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The national convention to eradicate “fed-upness”


Rainbow Theatre
232 Seven Sisters Road
London, N4 3NX 020 7686 6000


irst of all, let me clarify something: The NO MORE Event is “All authority [power] has been given to Me in heaven and
here to encourage you to stop being a “crowd pleaser” and on earth.” (Matthew 28.18)
start saying “NO” more often than “yes”.
“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him
At work and at home, you say “yes” so often that you the name which is above every name, that at the name of
forget what you’re saying yes to. Therefore, learning to say Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of
“no” is a powerful skill. those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every
It’s not a call to arms or a cue to be a hater. It is about tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
personal development. About working to silence the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2.9,11)
“people pleaser” dwelling within, so we can try to be
faultless with our word and consequently more successful in The well-known account of Jesus calming a storm on the
life. Sea of Galilee provides great understanding for exercising faith
in difficult situations. It teaches us that Faith prevails over
The aim of this convention is to encourage you to do what logic/reason.
Jesus taught in Matthew 5.37, saying, “Let your ‘Yes’ be
‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’.” It so happened that a powerful storm came upon Jesus
and His disciples as they sailed across the Sea of Galilee.
Whatever problem to which you say “NO MORE” has some Eventually, the terrifying wind and waves generated by the
sort of “lie detector instrument” that can verify whether or not storm overwhelmed the disciples who had desperately been
your “NO” is truly “NO”! trying to bail water from the boat, and the boat is now on the
edge of sinking. The desperate disciples awake Jesus, who,
A lie detector is an instrument for determining whether astonishingly, had been sleeping through the whole event.
a person is telling the truth by testing for physiological Jesus awakes and immediately stops the storm. The disciples
changes considered to be associated with lying. were so amazed that they said to one another, “Who can this
be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” (Mark 4.35-41)
And in the verse above, Jesus is revealing the importance
of you saying what you mean. Many people say “MAYBE” God promised that there would be one day when people would
when they want to say “NO”. There is a saying that goes, “By know His name: “Therefore My people shall know My name.”
saying yes when you need to say “NO”, you cripple the most (Isaiah 52.6)
important relationship in your life: the relationship between
you and you!” The name of JESUS is the name of God! Jesus said, “And these
signs will follow those who believe: IN MY NAME they will
Saying “NO MORE” to your problems is not enough though. cast out demons.” (Mark 16.17)
You have to really mean it. You have to be in a stage of FED-
UPNESS. So when you say “NO MORE” to your problem, and add “IN THE
NAME OF JESUS” to it, your problem MUST GO AWAY.
To be FED UP with something is to be bored,
annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that
And of course, you have to BELIEVE.
you have experienced for TOO LONG. Can the term “TOO
LONG” highlight in your memory some problems that have
In Acts 3.1-10, the Bible tells us the story of a lame man (a man
lasted so much in your life? Can you feel disappointed at
who couldn’t walk or move) who met Peter and John (Jesus’s
them? Are you “SICK AND TIRED” of those problems? Do you
disciple). That lame man’s condition reminds you of your
hate them and want to EXTERMINATE them today once and
condition, doesn’t it? You can’t move anymore. Your life has
for all?
been stagnant. But what happened to that lame man shows
If you say yes to all these questions, then you are ready to what the NO MORE + THE NAME OF JESUS combination can
say “NO MORE” to them and really mean it! do.

The only thing that you need to add to your “NO MORE” “Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I
power is the POWER that comes from above. Learn that do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
GOD has decided to do things on the earth with the rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and
participation of men, and it works the other way around too, lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones
since we can only “do things” with GOD’s participation. received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked
and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and
What you mostly need to do in order to bring praising God.” (Verses 6 to 8)
GOD’s participation in the matter today is to have FAITH in
the NAME OF JESUS! The same thing can happen to you today, IF you begin to
believe in the NAME OF GOD: JESUS!
The NAME OF JESUS has been given all the power!

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