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Hydraulic piling hammer for driving steel piles.

The Hydrohammer is a hydraulic impact hammer used for driving steel piles. With its unique
design the hammer makes it suitable for all types of onshore and offshore piling and foundation
work, ranging from starter piles to the biggest monopiles in the world. The hammer has been
active since 1984 and developed an extensive track record in the Coastal & Civil, Oil & Gas and
Wind & Renewables markets.
Tipes of proyects ideal for hydrohammer use.
It can be used for sheet profiles, caissons, spun piles and driving steel piles for conductors,
jackets, tripods, mooring systems, pipeline initiation piles, PLEM foundation piles, subsea
template foundations, monopiles and starter piles.
It can install piles efficiently, safely and can be used in combination with our noise mitigation
system; The Integrated Monopile Installer.
Tipes of hydrohammers.

The S-series

 Hydrohammer S-30 to S-4000 ( 30kJ – 4000kJ)

 Especially designed for driving steel piles
 Can be used for driving free standing anchor piles through the Fast or Slotted Frame
 Wide range up to 7,5 meters
The SC- series

 Hydrohammer SC-110 to SC-200 ( 110kJ – 200kJ)

 Specially designed for driving concrete and steel piles
IHC Hydraulic piling hammer working.

S4000 Hydrohammer.

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