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Database: A database is a collection of data together with valid information about it, which makes
accessing and manipulation of data easier.
A database is a logically modelled clusters of information or data.
 Database stores the data and provides a method for accessing that data.

Database Model: This determines the logical structure of the database and fundamentally
determines in which manner data can be stored, organized and manipulated.

Database Management Systems: A software which is used to perform various actions like adding
data to the database, updating it and also retrieving the data when required from the database.
Database management system is a computer program that interacts with the database.

 A DBMS has an underlying model that structures how data is stored and accessed.
 It acts as a medium between the application (app/website) and the actual database.
 This is used to convert the queries that are given by the application/end-user to a language
that can be understood by the database.

Classification of database: Classification is done based on the requirements.

1. Based on data model:

a) Relational Database: MYSQL (Oracle, open source), Oracle database (Oracle), Microsoft
SQL server, DB2 (IBM).
b) Object Oriented Database: ObjectDB (ObjectDB software)
c) Object Relational Database
d) Hierarchical Database: IMS (IBM), Windows Registry (Microsoft)
e) Network Database: CA-IDMS (Computer Associates), Image (HP)
2. Based on users:
a) Single user
b) Multiple user
3. Based on sites over which network is distributed:
a) Centralized
b) Parallel
c) Distributed:
i. Homogeneous
ii. Heterogeneous
d) Client-server Database
e) Multi-tier Client-server Database
4. Based on cost:
a) Low
b) Medium
c) High

5. Based on access:
a) Sequential
b) Direct
c) Inverted file
6. Based on usage:
a) Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
b) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
c) Big data and analytics : NoSQL (not only SQL)
d) XML :
i. Native XML
ii. Enabled XML
e) Multimedia
f) GIS: stores and queries the spatial data.
g) Sensor
h) Mobile
i) Open Source


 It is light weight.
 It is a library embedded inside the end program. It is an in memory library.
 It is a relational database management system.
 It is not client-server database (i.e) server less.
 It is file based.
 Database’s content can be retrieved easily if lost.
 Can be used with majority of the programming languages without compatibility issues.
 Simple SQL queries can be used instead of procedural queries.
 There are no demon processes in this. All the actions are performed directly.
 It is not standalone. It can be static or dynamic according to the requirement.
 It has zero configuration (i.e) no set up.
 Stored in single file on computer disk storage.
 It is self-contained means no need to of external dependencies.
 Transactions are highly ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliant.

NoSQL(Not Only SQL)

 NoSQL databases and database management systems are relation less or schema less.
 They are not based or developed on one data model.
 Depending on the requirements, a data model is adopted by it.
 Offers heterogeneous data models in the same domain.
 This is for Big Data and real time web apps.
 It is to deal huge volumes of data.
 NoSQL scales-out better than relational databases.
 ACID properties are often not satisfied for providing scalability and throughput.
Realm DB
 The Realm Platform is actually made up of two major components. The Realm Database and the
Realm Object Server.

Object Relational Mapper (ORM)

 It is a querying language which lets manipulating data from database using object oriented
 It is a library.

Berkley DB
 It is an embedded database storage library.

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