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According to B. Lucky and S. Takim(2015), the automobile industry has been

continuously afflicted by the continuous recall of vehicles as a result of manufacturing
defects. The recall of vehicles in the automobile industry is not limited to any particular
manufacturer over the years. Defective components or parts have always been
attributed for the reason for the recalls, while some have attributed it to uncontrolled
growth and expansion. For automobile companies to keep up with the growth in the
automobile industry; it must be ready at all times to satisfy its numerous customers
with quality, reliable and affordable products. Reliability of the product is essential to
keep a good customer base. Some car accidents are the result of a vehicle defect, rather
than a driver’s error or careless action. Every year in the United States, there are
approximately 6 million car accidents, which means there are approximately 16,500
every day. Around 2.35 million people are injured and around 40,000 people die as a
result of these accidents. While many of these accidents are caused by inattentive
drivers, recent events have made people more aware of the role auto defects play in car
accidents. Auto defects are failures in the design or manufacturing of cars that can
potentially cause serious accidents (Hankey Law Office, 2016).

In the Philippines, the Metro Manila Accident Recording and Analysis System says
there were 109,322 road crash incidents in the National Capital Region in 2016, a 14.33%
increase over 2015.The Metro Manila Accident Recording and Analysis System
(MMARAS) reports an average of 299 road crash incidents every day in Metro Manila.
Aside from human error, other top causes of road crashes in 2016 are vehicle defects
such as mechanical, lost brake, oil spill, blownout tire, clutch, crash down, steering
wheel and tire detached (Kimiko Sy, 2017).

In Iloilo,
Review of Related Literature

Accelarators that stick or break

Accelerator The literature (Cohen, 2013; Christiansen, 2009; Salido, Sabás & Freixas, 2013;
Miller & Bound, 2011) and others) coincide in defining Accelerators as time-limited programmes that
have a competitive application process open to all, offer some level of initial funding to startups in
exchange for a small stake in the company, intense mentoring and education, networking
opportunities with other startups, investors and advisors and are generally organised in batches
(cohorts) of startups starting and finishing the programme at the same time.

The mentorship aspect of the accelerator helped to lay bare the value of
our business, our strengths, and our weaknesses. We feel more confident about
our product, and how to sell it. With respect to weaknesses, we received
perspectives from many mentors. Each had slightly different opinions about the
problems we presented, enabling us to coalesce around what could be the best

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),

vehicle defects still cause car accidents although automobile safety has improved
considerably over the last several decades. Auto defects involves problems with
accelerators that stick or break; air bags that deploy when they should not; electrical
system problems that cause fires or loss of lights; wheels that crack or break, causing
loss of control of the vehicle; steering components that break and cause loss of vehicle
control; fuel system components susceptible to crash damage that leak and cause fires;
windshield wiper assemblies that do not work properly; seats or seatbacks that fail
unexpectedly; and tires or other critical vehicle components that break, fall apart or
separate from the vehicle, causing potential for loss of control of the vehicle and injury
to people in or out of the vehicle .
Bebeteidoh Oyinkepreye Lucky and Stephen Takim (2015). Manufacturing Defects in
the Automobile Industry, A Case Study of the Remote Causes and Effects of Toyota‟s
Transmission Malfunctions in Cars. International Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences (IJEAS). Retrieved November 22,2018 from

Hankey Law Office (2016). Automobile Defects. A Journal of Hankey Law Office 434 E New York St
Indianapolis. Retrieved November 22,2018 from

Kimiko Sy (2015). Human Error Mishaps: Leading cause of road mishaps in Metro Manila. Rappler
Journal. Retrieved November 22,2018 from
Factors affecting road crash modeling
Road accident fatalities have been on an increasing trend for the last decade or so in India. Hence
traffic safety management has emerged as a topic of discussion for researchers all over the world.
Hence accident modelling on different factors causing them has to be conducted. Accident modelling
helps us to know the real causative agents behind an accident to occur. The effect of one cause can
be greater than the other. And those causes can only be known from accident modelling. In this
paper we have tried to divide this accident modelling techniques into two different categories based
on the location of road i.e. accidents on urban roads and on rural roads. In both urban and rural road
accident studies it was seen that mainly regression techniques like linear, multi-linear, logit and
poisons regression have been used for modelling the road crashes. It was also marked that mostly
authors have tried to research on one cause and go deep into it rather considering all factors at a
time. From the studies it was found that speed and age along with gender has been the area of study
for accident causes in urban areas whereas in rural roads mostly all authors have limited their
studies to speed on roads and has been noted as the major cause of accidents in rural areas. This
paper has tried to review as much papers as possible and various gaps in research along with future
scope of study in this area has been indicated. Starting from the basic models like negative
binomial/Poisson’s model to the logistic and linear regressions to the new modeling techniques
involving genetic mining and fuzzy logics have been discussed explicitly in the paper

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