
From the research we found out that people
(1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree).
who scored high on the Depression and
Loneliness scale and low on Social Support
Social Support was measured using the Social
scale used the internet emphatically. In other
Support Questionnaire. It is a 27-item
words, we found a trend: in general, the more
questionnaire designed to measure subject’s
a participant’s score on the survey indicated
approach of social support and satisfaction with
depression, the more his or her internet usage
social support. Each item is a question that
was. 20% of the 100 participants were
solicits a two-part answer: Part 1 asks
university and school going students who used
participants to list all the people that fit the
the internet tremendously even though they
description of the question, and Part 2 asks
weren't suffering from any psychological
participants to indicate how satisfied they are, in
disorders. The reason conferred from this is
general, with the people mentioned in the first
the students nowadays have access to
part of the questionnaire.
advanced technology and more leisure time as
compared to adults that’s why the students use
Insomnia was measured using the Sleep Quality
the internet more. We conclude that the
Scale (SQS). It is a questionnaire which requires
students who are using the internet
about 5 to 10 minutes to be solved and the
excessively will likely develop depression and
participants indicate how frequently they exhibit
other psychiatric disorders, the students will
Certain sleep behaviors (0 = “few,” 1 =
isolate themselves from the outside world just
“sometimes,” 2 = “often,” and 3 = “almost
to satisfy their urge to be on the internet most
always”). Total scores can range from 0 to 84,
of the time, continuing this act will make
with higher scores demoting more acute sleep
students prefer isolation and they will score
high on loneliness and insomnia scale. 55% of
the 100 participants were adults (age ranging
Statistics for this research were measured using
from 25 to 65) who used the internet at a
the IBM SPSS statistics software and its version
much lower rate compared to the students;
is 25. The software was used to analyze the
adult participants were mostly employed and
quantitative data obtained from observation of
married or involved in a relationship, by this
the research.
we confer that the adults compared to the
students had less leisure time to be on the
The adults’ rate of internet usage was very less REFRENCES
than the students and their scores on every scale
were very improved compared to the students.
There were people who had a good social 1. Rodgers, Dr. Kimberly S. Young and
support and high self-esteem spent less time on Robert C. 1998. Internet Addiction:
the internet and this quality was found in the Personality traits associated with its
adult group of participants in our research who development. Bradford : s.n., 1998.
weren’t addicted towards internet and
technology but was into mainly face to face
interaction with peers. The adults who were 2. Russell, D , Peplau, L. A.. & Ferguson,
employed used computer and internet M. L. 1978. Developing a measure of
excessively but the internet was used for work loneliness. s.l. : Journal of Personality
purposes and obtaining information. Some Assessment, 1978. 42, 290-294.
adults showed increased usage of internet and
3. Rosenberg, M. 1965. Society and the
their depression and loneliness were high, this is
adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ :
because these adults were divorcees,
Princeton University Press, 1965.
unemployed or suffering depression and anxiety
due to external factors. People with disabilities
showed reasonable use of the internet but one 4. Abdolmajid Bahrainian, A. Khazaee.
thing has to be noted that operating a computer 2014. Internet Addiction among Students:
for a disabled person is difficult that’s why they the Relation of Self-esteem and Depression
do not use the internet excessively. Participants Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 3 (3),
from the LGBTQ community used the internet pg 1-6
reasonably but one thing has to be noted that the
internet is an unwelcoming place for the 5. Sarason, I.G., Levine, H.M., Basham,
LGBTQ community as they are ridiculed on the R.B. 1983. Assessing social support: the
internet. 8% of the 100 participants are disabled Social Support Questionnaire. Journal of
and belong to the LGBTQ community. 17% of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, pg
the 100 participants were senior citizens who 127- 139
used the internet reasonably as they are less
aware about the technology and the internet. 6. Lewinsohn, P. M., Seeley, J. R., Roberts,
From the research it has been concluded that R. E., & Allen, N. B. (1997). Center for
increased depression and loneliness level forces Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
a person to use the internet excessively or a (CES-D) as a screening instrument for
person who starts to use the internet depression among community-residing
emphatically will start developing depression older adults. Psychology and Aging, 12(2),
and other disorders gradually. In order to pg 277–287.
confirm these findings, it would be useful to
replicate this research for reliability.

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