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3rd Lesson Plan

Name(s): Bersu Güler
Gülnihal Ay
Şeymanur Koç
Unit Title
Grade Level
2 class hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Students will gain a perspective to the future and learn how to express their plans with the ability of making
comparison among present, past, future tenses with %90 accuracy.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Students will be given questions about Future Tense created by Google Forms and will practice on this tense.
Also, students will be shown a poster created by Piktochart and will differentiate past, present and future
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Task-based learning
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Students will write a small text about their future occupations by using Future Tense.

Individual Learning Activities Writing a paragraph

Group Learning Activities Talking about future in groups

Students learn Simple Future Tense: S+ will+ V1 / S+ am/ is /are going to+ V1
Students talk about their plans. For example: I will be an architect. I am going to be a sister.
Students make comparison among tenses: Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future Tense

Measurement & Evaluation

Students will prepare infographics about their future occupations as homework.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students will be assessed through homework individually.
Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for -
Group Performance
Homework (optional) Making Piktochart
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Teacher will print out Piktochart and questions before the class.

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