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ESSAY WRITING FOOD SECURITY BILL “There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread”, said Charles Dickens. So hungry are some people that the minute details of their bones can be easily seen as there is absolute absence of any muscles’ between the bones and their pale skin. They are even denied the minimum bare’ necessity of life. Iwo square meals would sound sumptuous meals to them but alas! Even after sixty-five years of independence the stark reality is that 20 crore people go hungry every day in our country, This is outright violation of the most important fundamental sight-The Right to Life. Hence the need to guarantee and secure this basic right to food which was long overdue has seen a dawn with the passing of Food Security Bill in the Lok Sabha. Food Security Bill provides legal entitlement of cheaper food grains to 67% of the country’s population. It ensures the provision of 5 kilograms of rice at Rs. 3, or wheat at Rs. 2 or coarse grains at Re. 1 per kg every month to approximately 82 crore people of India. This scheme will cover 75% of rural population and 50% of the urban population. The cost of scheme is a whopping 1.3 lakh crore rupees but all concerns about a burgeoning current account deficit and falling growth was in abeyance while the vote in favour of the bill was concluded on August 26, 2013 in the Lok Sabha This bill is a ray of hope for the millions of deprived and destitute who go hungry every day. Whatever question may be raised by the Opposition regarding the timing of the bill tabled, the benefits are tremendously philanthropic and humanitarian. Certain existing schemes like Antodaya Anna Yojana (for the poorest of the poor}, cheap food to 32 crore people under BPL, ICDS(for kids below 6 years) etc will be subsumed under this humungous project. ‘Termed as ‘game changer’ by UPA-2, this bill has sarcastically been termed as Vote Security Bill and ridiculed as a farce and eye wash as on one hand the Government stated that 21% of India’s population is below poverty line while on the other hand this scheme will cover 67% of the population. Apart from this, this scheme will push up the, Government's spending which will increase the current account deficit not desirable in the present situation of economic slump. There are also other concerns that India’s procurement for the scheme will push up world’s food prices in case of drought and under- production. There are certain other grey areas and missing links. States will have to identify beneficiaries. This can create problems as exclusion criteria are not Clear. Centre is to share transmission and commission cost which needs to be worked. out, 20% to 35% possible leakage in PDS needs to be plugged and storage capacity must be improved. Food Security Bill may be called a small step by the Government but a giant leap towards mankind with its benign objective of wiping out hunger as well as the tears. It is for the people who are less fortunate, condemned to hunger and malnutrition. The end result of this bill is sure to bring a faint smile on the lips of a starving child, the innocent smile which would relieve the conscience of those rolling in riches, at least a little. Amputated? limbs*, headless? torso‘, charred® body, heart rending sight‘. Our present world! We surely didn't struggle to scale the ladder? of civilization® for this result. Terror had always been in this world. Organized? and disorganized’? wars have always caused several human lives to perish", But the global and extremely organized form to terrorism aided’? with the lethal‘ and sophisticated weapons’ of mass destruction’* had never been there in the past history of human civilization. From being savage"? to civilized, man adopted certain new values. ‘These values resulted in the development of certain human tendencies! which on one hhand unite the people irrespective™® of their ‘race, culture, caste, creed™ and religion, lwhile on the other hand create danger for lhumanity. The former human tendency helps life blossom”, on this earth but the latter™* jassisted by the fanatics®®. and extremists equipped” with the latest® inventions of, science and technology is posing a seri threat before the world in the form of glot terrorism. Terrorism is an act of terror which a fear in the mind of the common people. The path resorted by the terroristelg full of bloodshed®, massacre™ and snes Today terrorism has become. and it main targets are the democratic Countries of the world. Since democracysis tBE best form of |governance® ldeplorable™. The situati countries join hands [those countries wi friendly relation; earted® crimi lby the terror joting countries. When ‘about terrorism, we need to lund ‘difference between terrorists, epi the naxalites*” as India is ofeénly external but also internal . Although, all the three mentioned n be defined in three separate definitions yet, to keep it simple, separatists lare those who wish to get separated from a [particulars country, religion or race while INaxalites are those whose main problem is related to their economy especially the land. ‘The most serious threat is from tern ided by international terrorist organigation who commit hineous crime in the ni oly war. Though different in their fo origin all the three sooner or later™ regortyo grotesque murder, hijacking and mankind. India has beef facing the problem of terrorism since Shoe oid has tied to raise the issue before all international bodies time and again but plaints fell on deaf ears‘. This gigantic’? attracted the attention of the wholpayorld only on 11% September 2001 whe rica was attacked. Today a huge f money is spent in fighting ageingeieriam and the citizens of every cot living is constant fear of terrorists att § threat to ther it is India or the world, there are in reasons behind the problem of| ism. To deal with this problem, it is tremely essential to know the reasons, hind it. It is believed that the main reasons are poverty and backwardness. Besides these, ignorance‘ and illiteracy‘ are also the other causes but can poor people afford sophisticated ‘weapons? Can illiterate people use biological*® ‘weapons and latest technology? Of course not. ‘These terrorists are neither poor not backward. Infact, the so called global terrorists are fanatics. They use the unemployed youth to ‘spread terrorism in the world and itis a matter, of sorrow that they do so in the name of religions though all of us know that no religion preaches" terrorism. Now the question arises ‘what is the solution of this problem?’ Firstly the developed ‘countries must understand that terrorism of| one country is no less severe** than the terrorism of another country. So, all the terrorist organizations should be dealt” strictly®®. Anyone found guilty of terrorism should be severely punished and adequate security should be provided to the common people. But, terrorism has another aspect also. The policies of developed countries and the inability of the United Nations in restricting them in many matters of international importance have aggravated® the already volatile situation and have promoted terrorism. If Might is Right’ becomes the norm®* of life, as seen in the matter of Iraq, it will be suraly adopted by one and all including the terrorist organizations. Secondly, employment opportunities should be given to the youths® of terrorism affected states and rehabilitation’? opportunities should be provided to those lyouth who were forced to join terrorist organizations due to poverty and unemployment. Children and youths should [be taught that no religion teaches terrorism jand education based on modern technique [should be promoted all over the world, Children [should be taught the importance of tolerance™* Jand brotherhood. This problem requires a permanent solution which demands an honest effort and not just lip service®. (MEANINGS) 1. Amputated-#2 2. Limbs-sra-ay 3. headless-frn fat #7 4. torso sre 5. charred 77H [51 6. heart rending sight-fee see 4 arenyera 7. tadder-fe wen 8. civilization-wam 19. Organized -wntza % 10. disorganized afer ™~y 11. perish 1 da Papp: 12, aided -werre er 13, lethal-aee = . sophisticated Pref weapons -#fia._ ~ masa destructign Ss a= savage -Prid’) 18, new valués “4 3-2 19. tendenciesy—vex"= oh 20. inrespective fries 21 Agage —7 22. creed -yR aa 23, 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. a. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38, 39, 40, blossom -faen latter “are fanatics wee extremists worth equipped —afra latest sre massacre wan, callousness governance -rns! deplorable iz hard hearted’ A@ fee separatlstS\ysererad naialited yp aeeare sefious threat -i¥it eat 4. deaf ears av ar 42. 3. 44. 46. 46. 47. 48. 49. giganue -H4er poverty headstart programmeCapart size competent wat relying -frk wate” clutches gi Reviewing ‘yy ftctors a a harinonious -wrmppt Constitution framers afar fra {ndiciolsly amet @ A famous saying? goes like this ‘God cannot be everywhere, so he created mother’ and another reads ‘God dwells? where women are ‘worshipped’, It is quite interesting to see that we want either to worship a woman as a Goddess* or hate her as a whore’. Why doesn't the society let her live as a woman, just a simple living being made of blood and flesh? Why Jcan’t she be a normal human being and not a symbol of tolerance and sacrifice*? Our patriarchalé form of society made the woman believe that she will carve a niche” for herself in the heaven, if she remains chaste’, tolerant, sacrificial, faithful and most important of all if she worships her husband and treats him like Ja God. She was given a subordinate position? jin the society and was confined’ within four jwalls, to help her remain chaste and pure, which was supposed to help her develop godly "Women are not born, they are made”. In India, female exploitation is refleéted in™ sati, wife beating, dowry deaths, eve teasing’?, child prostitution, female feeticide'éte. Besides defective and ingffective'* legislation", it is the traditional ‘attitudes towards women and their role, An@ystatus in the family and the society, witty is mainly responsible for the continiaNy, Zbuffering of women. a”! oo Most of the crimes agpingt women in India jare directly traceable!"to their inferior [subservient position, sported hy religions and social norms#®Ror/women empowerment, the first requirements educating the women. If we educate aman, we educate an individual, but if we educate a woman, we educate family. Beside¥ this an educated mind can only think and evaluate”, Just as the /knoWiedge"0! English language helped some revolittjonists*® in gaining information about {the French revolution and then raising similar demands in India, the knowledge about right to equality and equal opportunity will help the |women to come out of their cocoon”? and loccupy equal status in the society. auppressed™, Women Empowerment Women also need to haveyddequate representation in the seats of power, Sadly the 50 percent population of worrieh ha only 20 percent representatives in thePatliament. The Women Reservation Bill,is Shamelessly resisted? by many parliamétvayians on one or other frivolous** exotse®”. Adequate representation inytHe Parliament will be helpful for women 4s, then they would be able to frame and implertent”* laws tor the weltare of the women. Some people oppose this citing the example gf Panchayats where women sarpanch are puppets in the hance of their male count¢rparts™®, We need to understand that, this is the transition® stage. Today they have tH@\power. Tomorrow they will understand its value and day after tomorrow they Will, Use it. We cannot expect changes overnight. Secondly they need to be financially independent. In the absence of powers!?. Time and again she was narrated the ¢fthancial independence only she became a. stories of Sati Savitri and Sita. It is right ° , exploited and impoverished iclass of the society. As society progressed, Givision of labour took place. Women took the charge of rearing®” the children which was not an easy task at that time, but this led to their financial dependence on men. The earning members of the society became stronger, socially active and all powerful. Women lost their social status. Now the need to be financially independent is felt because if the women are financially independent, the chances of tolerating domestic violence decrease. They are then more confident and are aware of their rights and know how and where to go to seek redressal® of their grievances”. Women must demand their rights and must not just wait for any mercy" or miracle, They must not tolerate exploitation in any form. In the name of family and honour many women have sacrificed th lives. This has done nothing but worsened’? the condition of women .They must take care of themselves. They shouldn't let others take them for granted®, Women should respect themselves. They do not need to be like men to be respected. They are the creator of life on this earth. They command respect not as Goddesses but as women, the most beautiful creation of God. (MEANINGS) 1. saying ere 2. God dwells -Fera sen 3. Goddess -®t 4. whore tea 8. sacrifice -sewtem wa fret 6, patriarchal frre 7. niche -em 18. chaste -3fr 9, subordinate position -afirre at 10. confined eT 11. godly powers -tfaw fie 12. teasing -@emTe 13, foeticide -sree 14, Besides defective -gept sem 15, ineffective we 16, legislation feet 17. continual -erare 18, traceable -wa arn (feat ix St sf) 19, subservient -2# 120. norms Pres 21, evaluate ameter et }22, evolutionists Weert 24 25. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. . frivolous -a8 27. | cocoon —sifis waa (aa tam wet wate) shamelessly er @ resisted frm cH excuse ~aeti implement -am 70 citing -zeta ecm Puppets -yren ; counterparts -ain, _) transition -@ agai Fite financially indepéndént -srtty 54 3 watt suppressed Ade’ exploited fey) impoveriGity he reafing “a7 98, egressal eft a evances fram mercy -<1 pssilrocle wm a] ai worsened 3 4s. 44, granted -eat dh 4 dt creator TIE Ragging Raging is a word which i sufficient to send raging and this is the one and onkypérmanent shivers down the spine of thousands of students solution. Finally, alternate means Ghinteraction who have undergone horrible and mind between freshers and seniors need to be numbing experience on their first few days in nurtured. rf their College. The legal definition of ragging is ‘Doing an act which causes or is likely to cause Jany physical, psychological and physiological /harm or shame or embarrassment to a student’ This includes teasing, abusing or playing practical jokes or causing hurt to a student or asking @ student to do an act which he/she [would not do in the ordinary course of life’ Very recently the Supren® court came tothe fore with strict guidclines/té prevent ragging in Colleges and educational.institutions. The guidelines on raggingJare based on the recommendations made by the Susreme Cont committee on ragging headed by R.K Raghvan. This included immediate rustication of senior students indulged in"mgging and action against Ragging initially meant the introduction of | the heads of fheinstitttions where ragging takes, juniors to their seniors, so that they could be at place, sensitizing senior students and checking harmony in their college but gradually this act alcoholistinin cbllege campus. Even the SHO and or introduction crossed the limits of healthy SP willbe held responsible if any act of ragging interaction and entered the domain of teasing takés\plate in the area that falls in their Jand then to physical abuse and shockingly even Jusisdiction, sexual. The abused freshers suffer from serious } sychological trauma and continue to this iz Po eon terest of thelr ines, Substantial ume, (Sityazd helps students come out of their shell, ‘words and ink have been spent in discussing’ at He si abt of Geetesaicnn, acces ays beiaens, Meee ee esse Ee ize and a caus of shame ora ecety which tn incidents and i flcts of meting put Nothervise wants to be called civilized of rooting out this savage and barbaric qrm At welcoming students. This problem aggravated with the rapid mushrooming wr private Engineering and Medical Colleges, in"tht early 190'S. Since quite a good number of stich colleges Jare in South India, this part of dia became a hub of brutal activities. One of fhe worst affected states, Tamil Nadu broughfiegjslation against ragging in 1997 and jw-a06i the Hon'ble [Supreme Court banned Fagging throughout the country. This led to deéPease in day time ragging in campus which witht Teast a relatively eafe mode ofinteracodgpilé more thevatening snd Te’shhigh time we thought ragging is harmless (MEANINGS) Send shivers - wi 3 farm mtg aT down the spine Undergone = - 4 eT (V3 of undergo} Horrible - oe Mind numbing- fem ga = @ ret Embarrassment- wot Teasing - Rea virulent forms oPegging in hostels continue to | Abusing = ane trie in most the Colleges. Playing | For a coniplete and comprehensive solution | Practical jokes ofthis problema, We will have to adopt three forked | initially - owe solution first end the deterrent one is to - Harmony Bem Crossed, - wer Healthy - ere airs interaction Domain - 3H Trauma - te giveletriet punishment to the culprits. Under this measiite, the accused must be immediately handed Over to police and stringent legal action should be taken against them by both the college as well as court. Secondly, through awareness it must be spread that ragging is a legal and social crime, This would slowly but surely check. Substantial Il effects Initiate Rooting out Savage Barbaric Aggravate Rapid Mushrnaming Hub Brutal ‘Threatening Virulent Comprehensive Forked Deterrent Culprits E Handed over - Stringent = Awareness - Alternate Nurture : Fore - Strict - Guidelines Rustication Indulged Sensitizing-%, Alcoholiga\,* Recently, there has been a spate! of honour killings and it has been a burning issue? for sometime in India, On one hand we claim that Iwe are progressing by leaps and bounds? and becoming an economic Superpower which is more often represented by a so called “shining India” and such other fantastic’ and well- coined? phrases while on the other hand it is a matter of shame that we have the laws of Medieval India supporting such heinous crimes still existing in our society not only in rural India but also in metropolitan cities like Dethi. Perpetrators? of honour Killing have [become bold and are killing their own family members and loved ones® in broad daylight’, jwithout any remorse”. What is still worse is that the community they belong to seems to support them and hold them in high esteem! for saving the honour of their family and community, Numerous such barbaric acts of honour killing have atlast forced the government to consider amending laws to award stringent punishment to offenders Jinvolved in honour killing. ( Honour killing is defined as a deathythat i® awarded to a woman of the family as|well as her paramour for marrying against the parents wishes, or for having extramarital? or premarital! relationships, marrying'within the jsame gotra or outside one’s caste"or marrying ja cousin. Sociologists believe that the reason why honour killings continnesto take place is because of the continued rigidity of the caste system. Hence the fear of I afaine their caste [status through which ie Be in many benefits makes them commit thiSsheinous crime. The lother reason why noe killings are taking place is because the Wnentality of people has not changed and. théyjust cannot accept that marriages can fake place in the same gotra or outside one’s easte or that their sub-ordinate™, ithe girls whOwgbey their each and every order Honour Killing | meelcly!® dare” to choose their own htiSbands. e in Khap Panchayat which has great gocial and political importance. The Khap was’a system of social administration and*erganization in the republics of North-western Indian states such as Haryana, Rajasthan arid Uttar Pradesh since ancient times. Khap‘s 4 term for a social - political grouping and used in a geographical sense. It is an irony" that even in the 91% century the age old"tradition , customs and social administration like khap panchayat are so powerful and yeyered"*. According to the medieval tradifeg/ppople living in adjoining villages belofigtto thé same clan, regardless of their gotra8p, ane are ruled by the principle of brotherhéod. Marriage between two people in adjgining villages is thus thought of as incest, and prohibited by the Panchayat. The Khap Panchayats are demanding a change in Section 5 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, to Aigallow marriage between couples from the (gate gotra and living in the same village. ‘angaroo” village councils in such States Jexecute ‘death sentences’ and other acts of violence with impunity even as the hapless administration looks on. What can we do to prevent such a heart- rending thing from happening? Firstly, the mentality of the people has to change. And when we say that the mentality has to chenge, we mean to say that parents should accept their children’s wishes regarding marriage as it is they who have to lead a life with their life partners and if they are not satisfied with their life partner, they will lead a horrible married life which might even end in suicide. Secondly, we need to have stricter laws to deal with these kinds of killings as this is a crime which cannot be pardoned because humans do not have the right to write down death sentences of innocent fellow humans. (MEANINGS) fate CF arte =|!) loved ones - sat & dare - geaeR eT A fing issue - act 4, road daylight ~ fe: emt | irony - Tee > botnds - fri ght mm] |? remorse ® revered - Wie 4 figh cates oSiawem |= ines lacvter ae «fantastic : * extramarital - faaéa | rites ee > well-coined - #8 7iqu| " premarital - fraeqi_ = Kangaroo - aa «heinous a 3 Beale Tee » impunity - ard @ laa eni| % sub-ordinate ~ afirea Perpetrators - |» meekly _ eae India has been facing both external and internal threats for decades'. As far as internal security is concemned?, threats are manifold? and come from divergent’ militant groups ‘Their demands include greater regional autonomy® and independence and they intend overthrowing the established rule of law and dismantling the democratic structure of the indian polity but the brutal’ attack on the Central Reserve Police Force personnel by Naxals in Dantewada raised many questions Jand concerns" about internal security in India making naxals the biggest threat to internal security. The large Naxal presence, its firepower and its ability to strike the police forces at will makes the law and order situation extremely volatile® in many States of India, As far as the history of Naxalism in India is concerned, the word ‘Naxal’ comes from the Bengal where the movement” originated. The ( Naxals are considered far-left ra communists, supportive of Maoist pol sentiment! and ideology'?. Their origin can be traced to the split in 1967 of the Comrunist Party of Incia (Marxist), leading to the formation Jof the Communist Party of Indigg(Marxist- [Leninist). Initially®* the movementiad its Jcentre in West Bengal. In later yéarSpit spread into less developed areas of mufahGentral and [Eastern India, such as Chhattisgarh, Orissa Jand Andhra Pradesh through,the activities of junderground groups liketi@ Communist Party lof India (Maoist). Charu Majumdar, inspired" by the doctrines" of Mgo Zedong, provided ideological leadgfship for the Naxalbart movement, advocating that Indian peasants! Jand lower clags.tribals overthrow the government and(upper classes by force, The leaders of thé naxal movement made the tribals believe fat they were at war with the government Bnd so they should pick up the gan The peyche”” of Naxalism has evolved" slowiftapd they have taken an aggressive” extension now by getting violent” and killing not only the police personnel but also innocent people by blasting railway tracks and committing arson, kidnapping,dacoity, robberies and sabotages”'. Repotts reveal™ that al Internal Security the causalities* due to Naxalism are {iifeg fold in number in comparison with the Yombblasts taking place in different plgceByof India including Kashmir. ® The Prime Minister DrMariniohan Singh has declared Naxalism eo single-biggest internal security challehge’. Union Home Minister P. Chidambararc’ Mae eaid thot Gght against Naxalismi.was)a “long and hard strugele”. Yet the goVerfiment failed to check the terrorism of,Naxals. Had the government addressed theit grieyances™ properly then and decided to nipthe ovement in the bud’ itself by eliminating’? the cause which attracted scores Of eopie to its fold, Lalgarh would have been reduced to imagination gone wild”. But Naxalism spread like wildfire and now the existente of the Red Corridor speaks for itself Red Cérridor is a term used to describe the Wvillage of Naxalbari in the Indian State of West zegioHi in the east of India that experiences e CoonSiderable Naxalite militant activity.The ,area runs through the mainly Santhal regions, Jof West Bengal, Jharhand, the mountainous interior of Orissa, and then through the Gond and other tribes of Andhra Pradesh and into the Bastar region of Chattisgarh. As of now, Naxals are active across approximately 220 districts in twenty States of India accounting for about 40 percent of India’s geographical area, and shockingly at many places they run parallel Governments and Kangaroo Courts challenging the basic essence of Indian democracy that is rule of law and the supremacy of Indian Constitution. here are many problems and hurdles in the path of the Government and police personnel in dealing with this menace®. The greatest problem is that there is no single person one can point out as naxal in the entire village and so it becomes a daunting” task to pin point and shoot the culprit. Hence Operations like green hunt will be a step that will surely lead to killing of innocent tribals too. This is further aggravated™ by the supports from villagers. The blame game has always been there by the Centre and States, The Centre claims that 86 a States’ problem and should be looked by them but what the time demands is better coordination and strategic implementation®* of concrete® initiatives” by the Centre. Let Dantewada incitlent be an eye opener. Now the pressure should be built by strongly taking action against them. Let a war against Naxalism which has already been initiated be fought with strong determination and will- ‘power as its time of action now. The bottom line is that the hunger and development issues should be effectively tackled in the background coupled with stringent action against Naxalism. (MEANINGS) Decades - » Concerned - } Manifold - Ft | Divergent . |: Autonomy - | established = P Brutal - * Concerns - + Volatile a Movement 5 » Sentiment 7 Ideology i FEEL EMIT Ey aitially = » Inspired : * Doctrines : * Peasants - » Psyche - # Evolved 2 » Aggressive “ ® Violent - » Sabotages - » Reveal - » causalities sa grievances “nip the movement, in the bud *eliminate » imagination) gone wild a “Cy % wildfire y"- * hurdleay menace "Y 5 » daunting - * culprit’ - » aggravated : PPstcategic 2 {implementation - concrete : > initiative - % eye opener : ‘Woman’ the occupant of sub-ordinate position in the society, one who is still known, lby her father's and then her husband’s name is striving to make her mark in a country where the deprived and exploited classes have been reaping the advantages of reservation since independence and whosoever remained was given this privilege in 1992, Women who were never considered Vote bank’ didn't get the taste of fruite which the exploited and downtradden got when our constitution incorporated the provision of reservation in our constitution. [She was though given some reservation in jobs lat State level now and then to remain contended with yet no honest attempt has lbeen made so far to bring women at par with men. With reservation touching 50% now we cannot expect reservation for women in government jobs but women hoped to see a dawn with women reservation in Parliament. ‘History repeats itself’. So did the act of [presenting the Women Reservation Bill every ‘out by the so-called radical politicians, jumping into the well of the house, tearing copies of the bill and making impossible for ‘proceedings to continue. The jiguse got adjourned and the Bill was thrown“inito the again. With great difficulty thé Bill has been finally passed in Rajya Sabha butt will become jen Act only after the Govefmmgnt succeds in lexecuting the mammoth task of getting the Bill passed in the Lok Sabha which remains a distant dream. fy Women are nét®asking for grace and charity. Their contribution to the cause of nation buildifif,.exceeds that of men International Labour Organization study shows that ‘while womeit represent 50 percent of the world adglt population and a third of the official, Liebe, they perform nearly two Women Reservation year. Political parties having quite a good, will get a chance to reward or punish their thumber of seats in the Parliament swore ther "yepresentative, The arguments, whalsvever support to the Bill but then a farce wasplaycd=“cannot be accepted as the sole basis for third of all working hours, receivesaifenth of world income and own less thanjdne percent of world property’. Therefore yeseryation for women is not a bounty but honest recognition of their contriBiitign to social development. AL’ ‘The Bill in its curdeAtjform envisages reserving 181 seats/ifi'Parlidment for women This means that,181}male members of Parliament would’nowbe able to contest elections if the Bjll is passed. Also, there is to be a rotation oftgeats ic a male member of Parliament chnn6® represent the same constituency"Tor inofe than two consecutive terms.,Hefe Ifes the rub. 181 seats in Parliament W too great a number to be sacrificed for the mere ideal of women empowerment. The clause of ‘rotation of seats’ is seer*by the opponents of Bill striking at the vety heart of democracy as according to their Jogloythe representatives will not get a chance (ieiparcure his constituency nor the electorate discarding women’s Reservation Bill altogether. Moreover when the so called backward and fundamentalist society like Pakistan can grant 83% reservation to women in its senate, why should India the largest democracy in the world lag behind? Making amends for its failure to provide 33% reservation for women in Parliament, the UPA governments recently approved a proposal for fifty percent reservation for women in the Panchayats at all levels. Presently there is one third reservation for women in the Panchayats. It is high time, we gave women their due notin jobs then at least in power sharing before the demand turns into a mass movement and ‘women are forced to send out a message to all political parties, warning them that women will withdraw their backing in the next election if| they do not support the Bill now. Down trodden dinate Provision Striving Contended Deprived = a Farce Reaping -auaaen | So-called Advantages © - mt Radical Priviledge — - er Adjourned = ae Grace > aeR -rer Charity a =e tr Cause a = aH Bounty en + ea afta Recognition - stgft - 3 pret Envisages | - Pr Ft = eh 5 Nurture att

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