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Son what do you wanna succeed in life or struggle like your parents ?

All my life my parents have worked there butt off to get the family where they are today. Since I

was a kid, my dad has always worried about us to always keep us in the best environment. They

came from el salvador to the USA for a better life because back in their country it was rough, not

alot of jobs gang violence and low food supplies. My father came with my mom to the USA to

work hard everyday and get their money up to settle down and bring back my 2 older brothers

here to the USA. As the years went by they were all together in the US. Father still working hard

for us to be in a well home mom going to work as well. Everyday my dad well tell me listen son

if you want the best things you have to work for them nobody lands you stuff for free, I don't

want you to be like me working out in the sun everyday coming home exhausted and waking up

to do the same thing I want you to be better and be an example to your little brothers. My dad has

always been a hard working man and I look up to him because he shows that no matter what the

situation is you gotta keep going tell you got what you want. My goal in the future is to watch

my parents healthy in a beautiful home for them without them working no more. I dream to keep

them happy and relaxed and just feel great about them self to know that everything pays off and

to know that their son did exactly what they wanted to and that their son will always love and

remember them no matter the distance. Forever i'm grateful for them

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