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ESTEBAN, Maverick Jann M.

DLSL – COL, Property

#151 Differences between prescription and laches

Prescription is concerned with the lapse Not concerned merely with lapse of time
of time, i.e., the fact of the delay; for it deals with the effect of
unreasonable delay, i.e., the guilty party
had an opportunity to assert his claim
but failed to do so;
It is a question or matter of time; It is principally a question of the inequity
or unfairness of permitting a stale right
or claim to be enforced or asserted, this
inequity being founded on some change
in the condition or the relation of the
Prescription is statutory; It is not statutory;
Prescription applies at law; It applies in equity;
Prescription is based on a fixed time. Laches is not based on a fixed time.

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