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68 Se tu m’ami, se sospiri If thou lovst me Arietta English version by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi Dr. Theodore Baker (710-1730) Andantino J:s8 a p Voice so - spi-ri Sol per me, gen-til_ pa - stor, est ev-er But for me, O gen- tle_ swain, ‘tuoi mar-ti- ri, Ho di-let-to del tuga-mor, — Ma se_ pen- si lov-ing fa-vor, Pi-ti-ful I feel thy pain. Should’st thou think tho’ Copyright, 1894, by G. Schirmer, Inc. - Copyright renewal assigned, 1026, to G. Sehirmer, Ino. a che so- let-to fo ti_ deb-ba ri - a-mar, Pa - sto-rel - lo, that de- mure-ly T_ on_ thee a- lone maysmile, Sim - ple shep-herd a tempo sei sogget-to Fa- cil-mentea t'in - gannar; Pa. sto-rel- lo, sei sog-get-to thou art surely Prone thysens-es to be-guile; Sim- ple shepherd, thou art surely Fa- cil- men-tes tin-gannar, Fa - eil- men-tes tingannar, Bel-la ro-sa Prone thy_sens-es to be-guile, prone thy_sens-es_ to be-guile, As a fair red oreso. poco crese. = por- po- ri-na Og-gi Sil-via _sce- glie- ra, Con la seu - sa rose, a lov- er Fain might Syl-via choose to - day, Hap-ly if__ he Is assve = 70 4 = fempre eves : = *: 9 = = == eee Do-man poi Ia sprez-ze-ra, _Do-man poi 1a_ sprez-ze- rh. ‘Tis to-mor- row thrown a- way. del- la spi- na thorns dis - cov- er "Tis to- morrowthrown a- way, co Sempre crese. — <= a Ma do-glinomi-ni— con-si- glio se-gui- rd Non per-ch8. mi Allmen say of maid - en-fol- ly Finds no fa-vor inmine eyes, Nor because I > > = ~ Io per me non = oy pia-ceil gi- glo Glial-tri fio- ri _sprez-ze - rd. love the lil- y Shall I oth-er flow's de- spise. 80 - spi-ri Sol per ev-er But for mi, se ta and sigh - est tu ma - thou lov'st me, aas7e m rit B P atempo > — 2 —— - — == =EF ae je Se a SSS SS ss f woe tS me, gen-til_ pa - stor, Ho do-lor de’ tuoi mar-ti- ri, Ho di- let- to me, O gen-tle— swain, Sweet I find thy lov-ing fa-vor, Pi-ti- ful I be =: = a rit. bbe = a = deltuqa-mor, Ma_ se_ pen- si che so-let-to Io_ti deb-ba ri ~ feel thy pain. ShouldStthou think tho’, that de-mure-ly I__ on thee a-lone—. a tempo Pa-sto-rel- lo, sei sog-get-to Fa - cil-men-te_a t'in - gan-nar, Pa- sto-rel - lo, Sim-ple shepherd, thou art sure-ly Prone thysens-es to be-guile, Simple shepher'! a tempo _ erese. ier fe sei sog-get-to Fa cil - men-te_a t'in-gannar, thou artsure-ly Prone thy_sens-es_ to be-gui Gee's fis Gag = | erese. —— | pee = he = = 4872

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