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Applications of Social Learning in an organisation:

 Replicating behaviour by observing peers: Warren Buffett once said, “Pick out associates
whose behaviour is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”
Employees usually observe and imitate their seniors and peers behaviour in an attempt to
succeed and bear a position that they are possessing now.

 Encouraging Teamwork:

 Select the appropriate model for employees : The organisational culture creates an
atmosphere which assists employee to imitate the behaviour of senior management or
peers for benefit.
The organisation doesn’t tell the employee directly to imitate certain behaviour but create a
set up which automatically does it.

For example : On some web portal, HR shares the success stories of some individuals from
senior management in order to share how an individual has struggled and achieved such a
high position.

 Identification of behaviour leading to improved performance :Organisation rewards

employees on the basis of their performance in order to encourage them to work harder
and achieve the targets.

For example: Excellence Awards in an organisation sets up an example and peers imitate the
person in order to achieve the same position and recognition.

 Provide positive feedback to the employees who have learned desired behaviour : This will

Encourage the employees to imitate your behaviors. After modeling, leaders should verbally
encourage behavior imitation. They can do this in two ways. First, they can directly tell the
employee that they want him to do as he saw modeled. Secondly, they can reward employees
who follow the modeled behavior in a public fashion, allowing other workers to see that this
behavior is the one that they want all workers to adopt.

Model behaviour for employees. The first step in teaching a behaviour in the social
learning theory is modeling that behavior. Instead of simply telling employees what they
want them to do, leaders should physically model the behavior, acting out the process
they hope those under them will follow. By seeing the behaviour modeled, employees
can develop a more defined understanding of what the behaviour entails and experience
more success in carrying out the behaviour in question.

Encourage the employees to imitate your behaviors. After modeling, leaders should
verbally encourage behavior imitation. They can do this in two ways. First, they can
directly tell the employee that they want him to do as he saw modeled. Secondly, they
can reward employees who follow the modeled behavior in a public fashion, allowing
other workers to see that this behavior is the one that they want all workers to adopt.

Establish consequences for behavior deviation. When employees fail to follow the
behaviors that the leaders are trying to endorse, there must be consequences for doing
so. These consequences may involve simple verbal correction or be as severe as formal

For example: When an employee gets Excellence Award in an organisation and gets
recognised by the senior management for his hard work, he is observed by peers and some
of them start imitating him in order to get the same position or benefits.

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