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There is an rise in the measure of crime in our nation and the greater part of the
individuals are uninformed of the criminal laws under IPC (Indian Penal Code). In this way it
ends up important to make the individuals aware of a wide range of laws set forth by our
constitution against crime with the goal that individuals approach to enlist register the evidence
against it.

This venture is executed particularly for this reason. The project “Online Law System” is
a product framework that contains every one of the laws of IPC (Indian Penal Code) with the
goal that individuals can come and look for the laws for separate crime.

The laws are ordered into various areas as per a few keywords. There is also search
alternative accessible where client can discover or look as per his necessity by entering his
question. There is additionally an office accessible for clients to get contact of legal advisors. An
enquiry structure is given where client can ask their question and can likewise enlist case and the
structure is sent to the court authority. This undertaking contains data of all the separate courts in
zone for individual violations.


The main objective of this task is to make the law and equity productive and straight
forwardness in the framework.

Law and equity are significant in any general public. The Indian law and equity depend on
the establishment of our constitution. The Indian constitution gives security and freedom to each
native. Lamentably every individual detest equivalent rights because of the different reasons, the
major being absence of mindfulness about the law. Individuals don't know about the rights and
lawful cures accessible for them. They additionally dread about the issues in recording bodies of
evidence against lawbreakers and any such sort of exercises. Likewise there are odds of not
tolerating the cases. In the majority of the cases the equity isn't given on schedule. We hear the

expression "equity deferred is equity denied" for example on the off chance that equity isn't
given on time it loses its significance.

This project targets making zero resistance against wrong doing and viciousness by giving all
the essential data identified with different laws, its area, sub segment and so forth to the regular
man. This opportunity based cautious venture is created utilizing dab net structure and SQL.


Existing system of law and equity is misty and uncountable. The greatest obstacle is that
the individuals don't know about their privileges and legitimate cures accessible for them.
By and large, bodies of evidence against offenders or certain people are not acknowledged
and numerous cases left pending even after decades the crime has happened.

 There is no human interaction.
 People are unaware of different types of Laws.

 People can file false cases.


Proposed system means to make the people mindful about the sort of laws accessible
under the constitution. An individual can login to the site and get the chance to see all the laws of
IPC (Indian Penal Code). The contacts of the lawyers are also accessible. Indeed, even individual
can enroll a case online which is straight forwardly sent to the court authority. Site is additionally
capable to monitor every one of the violations occurring, judgment of the court for different
hearing and its updates.

 Users can get all information related to laws online.
 Users can register case online without visiting offices.

 User can find all lawyers information at a single place.

 The website is flexible and user-friendly.


 User Login: - User can login to the framework utilizing his User ID and Password.
 Law Search:- User can search for specific law by determining the area number or
 Court Search: - User can search for court by indicating the area.
 Lawyer Search: - User can search for legal advisor of specific court dependent on the
expertise. The framework gives the legal counselor contact and portrayal so clients can
refer them.
 Law Updates: - Any law updates will be shown to the client.
 Criminal Search: - Users can see different most needed criminals.
 Admin Login:- Admin can get to the framework by indicating the ID and password
 Court Entry: - Admin can enter court details if there is any new court.
 Lawyer Entry: - Admin can enter details about new lawyer and his expertise.


Software Requirements

The software specification is the one says about the development environment of the package.

Operating System : Windows 7

User Interface : HTML, CSS,
Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
Programming Language : PHP
Database : MYSQL
Server Deployment : Apache

Hardware Requirements

The hardware specification is necessary to support the proposed system, which have been identified,
ordered, delivered, installed and tested at the time of installation.

Processor : Pentium IV
Hard Disk : 40GB
RAM : 512MB or more
Mouse : Optical
Printer : HP Laser



The original release of PHP was designed and created by Rasmus Lerdorf back in the
middle of the 90s as a way of making various common web tasks easier and less repetitive. Back
then, the main goal was to have the minimum amount of logic as was possible in order to achieve
results, and this led to PHP being HTML-centric – that is, PHP code was embedded inside
HTML. PHP 3 also finally made the language extensible – something that was serious lacking
from prior versions With PHP 3, the language had gained limited object-oriented support, and
this only added extra fuel to the fire of PHP's growth.

 PHP is a server side scripting language, like ASP.

 PHP stands for Hypertext Pre Processor.
 PHP scripts are executed on the server.
 PHP supports many databases(MYSQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, Postgre
SQL, Generic ODBC, etc.).
 PHP is open source software (OSS).
 PHP is free to download and use.

Features of PHP (Hypertext Pre Processor)

The main features of the PHP scripting language include the following

Open Source: PHP is an open source language and is freely available for use. The community of
open source PHP developers provides technical support and is constantly improving updating the
core PHP functionalities. The PHP Extension and Application Repository system provides and
maintains a library of PHP code packages that are available for use. The packages can include
functions such as authentication, caching, destructors, encryption, error handling etc.

Compatibility: PHP provides high compatibility with leading operating systems and web servers
such as enabling it to be easily deployed across several different platforms.

File Handling: PHP be used to read text and generate files in various formats such as PDF and
XML. Using the file manipulation functions, files and documents can be uploaded and stored on
the server. The uploaded documents can be accessed and manipulated through PHP code.

Improved Performance: The PHP complier includes features to optimize and improve the
quality of compiled code by reducing the size execution time of the code thereby leading to
improved performance.

Debuggers: Several debuggers are available with PHP enabling developers to identify and
analyze the code for potential bugs and bottlenecks

Sessions: PHP provides extensive session and cookie management features and functions
enabling the creation and development of personalized web pages.

Graphics: PHP can be used to generate images and graphics dynamically. Using the image
functionalities available with PHP, the header information of images can be accessed and
manipulated. The GD library of PHP includes a host of features and functionalities that can be
used to create images in various formats such as gif, jpeg and png.

Extensible: The source code of PHP can be modified to include custom created extensions and
components thereby increasing its extensibility.

Features of MYSQL : The following list shows the most important properties of MYSQL.

Client/Server Architecture : MYSQL is a client/server system. There is a database server

(MYSQL) and arbitrarily many clients (application programs), which communicate with the
server; that is, they query data, save changes, etc. The clients can run on the same computer as
the server or on another computer (communication via a local network or the Internet).

SQL compatibility: MYSQL supports as its database language as its name suggests – SQL
(Structured Query Language). SQL is a standardized language for querying and updating data
and for the administration of a database.

Sub selects : MYSQL is capable of processing a query in the form SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE x IN (SELECT y FROM table2) (There are also numerous syntax variants for sub

Views: Views relate to an SQL query that is viewed as a distinct database object and makes
possible a particular view of the database. MYSQL has supported views since version 5.0.

Stored procedures: Stored procedures are generally used to simplify certain steps, such as
inserting or deleting a data record. For client programmers this has the advantage that they do not
have to process the tables directly, but can rely on SPs. Like views, SPs help in the
administration of large database projects. SPs can also increase efficiency.

Triggers: Triggers are SQL commands that are automatically executed by the server in certain
database operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE).

Unicode: MYSQL has supported all conceivable character sets since version 4.1, including
Latin-1, Latin-2, and Unicode (either in the variant UTF8 or UCS2).

Full-text search : Full-text search simplifies and accelerates the search for words within a text

Replication: Replication allows the contents of a database to be copied (replicated) onto a

number of computers. In practice, this is done for two reasons: to increase protection against
system failure (so that if one computer goes down, another can be put into service) and to
improve the speed of database sql queries.

Transactions: In the context of a database system, a transaction means the execution of several
database operations as a block. The database system ensures that either all of the operations are
correctly executed or none of them. This holds even if in the middle of a transaction there is a
power failure, the computer crashes, or some other disaster occurs.

Foreign key constraints: Foreign key constrains are rules that ensure that there are no cross
references in linked tables that lead to nowhere. MYSQL supports foreign key constraints for

Programming languages: Programming languages are quite a number of APIs (application

programming interfaces) and libraries for the development of MYSQL applications. For client
programming you can use, among others, the languages C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and

Platform independence: Platform independence is not only client applications that run under a
variety of operating systems; MYSQL itself (that is, the server) can be executed under a number
of operating systems. The most important are Apple Macintosh OS X, Linux, Microsoft
Windows, and the UNIX variants, such as Open BSD, Net BSD, SGI Iris, and Sun Solaris.

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS), and ships with no GUI tools to
administer MySQL databases or manage data contained within the databases. Users may use the
included command line tools, or use MySQL "front-ends", desktop software and web
applications that create and manage MySQL databases, build database structures, back up data,
inspect status, and work with data records. The official set of MySQL front-end tools, MySQL
Workbench is actively developed by Oracle, and is freely available for use.[

MySQL ships with many command line tools, from which the main interface is 'MySQL' client.
Third-parties have also developed tools to manage, optimize, monitor and backup a MySQL
server, some listed below. All these tools work on *NIX type operating systems, and some of
them also on Windows.

Windows 7: Windows 7 Professional gives all the benefits of Windows 7 Home Edition, plus
additional remote access, security, performance, manageability and multi-lingual features that
make the operating system to suit for businesses of all sizes and user who demand the most out
of their computing experience.


 New user interface makes it easy to find details according to user needs.
 Network Setup Wizard easily connects & shares the computers and devices.

 Windows Messenger the ultimate communications & collaboration tool with instant
messaging, voice and video conferencing, and application sharing.

 Windows Media Player for Windows 7single place for finding, playing, organizing, and
storing digital media.

 Help & Support Centre easy to recover from problems and get help and support when

 File and Folder Management Windows 7 provides several new ways to arrange and
identify files when viewing them in folders such as My Documents.

Windows 7 added the ability for windows to use “Visual Styles” to change the user interface.
However visual styles must be cryptographically signed by Microsoft to run. Luna is the name of
the new visual style the ships with Windows 7, and is enabled by default for machines with more
than 64 MB of RAM. Luna refers only to one particular visual style, not to all of the new user
interface features of Windows 7 as a whole. Some users “patch” the uxtheme.dll file restricts the
ability to use visual styles, created by the general public or the user, on Windows 7.


Feasibility study is test of a framework proposition as indicated by its work capacity,

impact on the association, capacity to address client issues and viable utilization of assets. Every
one of the ventures are feasible given boundless assets and unbounded time! Thus, feasibility
study implies an assessment of advantages versus expenses caused in creating venture, where
cost incorporates manpower, time, assets and cash.

A reason for feasibility study is to look at the probability of a mechanized answer for the
association's watched issue before particularly cash that has been spent on.

A possibility study is done to choose the best framework that meets execution necessities. Just by
investing the energy to assess the achievability do I reduce the odds for extraordinary shame at
later phase of the framework venture. For the total possibility study I have to focus on following

Financial Feasibility - Among the most significant data contained in feasibility study is the
money saving advantage examination. That is, an evaluation of financial support for PC based
framework. Money saving advantage investigation depicts cost for advancement and loads them
against unmistakable and elusive advantages in the framework.

Specialized Feasibility - Specialized examination assesses specialized benefits of the framework

simultaneously gathering extra data about execution, dependability, practicality and efficiency.
At times, this framework investigation step likewise incorporates a restricted measure of research
and structure.

Operational Feasibility - Operational feasibility estimates how well the arrangement will
function in the association and in what capacity will end-client and the executives feels about the
framework. Proposed framework is useful for every one of the clients related with the
association. It will enable the head to have exceptional data in regards to every one of the parts
of their clients. The decision making procedure will likewise turn out to be quicker with the
utilization of data integration and consolidation. So it is feasible to actualize the framework.


Design is the process of translating requirements defined during analysis into several
designs activities for user requirements. The designer select requirements needed to implement
the system in this phase; the design of the database also takes place. After identifying the
problem, limitations are opportunities to improve the efficiency system. A detail design of the
proposed system is done. In database design several objectives are considered such as
,Controlled Redundancy, Data Independence, More Information at low cost, Accuracy and
Integrity, Recovery and Failure, Security and Performance.


Design Engineering deals with the various UML [Unified Modeling language] diagrams
for the implementation of project. Design is a meaningful engineering representation of a thing
that is to be built.

Software design is a process through which the requirements are translated into
representation of the software. Design is the place where quality is rendered in software
engineering. Design is the means to accurately translate customer requirements into finished

A system flow diagram (SFD) is a description of the system or portion of a system. It

provides a logical diagram of how the system operates. It also reflects the relationship between
input processing and output.

It is a flow model or diagram used to describe conceptual flow model by providing

graphical notations which documents properties that binds them the basic graphical elements of
SFD’s or have representing the process and arrow representing relationships.

The transformation of the data from input to output, through process, may be described
logically and independently of the physical component.


DFD’s may be partitioned into levels. A Level 0 DFD, also called a context model,
represents the entire software element as a single bubble with input and output arrows. But
context analysis considers the entire environment of a business, its internal and external
environment. This is an important aspect of business planning. One kind of context analysis,
called SWOT analysis, allows the business to gain an insight into their strengths and weaknesses
and also the opportunities and threats posed by the market within which they operate. The main
goal of a context analysis, SWOT or otherwise, is to analyze the environment in order to develop
a strategic plan of action for the business.


The Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation which depicts the information
regarding the flow of control and the transformation of the data from the input to the output.
They show end-to-end processing. That is the flow of processing from when data enters the
system to where it leaves the application can be traced.

The DFD may be used to represent the system or software at any level of abstraction. In
fact DFD’s may be partitioned into levels. A Level 0 DFD, also called a context model,
represents the entire software element as a single bubble with input and output arrows.

DFD is a graphical tool used for requirement analysis. DFD depicts information flow
without explicit representation procedural logic. DFD also depicts real time systems with the
help of some extended notation.

Four rules for constructing a dataflow diagram

 Squares, circles and files must bear names.

 Decomposed data flow squares and circles can have same names.
 Choose meaningful names for data flow.
 Draw all data flows around the outside of the diagram.

A data flow diagram is used commonly during analysis stage. Data flow diagrams are
useful in understanding a system and can be effectively used in partitioning during analysis.

This level shows the overall DFD of IMEGS. This level is relationship to High Level of
Data Flow Diagram.


They provide the data at the logical level. They are characterized by that fact that they
provide fairly flexible structuring capabilities and allow data constraints to be specified

The entity relationship data model is based on a perception of a real world that consists of
a set of basic object entities and relationships among the objects. It was developed to facilities
database design.

The ER data model is one of several semantic data model. The semantic aspect of model
lies in the attempt to represent the meaning of data .ER model is externally used in meaning and
interactive of real world enterprises.

ER Model has some means of describing the physical database model, it is basically useful in the
design & communication of the logical database model. In this model, objects of similar
structure are collected into an entity set.

The relationship between entity sets is requested by a named ER relationship. The

database structure employing the ER model is usually shown pictorially using entity –
relationship (ER) diagrams.

Diagrams created by this process are called entity-relationship diagrams, ER diagrams, or

ERDs. The relationship between entity sets is represented by E-R relationship mapping from one
entity set to another.


A use case diagram is a type of behavioral diagram created from a Use-case analysis.
This diagram represents interaction between admin and customer. The administrator maintain
details about customer

Use Case Relationships

Three relationships among Use Case are supported by the UML standard, which
describes graphical notation for these relationships and created by boot.

Include: In one form of interaction, a given Use Case may include another. Include is a Directed
Relationship between two Use Cases, implying that the behavior of the included Use Case is
inserted into the behavior of the including Use Case.

The first Use Case often depends on the outcome of the included Use Case. It is useful
for extracting truly common behaviors from multiple Use Cases into a single description. The
notation is a dashed arrow from the including to the included Use Case, with the label
<<included>>. The usage resembles a macro expansion where the included Use Case behavior is
placed inline in the base Use Case behavior. There are no parameters or return values.

To specify the location in a flow of events in which the base Use Case includes the
behavior of another, the user simply write include followed by name of Use Case the user want
to include, as in the following flow for track order.

Extend: In another form of interaction, a given Use Case (the extension) may extend another.
The relationship indicates the behavior of the extension Use Case may be inserted in the
extended Use Case under some conditions. The notation is a dashed arrow from the extension to
the extended Use Case, with the label <<extend>>. It can be useful for dealing with special cases
(when A extends B, A is a special case of B), or in accommodating new requirements during
maintenance and extension.

Modelers use the <<extend>> relationship to indicate Use Case it was optional to the
base Use Case. Depending on the modeler’s approach optional may mean potentially not
executed with the base Use Case or it may mean not required to achieve the base Use Case goal.


Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This
logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical
storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be
used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed attributes for each

The term database design is used to describe many different parts of the design of an
overall database system. The logical design of the base data structures used to store the data. In
the relational model these are the tables and views. In an object database the entities and
relationships map directly to object classes and named relationships. However, the term database
design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base data
structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within
the database management system (DBMS).

The process of doing database design generally consists of a number of steps which will
be carried out by the database designer.

 Determine the relationships between the different data elements.

 Superimpose a logical structure upon the data on the basis of these relationships.

Steps in Database Design

The process of SQL Server Management Studio database design is divided into different
parts. It consists of a series of steps. They are

 Requirement Analysis
 Conceptual Database Design (ER-Diagram)

 Logical Database Design (Tables, Normalization etc.)

 Physical Database design (Table Indexing, Clustering etc.)

Requirement Analysis

In the phase a detailed analysis of the requirement is done. The objective of this phase is
to get a clear understanding of the requirements. It makes use of various information gathering
methods for the purpose. Some of them are

 Interview
 Analysing documents

 Survey

 Site visit

 Joint Applications Design (JAD) and Joint Requirements Analysis (JRA)

 Prototyping

Conceptual Database Design

The requirement analysis is modelled in this conceptual design. The ER Model is used at
the conceptual design stage of the database design. The ER diagram is used to represent this
conceptual design. ER diagram consists of Entities, Attributes and Relationships.

Logical Database Design

Once the relationships and dependencies are identified the data can be arranged into
logical structures and is mapped into database management system tables. Normalization is
performed to make the relations in appropriate normal forms.

Physical Database Design

It deals with the physical implementation of the database in a database management

system. It includes the specification of data elements, data types, indexing etc. All these
information are stored in the data dictionary.

The MySQL Permission Model

In order to fully implement a secure MySQL database, it is necessary to learn the MySQL
access control system. There are four privilege levels that apply:

 Global: these privileges apply to all databases on a server.

 Database: these privileges apply to all tables in a database.
 Table: these apply to all columns within a table.
 Column: these apply to individual columns in a table.

Database Backups

Another area that often gets lost in the layers of security is the critical area of database
backup and recovery. As a part of whatever backup type is used, testing recovery of data is
mandatory. Further, check pointing has been improved to be done more frequently, also easing
the recovery process. With frequent check pointing, as well as transaction logging and making
regular backup copies, backup and recovery of databases is made more straightforward.

Specifically, the InnoDB transactional model allows for commit, rollback and crash
recovery. By adding locking capabilities for users, having many users access the database at the
same time becomes faster and more stable. To ensure that InnoDB is available with your
installation, configure your package with the ‘with-innodb’ flags. You will also want to specify
InnoDB options in your ‘my.cnf’ file. Details on these set-up options can be found at the MySQL
Documentation on InnoDB Start-up Options.

The following Fig 4.1 describes the Xampp Control Panel Application form which shows
the start the MySQL connectivity.

Fig 4.1 Xampp Control Panel Application

Privileges in MySQL Server

The privileges can get very granular, so it is important that they are used in a well-planned
fashion. The types of privileges include:

 Alter
 Delete
 Create
 Drop
 Execute
 Select
 Update

Once a database is completely set up, these privileges should be reviewed prior to going to
any usage of the database to ensure that the privileges were set up appropriately.

PHP Connect to the MySQL Server

Open a Connection to the MySQL Server

Before we can access data in a database, we must open a connection to the MySQL
server.In PHP, this is done with the mysql_connect () function.


mysql_connect (host, username, password, dbname);

Close a Connection to the MySQL Server

The connection will be closed automatically when the script ends. To close the
connection before, use the mysql_close() function. The following form describes the front page
of the Xampp Windows where we will make the PHP MySQL Connectivity.

Fig 4.2 Xampp Front Page

Create a Database in MySQL Server

The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database table in MySQL.We

must add the CREATE DATABASE statement to the mysql_query () function to execute the
command. The following form describes to create a database named "product details".

The Fig 4.3 describes how to create a new database in the My_SQL database. It contains
the database name and also the locations were the database is created and where it is accessed.

Fig 4.3 Creating a New Database in MySQL

Create a Table in the MySQL Server

The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a table in MySQL. We must add the
CREATE TABLE statement to the mysql_query () function to execute the command. The
following figure describes how to create a tables in the database.

The following Fig 4.4 describes to create a new table in the database job scheduling. It
includes the table name and the entities used in the table, its size and also its type.

Fig 4.4 Create a New Table in the Database

There are several GUI consoles available to make the management of MySQL database
easier. For instance, MySQL Explorer allows several management processes to be done via an
interface that runs on several windows platforms. The MySQL team also has a version in beta
called MySQL Control Center.

Insert Data Into a Database Table

The INSERT INTO statement is used to add new records to a database table. The
following form describes to create a new data into the database table which is already created.

Fig 4.5 Insert a data into a Database Table


The input design is the process of entering data to the system. The input design goal is to
enter to the computer as accurate as possible. Here inputs are designed effectively so that errors
made by the operations are minimized. The inputs to the system have been designed in such a
way that manual forms and the inputs are coordinated where the data elements are common to
the source document and to the input. The input is acceptable and understandable by the users
who are using it. Once identified, appropriate input media are selected for processing.
The input design also determines the user to interact efficiently with the system. Input
design is a part of overall system design that requires special attention because it is the common
source for data processing error. The goal of designing input data is to make entry easy and free
from errors.

The main objectives that are done during the input design are:

 Data is collected from the source

 Transfer of data to an input form is done
 Data is converted to a computer acceptable form
 The converted data is verified
 Data is checked for its accuracy
 Data is transmitted to the computer
 Validation of input data is done

Form Name: Dashboard Page

Fig 4.1.1 Dashboard.

Form Name: Home Page

Fig 4.1.2 Home Page

Form Name: Login Page

Fig 4.1.3 Login Page

Form Name: Add Law

Fig 4.1.4 Add Law

Form Name: Add Slider

Fig 4.1.5 Create Slider

Form Name : Report

Fig 4.1.6 Report Page


Computer output is most important and direct source of information to the user. Efficient
of intelligible output should improve the system relationship with the user and help in decision-
making. Major forms of output are hard copy from the printer and soft copy from the CRT unit.

The output design was done so that results of processing could be communicated to the
users. The various outputs have been designed in such a way that they represent the same format
that the office and management used to.

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user.
Efficient, intelligible output design should improve the systems relationships with the user and
help in decision making. A major form of output is the hardcopy from the printer.

 Scalability of the device according to the output format required

 The need of hard copy
 The response time taken
 The detail specification needed



The most important phase in system development life cycle is system testing. The
number and nature of errors in a newly designed system depends on the system specification and
the time frame given for the design.

A newly designed system should have all the subsystems working together, but in reality
each subsystems work independently. During the phase, all the subsystems are gathered into one
pool and tested to determine whether it meets the user requirements.

Testing is done in two level-Testing of individual modules and test the entire system.
During the system testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure the software will run
according to the specifications and in the way the user expects. Each test case is designed with
the intent of finding errors in the way the system will process.

Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption
that if all the parts of the system are correct; the goal will be successfully achieved non- testing
leads to error that may not appear until months later. This creates two problems.

 The time lag between the cause and appearance of the problem.
 The effort of system error on files and records within the system.

The Testing Steps are:

 Unit testing
 Integrated testing
 Validation testing
 White Box testing

Unit Testing: Testing of individual programs or modules is known as unit testing. Unit testing is
done both during documentation and testing phase. Unit testing focuses on verification of effort
on the smallest of software design. Modules using the detailed design description as a guide,
important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The
relative complexity is test and errors detected as a result are limited by the constraints scope
established for unit testing. Unit testing is always white box oriented and the step can be
conducted in parallel for multiple modules.

Integration Testing: Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program
structure while at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated with interfacing.
The objective is to take unit - tested modules and build a program structure that has been
dictated by design. Careful test planning is required to determine the extent and nature of
system testing to be performed and to establish criteria by which the result will be evaluated.

All the modules were integrated after the completion of unit test. While Top - Down
Integration was followed, the modules are integrated by moving downward through the control
hierarchy, beginning with the main module. Since the modules were unit - tested for no errors,
the integration of those modules was found perfect and working fine. As a next step to
integration, other modules were integrated with the former modules.

Validation Testing: The most common web application security weakness is the failure to
properly validate input coming from the client or environment before using it. The weakness
leads to almost all of the major vulnerabilities in web applications, such as cross site
scripting, SQL injection, interpreter injection.

Data from an external entity or client should never be trusted, since it can be arbitrarily
tampered with by an attacker. Validation doesn't just mean putting your pages through some web
driven testers. It also means test-driving it with friends, relatives, co-workers, and strangers.
Everyone has a different system and way of working, so ask for others to test-drive your styles or
themes before you make them public.

White Box Testing: White box testing is a test case method that uses control structure and
procedural design to drive test cases using white box testing method. Software engineer can test
cases that:
 Exercise all logical decisions on their true or false sites.
 Guarantee that all independent paths with a module have been exercised at least once.
 Exercise internal data structure to ensure validity.
 Execute all loops at their boundaries and their operational bounds.

White box testing sometimes called as glass box testing is a test case design method that uses
the control structures of the procedural design to derive test cases.

Using White Box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test case, that guarantee
that all independent paths with in a module have been exercised at least once, exercise all logical
decisions on the true and false sides, execute all loops at their boundaries and within their
operational bounds, exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity. “Logic errors and
incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to the probability that a program path will be

Black Box Testing: Black box testing, also called as behavioral testing, focuses on the
functional requirements of the software. That is, black box testing enables the software

engineer to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements
for a program.

Black box testing focuses on the fundamental requirements on software and on input
and output of the module. It enables the software engineers to derive set of input condition that
will truly exercise all functional requirements of a program. Black box testing is rather a
contemporary approach that is likely to uncover different class of errors.

It attempts to find out errors in the following category:

 Incorrect and missing functions

 Performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors


System implementation is the process of developing the system based on the user
requirement that has to be enforced in any system while development. Security window prohibits
unauthorized users entering the system. Implementation is the stage of the project when the
system design is turned into fully working system. This stage consists of following steps.

 Testing the developed program with the sample data.

 Detecting and correction of internal errors.
 Testing the system to see if it meets the user requirements.
 Feeding the real time data.
 Making changes as desired by the user.
 Training user personal.

The purpose of System Implementation can be summarized as follows: making the new
system available to a prepared set of users (the deployment), and positioning on-going support
and maintenance of the system within the Performing Organization (the transition).

At a finer level of detail, deploying the system consists of executing all steps necessary to
educate the Consumers on the use of the new system, placing the newly developed system into
production, confirming that all data required at the start of operations is available and accurate,
and validating that business functions that interact with the system are functioning properly.

A key difference between System Implementation and all other phases of the lifecycle is that
all project activities up to this point have been performed in safe, protected, and secure
environments, where project issues that arise have little or no impact on day-to-day business
operations. Once the system goes live, however, this is no longer the case.


The system has been designed and developed according to the current requirements of the
user. At the same time the system is very flexible and extensible, Hence, future enhancements, if
needed can be made without much difficulty, so new applications can be developed and it be
integrated with the existing one very easily.

The following future enhancements may be worthwhile to make the tool usable to a wider
section of users.

 Currently only text-based reports are handled. It can be extended to include graphics
and images. Also music and audio clips are considerable.
 User level authentication and authorization may be of use in certain circumstances.


Law and equity are significant in any general public. The Indian law and equity depend
on the establishment of our constitution. The Indian constitution gives protection and freedom to
each resident. Unfortunately every individual are not enjoying equivalent rights because of the
different reasons, the major being absence of mindfulness about the law.

Individuals don't know about the rights and lawful cures accessible for them. They
likewise dread about the issues in recording bodies of evidence against culprits and any such sort
of exercises. Additionally there are odds of not tolerating the cases. In the vast majority of the
cases the equity isn't given on schedule. We hear the maxim "equity deferred is equity denied" on
the off chance that equity isn't given on time it loses its significance.

In light of every one of these reasons individuals endure the viciousness and crime
against them. Subsequently most violations go unreported. This undertaking targets making zero
resistance against wrongdoing and savagery by giving all the essential data identified with
different laws, its area, sub segment and so forth to the regular man.


Indeed, even individual can enroll a case online which is legitimately sent to the court
authority. Site is additionally dependable to monitor every one of the violations occurring,
judgment of the court for different hearing and its updates.



 Anil Desai, “MYSQL server backup and recovery”, Tata mc-grawHill Publication,
second edition,2005.
 Joel Murach, “Murach's PHP and MySQL” , Tata mc-grawHill Publication, Fourth
 Luke welling, “PHP and MYSQL web development, Hungry publication, fourth
edition, 2002.
 Lynn Beighley,”Head first PHP and MYSQL” Tata mc-grawHill Publication, First
 Mario Lurig,”Beginner to Intermediate php5”phphaven publication, fifth

 Rasmus Lerdorf, “Programming PHP”, McGraw-Hill publication, second edition,
 Robin Nixon,”Learningphp,mysql and javascript” ShroffPublishers,First edition,
 Richard E fairly, “Software engineering concepts”, Tata Mc-grawHill Publication,
second edition, 2000.
 Steven Holzner, “The Complete Reference PHP”, TATAMcGRAW-
HILLPublication,fourth edition,2007.








Database design is a collection of interactive data store. It is an effective method of

defining, storing and retrieving the information in the database multiple applications and the
users can use the data contained in the database. It prevents fraudulent and unauthorized user
from accessing the data and ensures the privacy of data.

The database design is a must for any application developed especially more .for the data
store projects. Since the chatting method involves storing the message in the table and produced
to the sender and receiver, proper handling of the table is a must.

The tables maintained are user login, vendor details, purchase details, product details,
quality checking details, buyer details, and payment details.

A database is a collection of inter-Related with minimum redundancy to serve the user
quickly and efficiently. The data are stored in tables .Proper care has taken to design table to
achieve data security, data integrity and data consistency.

Database design is a collection of interactive data store. It is an effective method of

defining, storing and retrieving the information in the database. Users can use the data
contained in the database to produce reports. It prevents fraudulent and unauthorized users
from accessing data and ensures the privacy of data.

A well designed database is essential for the good performance of the system .Several
tables are referenced or manipulated at various instance. The table also known as relation;
provide information pertaining to a specified entity.

Normalization of table is carried out to extent possible, while the normalizing tables, care
should be taken to make sure that the number of tables does not exceed the optimum level, so
that table maintenance is convenient and effective.




Username varchar(20) User name
Password varchar(40) Password



<div class="container">

<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">{{ __('Login') }}</div>

<div class="card-body">
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('login') }}">

<div class="form-group row">

<label for="email" class="col-md-4 col-form-label text-md-right">{{ __('E-Mail Address') }}


<div class="col-md-6">
<input id="email" type="email" class="form-control @error('email') is-invalid
@enderror" name="email" value="{{ old('email') }}" required autocomplete="email" autofocus>

<span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">
<strong>{{ $message }}</strong>

<div class="form-group row">

<label for="password" class="col-md-4 col-form-label text-md-right">{{ __('Password') }}


<div class="col-md-6">
<input id="password" type="password" class="form-control @error('password') is-

invalid @enderror" name="password" required autocomplete="current-password">

<span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">
<strong>{{ $message }}</strong>

<div class="form-group row">

<div class="col-md-6 offset-md-4">
<div class="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" name="remember"
id="remember" {{ old('remember') ? 'checked' : '' }}>

<label class="form-check-label" for="remember">

{{ __('Remember Me') }}

<div class="form-group row mb-0">

<div class="col-md-8 offset-md-4">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
{{ __('Login') }}

@if (Route::has('password.request'))
<a class="btn btn-link" href="{{ route('password.request') }}">
{{ __('Forgot Your Password?') }}



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