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Julie Arballo and David Jazo

Ms. Storer

English 3 H


Staying Connected Through Technology

On August 6, 1991, the World Wide Web was invented. From that day on the world has never been
more connected. Then 16 years later on June 29, 2007, the Holy Spirit compelled Steve Jobs to release
the first iPhone. The technology bestowed upon humanity by the grace of God has done nothing but
bring us closer together socially and spiritually. Technology allows us to stay connected to friends and
family, communicate with different cultures, and solve world problems that would otherwise be near
impossible or impossible to solve.

As teenagers we can attest to this because we have grown up with technology our whole lives. Social
media allows us to stay connected with distant friends and family in that we can talk about what is going
on in our busy lives. It even allows us to be connected to people in distress on the other side of the
world. For example, in 2015 a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. The Social Media platform
Twitter, set up a National Emergency Operation Center, which announced pieces of information such as
access to clean water and how to internationally contribute to the rebuild. This account helps raise
awareness and bring about support from the national and international community.

The internet even breaks down the language barrier. We see technology in practical use when soldiers
are able to use it to translate what people from other cultures are trying to say using the use of google
translate or other instantaneous online translators. We also see technology's usefulness when it comes
to learning a new language. For example, websites such as allow anybody with access to
the great wide web to learn how to read and write in Arabic. Utilizing websites like these to learn how to
communicate with others brings humanity closer together on a worldwide scale.

The technology God granted man kind brings people together. It allows us to share in our beliefs,
operate on a worldwide scale and stay connected with distant relatives.

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