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Symmetry means "exact reflection of a shape on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane" or "balance
among the parts of something .


If there are two parts of a graph that are congruent (similar) to each other. Then we say that graphs are

In example The given equation is

y  x4  x2
The graph of this equation is symmetric about y-axis because replacing x with –x will make no difference
to the equation as

1 1
y  ( x) 4  ( x) 2  x 4  x 2
8 8
It means that the graph to the left of y-axis will be the mirror image of the graph to the right of y-axis as
is shown in the figure given below.
You can easily draw this graph on the paper by making a table of values for x and y.

For example, for x = 0,

y  (0) 4  (0) 2  0
For x = 1, y =-7/8 and for x = 2, y = -2 and so on.

Notice that for x = -1 value of y is same as is for x = 1 i.e., y =-7/8. Same is the case for x =2 and x = -2.

This is the reason that the graph represents a mirror image across the y- axis.

Now, you can take other positive and negative values of x to observe this by your own self.

How can we check the symmetry about x-axis, y-axis and origin:
Symmetry about X-axis:

If we replace each y by –y, and there will be no change in the equation, then the graph will be symmetric
about X-axis

For example:

y2 = x+4

Replace y by –y, then

(-y) 2 = x+4

y2 = x+4

Which shows, it is symmetric about X-axis

Symmetry about Y-axis:

If we replace each x by –x, and there will be no change in the equation, then the graph will be symmetric
about y-axis

For example:

x2 = y+4

Replace y by –y, then

(-x) 2 = y+4

x2 = y+4

Which shows, it is symmetric about y-axis

Symmetry about Origin:

If we replace each x by –x and y by –y, and there will be no change in the equation, then the graph will
be symmetric about origin

For example:

y = x3

Replace y by –y, and x by –x, we get

(-y) = (-x)3

-y = -x3

y = x3

Which shows, it is symmetric about Origin.

Symmetric about Origin

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