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The degree of separation Covariance, Coorelation, Collinearity the separation of Truth, Lie and


The ability of the Healthy Cells to be able to Segment themselves from an Involuntarily toxic
environment where the degree of Influence.

The degree of influence is also Might or Might not likely to play a factor on the occurences between
their axis.

The line dividing the Truth and lie in all perceptions of reality is the Degree of Correlation.The day we
Understand the synchronicities between the Correlation of Events that are occurring through our lives.
We might be able to find the Path to a Higher Dimensional Reality?

Synchronicity is an experience of two or more events which occur in a

meaningful manner, but which are causally un-related. In order to be
'synchronistic', the events must be related to one another temporally,
and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must
be very small.

Canny Edge Detection. Having some doubts about the knowledge that
we aquire during these lifetimes?

Ans. Can we firstly use that in conjunction, for our upcoming timelines.
Yes, we can. So, Creating new Timelines, which are’t causing
Conjuction shift in collinearity. Timelines which are not bounded with
that mental construct of structured information. The information in
the super position molecules during Un-observed effect.
How about defining the Synchronicity that we experience through our lives, could that be a Higher
Calling. The Only way to Find that out is to map out all the Synchronicities that we are experiencing
through our lives.

Theirs a very fine line that separates the both.

The Degree of Separation of Reality, defined by Correlation, Covariance and Collinearilty.

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