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Hello everyone, I am Onome Ahante of GOA LEARNINGTREE.

I am still sharing with you, the strategies

that are needed in MASTERMINDINGYOU WORKSPACE. In the last post, I talked about developing an
attractive personality especially with regard to having an agreeable character. Now I will shift my focus to
another equally important skill for masterminding your workspace and that is ACURATE or CLEAR

To begin we must understand accurate or clear thinkingto be, thinking or thoughts that are not clouded
by prejudice, bias or opinionation. Why is this important? To solve any kind of problem especially in your
workspace requires that you are not bound by subjectivity you must have the rare ability to think
through the maze of information that that constantly bombarding you. Thinking acuratly or clearly is
simply your ability to see situations and circumstances as they are. This is the starting point to all
problem solving.

Accurate thought or the ability to think acuratly and clearly involves two fundamentals which all who
indulge in it must observe. First, to think accurately you must be able to separate facts from mere
fallacies. There is much "information" available to you in your workspace, that is not based upon facts.
Second, you must separate facts into two classes; namely, the important and the unimportant, or, the
relevant and the irrelevant information. The ability to do this is clear thinking.

All facts which you can use in the attainment of your workspace aims can be said to be important and
relevant; all that you cannot use are unimportant and irrelevant The ability to do this is what makes one
person an adept at problem solving and some other not knowing how to proceed with a problem or or
workspace challenge.

If you will observe well, you'd notice that some people seem to have a peculiar ability for providing
solutions to problems much faster and more acuratly than others. Search diligently and you will discover
that all such people have acquired the habit of combining and using the important facts which affect
their line of work. Far from working harder than you, they are perhaps working less and with greater
ease. By virtue of their having learned the secret of separating the important facts from the

The person who forms the habit of directing his attention to the important facts out of which he
constructs his Temple of Success with regard to problem solving provides himself with a power that
comes to his aid when confronted with challenging decisions. I am encourage everyone to start
cultivating this habit of accurate thinking and you can be sure that your workspace effectiveness will
improve manifold

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