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Michael D, Jaminal


“Evil is human Nature”

Can I ask a question to all of you? Do you cheat in assignment in math?

Do you ask question in another section? Why did you do it?

according the evil means morally bad,cruel or unpleasant.

I'm going to tell you a story how evil came to be. When god created
adam and eve, when eve eat the forbidden fruit of good and evil they
gained the sin of obedience or original sin. There are many form of evil
just like greed, revenge, pride. When a person is doing evil, it does not
mean his evil , even us do evil things like lying to your parent , saying bad
word and etc it is not bad to do evil thing it is part of human nature. But
the most evil thing a man can do is murder , the who will suffer it not the
murderer but the family of the victim, maybe that person has a family
that he need to care of. when a person is living in poverty ,he or she will
find ways to get money just like drugs,stealing or kidnapping people
because of money, its not their fault they do these things this is only way
they can survive in the cruel world.

But God gave us the the gift of wisdom, it means doing what is right. All
of us have a choice if you will take the path of righteous or the path of
evil.I will end this speech with a quote: Sometimes it is better to lose and
do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing.

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