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Dear Judges,

Hello, my name is Stephen Cortez. My topic is about the homeless.The issue that im
addressing is that we should try to help as much as we can when we can towards the
homeless community.

Its important to look around and witness the people around asking for help for some
change. From a man under a bridge to a women in a box next to a store. These are the
people we have seen but what do we do?

I came with this topic because i as a individual have witness these people and i have
ignored some at times and felt the guilt later on But i do also help when i can. From a
dollar to help them with a snack to a conversation that can get them thru the day its all it

While doing my project i have learned that many homeless people out there seek help
but don’t ever get it. So if you ever find someone in the need of help please give them
some if you can.

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