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2st Lesson Plan

Name(s): Bersu Güler
Gülnihal Ay
Şeymanur Koç
Unit Title
Grade Level
2 class hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Students will learn the past forms of the verbs and they will form sentences using the Simple Past Tense
structure to describe their family member’s occupations with the help of Kahoot with %60 accuracy. Moreover,
students will learn how to form personal questions through the Prezi presentation with %85 accuracy.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Students will learn past forms of the verbs by Kahoot game and then with Prezi presentation they will learn
how to ask personal questions.
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Grammar Translation Method
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Students will fill the blanks in the handout with suitable forms of the correct verbs so as to reinforce their
Individual Learning Activities Fill-in-blanks Handout requires to fill with the correct
form of the verbs
Group Learning Activities -

Teachers lectures Simple Past Tense: S+ V2 + O

Regular verbs: V+ ed and irregular verbs

Simple Past Tense: Was/ were: S+ Was/ Were + O

Students learn how to introduce past experiences of family members. For example: My father was a teacher,
but now, he is retired. My mother worked in a company.

Measurement & Evaluation

A Kahoot quiz
Measurement & Assessment Activities for A Kahoot Quiz formed of true-false questions
Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for A Question-Answer competition session that students joins
Group Performance in groups and assess each other.
Homework (optional) List the homework if you plan to give.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

The teacher provides a list consists of verbs and their past forms then distributes handouts.

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