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Calves: Tip toe walk or calf raises.

Hamstring: Good morning

Glutes: squats and good morning

Lower back: Good morning

Lats: pull ups, inverted rows

Traps: pull ups, inverted rows, elevetaed pike press

Shoulders: elevated pike press, bench dips, elevated pike should shrug, dips, decline push up

Tri: bench dips, diamond push ups, elevated pike press, push up, dips

Forearms: chin ups, pull ups, inverted row

Abs: crunches, forearm plank, leg lifts, hanging knee raises.

Chest: bench dips, push ups, dips, incline push up, decline push up

Quads: Squats

1. Speak to yourself as if you are talking to a 4 year old child, who has just made a mistake.- We
don’t need to be hard on ourselves to make progress. Self- love Is not a gift for hard work, but
the base.
2. Focus on your strengths and “embrace” your weaknesses.- Love yourself as you are now, to love
yourself as will always be. You are worthy of your own love.
3. Accept compliments graciously. Journal the things, nice things, people have said to you. Make
conscious effort to be nicer to yourself.
4. Move on from your mistakes in the past. It can make you feel unworthy for what you get.

5. Perfectionism. You want to be perfect to not disappoint people and not to not get criticized. Any
decision that you make will be disappointed. So do not let them stop you from following your
values. Don’t rob your future for the sake of other people.

6. People can be disappointed with you, but still love you. We would rather disappoint ourselves
versus disappoint someone else.

 You focus on the things you haven’t accomplished yet.- Just because you are not where you
would like to be doesn’t mean you will never get there.
 You focus on the things that you can’t control.
 Hard for you to accept other people’s compliment.
 Dismissive of your own ideas.
 You dwell on the mistakes that you have made. Reflect on your mistakes and then learn from
 You rarely give yourself a break.

Your mind is in charge of protecting you, magnifying risk.

5 second rule, when you don’t like to do it, count back from 5 the moment you feel it and just jump into
it. Helps to shut down the self-doubt, self-hatred part of the brain and wakes up the more logical part of
the brain.

 Insomnia is an ongoing problem. Reaching out to people helps, hearing their voices.
 Your anxiety worsens.
 You live in your couch or bed.
 You have difficulty with social situations.
 You choose materials over people.
 You are gaining weight.
 Alone time doesn’t feel fun anymore.

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