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The prince saw how Rapunzel dropped her

golden hair so the witch could climb up. When
the witch left, the price called Rapunzel.
Singing was only source of happiness for
Rapunzel. A prince once heard her sweet
voice. He searched for its origin.
Rapunzel and the prince become close
friends. The young man visited her often.
The witch noticed Rapunzel was happy. She
Sensed something different.
The witch discovered that Rapunzel and
the Prince were seeing each other. When the
prince climbed the tower, the witch dropped
him. The prince got blinded when a thorn
poked his eyes.
As punishment, the witch cut Rapunzel’s
long hair. He took the young woman in a
thick forest and left her there.
Even though he was blind, the prince did

not stop looking for Rapunzel. He loved her

so much. One day, he found himself near the
place where Rapunzel was left.
The prince heard a sad song. He
recognized the voice and was very sure it
was Rapunzel’s sweet voice.
Rapunzel pitied the prince so much. But
she was also very happy now that they
found each other again.
The prince took Rapunzel to their place.

The cruel witch could no longer wield her

power there. They lived happily ever after.
Once there was a childless couple, 5
The witch kept Rapunzel alone in
which had a witch neighbor. After a tower with no door and ladder.
so many years, the woman finally The tower only had a small
conceived a baby. She had an window. The witch brought
extreme craving for tumips. The Rapunzel her food every morning.
plant was owned by a witch.
The woman felt she would die if 6
Rapunzel grew up to be a
she would not eat tumips She beautiful maiden. The witch
became thin and weak. The
made her golden hair into a
husband pitied hiswife and
decided to steal the neighbor’s
The witch caught the man on act of stealing. The
man explained his reasons. The witch gave him
tumips but had one condition- they would give their
first-born baby to her.

The couple got so scared that they could
not do anything when the witch took their
baby. The witch named her Rapunzel.

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