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Semester 1 Reflection:

1. I am most proud of my fear play because I spent a lot of time writing it. I was very proud
of it and I even did the retake to make it better. After doing the retake I realized how
much better it was than the old one. I was even prouder of the new one. I feel like I did
well with the setting. “Emily gets in her car and drives to the doctors where she is going
to meet her parents. When she arrives at the hospital, she is shaking. She walks into the
doctors and sees her parents. They are sitting in wooden chairs. The doctor’s office is
filled with posters describing the muscles and bones in the body.” My setting is very
descriptive and makes you feel like you are there. I also feel like I did a good job
changing from a narrator to just having it be setting. For example, “The game starts, and
Emily is still on the bench. 20 minutes into the game, her team is winning 1-0.” I realized
that I didn’t need a narrator and I feel like it improved my play a lot.
2. I would most like to improve my vocab and quality of writing. My writing is correctly
formed and has good ideas, but I need to add more complex vocabulary and try to express
my thoughts in a deeper way. I stated in an AWP in my analysis, “They lived as if they
could not sin or do anything wrong, or else they would go to hell.” This is a very surface
level analysis. I need to go deeper with my ideas. In my English narrative I state, “I have
always been a good student”. I could replace the word good with a better vocabulary
word. Good is not a complex vocab word.

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