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2017 IN A NUTSHELL 2017 IN A NUTSHELL January 2018

2017 IN A



Beloved friend and partner in the Lord.
I want to start my first Newsletter partner was our beloved friend
of the year expressing my Beau Wilfong, then finally in June
deepest gratitude to our Lord and we received the visit of a beautiful
Savior, for the amazing year He group of young missionaries from
granted to me! our sister church from
Jacksonville Florida. Many
The grace of God was pour out students heard the gospel and
from the very beginning of the answered to call of God (Picture
year. God put the desire to reach 2).
the campus students for Christ, in Picture 1.- The volunteers from my church with our
friend Beau Wilfong.
the heart of a wonderful bunch of Although the best way the reach
volunteers from my church, out students for Christ, was
including my pastor, Luis Azañero sharing the gospel one to one. For
(Picture 1). this purpose, we used an amazing
gospel tool called “The God Test,”
I must say that this was the God’s again God showed His amazing
answer of my prayers, because I grace during those days at the
was reaching out the medical campus, we have reached a
students by myself for many bunch of students for Christ and
years. But God was so gracious to some students got baptized this
me by motivating these leaders year!
from my church.
Picture 2.- Our friends from our sister church in Jacksonville
I want to thank you for partnering Florida.
We have received the help with me, by sending me to
different missionaries. Our first
2017 IN A NUTSHELL 2017 IN A NUTSHELL | Issue # 2

missions to Krakow, Poland this But unfortunately, she thought I

past October. This was my was trying to date her, so she
second time in this beautiful immediately told me that she
country, because I felt the burden wasn’t interested in any romantic
from God to come back to see my relationship with me. So, I
spiritual family again, and help answered her that I want to know
them in their effort to reach out her just as a friend.
students for Christ. This year I
was greatly amazed seeing how Thankfully, she was agreed to Picture 3.- With my dream team: Ten Days Krakow 2017.

the grace of God was so powerful, continue messaging on

because many students were Facebook. Few months later, my
ready to accept Christ in their interest in her was greatly
hearts! increased, so after looking for
counseling from my pastor, I
I know that every missions trip is decided to pray over it, and wait
never the same, but I should say until God may open her eyes, so
that this mission trip was one of she can see me in the same way I
the kind! I am still in awe of the was seeing her. Finally, God
grace of God in each member, I answered my prayers! She told Picture 4.- Let me introduce you the woman of my
dreams, Roxana!
really was blessed with friends for me if I was still interested in her.
life time! (Picture 3). So immediately, I said yes!
Since June 2017, I had the After my mission trip to Krakow, I
blessing to start knowing a had to blessing to actual date
precious daughter of God, her with her. She has shown not just
name is Roxana, and here I want beauty outside, but also inside. I
to share with you how we became saw sincere kindness, godly
more than just friends (Picture 4). wisdom, unique courage, and the
most important a genuine love
We met 2 years ago during my for God and for His word. Finally,
first mission trip to Krakow in both we traveled to Paris with our Picture 5.- With Mateusz, our good friend and favorite
third wheel in our adventure in Paris.
2015, but I didn’t remember her very good friend Mateusz (Picture
very well, because I was so 5).
focused on my task as missionary.
Although we were friends on Thank you so much to each one
Facebook after my first time in of you, I couldn’t go on missions
Krakow, we didn’t interact at all. this year without your help!
Thank you for being part of this
However, right after I posted on year and my life!
Facebook that I officially signed
up for my second mission trip to
Krakow, I received a personal
message from her that said that Dimas Guiop
she was very happy that I was
going back to her church. After
few weeks later, I asked her if we
can meet up on skype to know Picture 6.- In Paris with the love of my life!
her a little bit better.

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