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The pie chart compares the proportion of Indonesia's energy consumption on six different sectors in

2000 and 2015. overall it can be seen that the greatest change was in the percentage of Indonesian
energy use by transportation.

Nearly 60% of Indonesia’s energy is consumed in residential and industrial. In 2013, Residential was
becoming the most energy consuming, representing almost a two fifths of total energy consumption,
and although it was a high percentage, by 2015 it had a slight decreased to less than a third. At
28%, industrial was becoming the second most energy consuming, however this increased steadily
at 29% fifteen years later. Initially, energy consumption by transportation was low, at only 17%.
However, this figure rose dramatically in 2015 at 27%.

Less change was seen in the remaining two sector. The energy consumption on nonenergy
decrease slightly at 8% in 2000 to 4% in 2015. This was also the case for others sectors, which
experienced very low levels of energy consumption, reach a trough of 1% in 2015.

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