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Fifrh edilion

Latex, rubber of total

solids content-Dbjermination
Latex de caoulchouc !- DZteminaion des nafieres sordes biales




ffi ISO 124:200E(E)

=]v= @tso 2008
ISO 124:2008(E)

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o tso 2008
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@ ISO 2003 - All dghls @Ned

ISO 124:2008(E)


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Contents Page

': ' " ' _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
" _
- _

2 Normatlve rcferences,.,...,.,,..,,,..,,.,..........,....,,..,,,..,,....,.........,..3-..-...................,..,,.............,.,.........1

6.2 H6atlng atatrnosphsric Frsssurs (70'C) Naturdla*Dd syhthetic rubber latex .......,,...,.....,......,..2
6.3 Hoating atatrnosphsrlc pr€ssu16 (105'C)- Slrtheilc rubber Iat€x ........,............................,........2
6-4 Heating
at atmospheric pressure (up to I 60 'q ru bber latex...,......,...,..............,..,....2
6,5 Hoatlng at red uc€d pre{isure
- Synlhetlc rubber-htex.,....,,,.............,.......,,.....,...,,.,............,.,.,.,,..,.2
7 Erpr8sion of resultE ,- - -----------....,



ISO 124r2006(E)

ISO (lhe lntemational Organization for Standardization) is a woidwide federalion of lldional standards bodies
(lSO member bodies). The wod( of prcparing lnlernational Standads is nonnalg-csrIied out through ISO
technrcal committees- EEch member bcd'J interested in a subject Ior which a lecJlnrcal committee has been
esiabiished has the ight to be represenled on that committee. lntemational enlal and
non{ovemmental, in liaison with lSO, also take pad in ihe work. lS with lhe
lntemalional Electrcfechnical Commission (lEC) on all matters of eleclrotech
,,. r
lntemalional Standards are drafted in accordance wilh the rules given ln lhF lSO,lEC Directives. Part 2.

The main lask of iechnical committees is to prepare lntemational Standaads. Draft International Siandads
adopied by ees are ciroulated for voting. Publication as an
lnternaliona rovalby st least 75 casting avote.

Altention is lhat some of the e t may be lhe subjecl of paienl

rights. ISO shsllnot be held responsiblefor identifying any or alls}ct.patenl rights.
ISO 124 was p.epar6d by Technical Committee ISO/TC4s, Rubier and tubbe! ptoducts, Subcommifiee
SC 3, Raw natedab (inclucling latex) for use in lhe bbet indusw.

This frfth €dition cancels and replaces the fou(h ediiion (tqQi24l9g7), of which it constitutes a minor
rovision to incorporate the two am6ndments ISO 124:1997/Amd.1:2006 and ISO 124:1997/Amd 2:2008,
p.ov:drng precision data and pemiiing the use of higherdryin; temporatures, respe*vely.

Olso 2009 -Alldghb e€red

ISO 124:2008(E)

The need in commorcial pEctice to deieimine solrds content rapidly tras ltto tne rntroduction of higher
drying tomperatures. This new edition recognEes lhis requirement whib Tetaining the older conventionat



@ lso 2008 - alL dghls Eserred


Latex, rubber- Determination oftotal solids content

WARNIIIG Person6 using thi! tntornationat standa.d shoutd be fli;iiiar v/ith normal taboratory
praclico, Thls standard do€s not purpon to address all of the satuty,i.rotlsms, lf any, asEoctatod with
Its us6. lt is the rasponslblilty ol ,i€ r,ser to establish appropriaie satdty and h€alth practices and to
ensure compllance wilh ahy national regulatory condltlons.

I Scope
This lnt€maiional Standard specifies methods for the detennination oithe totatsolids content of naturatrubber
latex mnc€ntrate and Eynthelic flrbber latices. These method$ are not necesssrity suitable for lalex from
natural sources olher ihan lhe Hevea BrEsi,ersrs, for vulcanire-al latex, Ior co.'nDounded latex or for aiificial
dispercions ofrubber

The followingre arB indispe_nsable for the €pplication oi this docum€nt. For dated
references,only plies. For undifed r6fsr6nces, the lai€st edition of ttie referoncsd
documsnt(includ applies .-.'"a+

ISO 123, RuDbsrlaf$

- Ss.nplrnq .':,.,"
3 Principle -lo v

A tesi portion oilh6lalex is drisd to consiirtinass underspecifed condiiions, eitherat atmospheric pressure
or uhder vacuum The total solids content'is delennined by weighjng befo€ and after drying to constEnl mass.

NOTE fte detenninalion of lhe le!'mil€fter drying for a sp€ciilc penod ol rme is ihe subject oi ISO 3251.

imately 60 mm.

42 ovons, capableefbEing maintained at 70 'C r, 2 'C o. at a selecled temperature b6tween 1 00 'C ahd
t sr'C\-
150 'C accurale io
4.3 Vacuum ov€ir'capable of being maintained at 125'C 12 'C and ata pre3suro below 20 kPal).
4.4 Analytlcal balanc6, capable of being read to 0,1 mg.

o lso 2008 - aJ ngh! Eseryed 1

.5 Sampling
Cany outsampling jn accordancewith oneofthe methods specified in ISO 129).

6 Procodure

6,1 General

For naluEl rubber latex concentratd, proceed in accordance with 6.2 and for synth'ettc rubber latex proc€ed in
accordance with 6 2, 6.3, 6.4 o.6 5. F arfom the detennination in dupticate.

6.2 Heating at atmospheric pressurc (70 .C) Natural and syndetic rubber latex
to lhe nearesl 0,1 mg, a dish (4.1). Pour rnlo the dish 2,0 g t 0,5 g oflatex and detemine the exact
^/eigh,(r7d by weighing to the neareGt 0,1 mg. cen_ily swid the contents of the dish to ehsure that the Laiex
mvers the bottom- lf desir€d, approximately '1 cmJ of distilJed wtster or water of equivatent purity may be
addod and mixed with the latex by swirling. .
PlacB the dish in the oven (4.2) so that it is ho zontat, and heat il. ai_?o .C 2 "C for 16 h or until the lest
podion has lost lts whiteness. Remove lhe dish frcm the oven and allo-w rl io ccill to ambient temDereturs in a
desiccator. Remove the dish and weigh. Retum the disl mit at 70 .C a 2 .C. Remove the
dish and allow it to cool to ambiont temperature in a ( anC reweigh. Repeat the drying
Flocedure for periods of 30 nin until ihe loss in mass vo vreighings is leis than 0,Ehg.
Rocord the mass ofthe dried latex (h.r)
f ,*
ber iatex

05 "C t 5 'C Ior 2 h or untit the test

ghlng. retum the dish to the oven at
the di /ing proc6ss.

stioky, repeai the determinalion in

Ng IE SIE{ness is symptomalic or o,yidaton of sine rubbors sten eposed !o arr at too hig h a temperaiure.

0 !C) Synthetic rubber latex

ing process can be canied out at tempetatures up lo

NOTE The maxinrum dryhg lemp6i"ddne for CR latex rs 130 'C. whrle any rubbsr latex oxcept CR rn Tabte A I may
be dri6d ai uoto 160'C. !*:,.
Proceed in accordance with 62'a!ql'6.3, but heat the dish containing the latex at for instance 130'C t 5.C
l'or 40 min or 150'C:t 5 'C lor20 rrn (see Annex A). After alloriring to cool in a desiccaior and weighing,
rBpeat lhe drying for periods ol,io mir. unlilthe loss in mass between two successive weighings is tess than
0.5 mg. ln the ovent ofa disputo.ove'the results, drying shallbe done in accordance with 6.2.
G.5 Heatlng at reduced pressufe Synthetlc rubber letex
ii'e;gh, to lhe nearest 0,1 mg, a dish i4.1). Pour into the dish 1,0 g + 0,2 g of l6iex and weigh to the nsarest
.-1 i mg Add approximately 1 qnr oi.l;stilled waler or wat€i of equNalent purity and mix by swrrling, ensuring
ihat the latex covers lhe bollom of th€ d ish

O lSO2003-All nghb Befted

ISO 124:2008(E)

Place th€ di6h in the vacuum oven (4 3) so that jt ls horizontal. Reduce {he pressure slowly to avoid foamin$
and splattering, and heat at 125 'C for 45 min to 60 min at a pressure betow 20 kPa Release the vacuum
slowly, remove the dish from the oven and allow to cool in a desiccator. Remove the dish and weigh. Repeat
the abov6 drying procedure tor poriods of 15 min untillhe loss in mEss between two succossive \reig hings is
less lhan 0,5 mg

7 Expression of results
Calculate the totalsolids contdrt TSC, expressed as a percentage bymass of the latex, using theequaiion

TSC = 11,1Oo
, \.,".
wh€r€ I
.*.{ -
Do jsthe mass. in grams, ofthetest Doriion belore drying:- -B,

-i is the mass, in grams, of the firal dried matenal -:J --'

The resulis ofihe duplic€te d te.minalions shall not ditier$more than 0,2 % (mass/mass)
NoTE over a large number or determrnal ons, !r€ vac{u;hdihod (6.5) iends to give maainally tower vatLres,
does notdifrrby morE Uan 0,1 %.

8 Precision ',q,'
E i--
See Annex B Jtarl

I Test report
Thetest repod shall include the following'ia",'

a) a.eference to this Inlernational Slandiard;

b) delailE ofthe drying methcd alqtefiperature used,

c) alrdetails necessary for ider*idc€tion of ihe test sample:

! ,:1
d) the al,erage value ofthe r€3ulls andll.e units in which lh6y have bedn expressed;
e) dotails ofany unusualfoalures not6d during the deleminalion;

f) details of any operEtion not included in this lntemational Standard or in the lntemational Shndard to
which eierence ls made, as well a6 any opelation regarded as optional.


O lso 2008 - Al nghE Esered 3

ISO 124:2008(E)

Annex A

Drying conditions for synthet!c latices at atmospheric pressure

A.l Suitable drying conditions for various synthelic latices have been determined, i.e, conditions which give
a constaot mass, These are sumrne zed in Table \.1. The conditions given fdr each lat€x are not to be
considered as requied condilions. bul as recommended condiiions for the measurement of total solids

4.2 CR (chloroprene rubber) latex should noi be heated at more thaqE130'C, because of possible
decomposition. -
Table A.l Drying conditions at 130 "C andJ;O'C
130.C { 160'C
X-SBR 4or 2r)

CR 3O-5!'

XsBR (wilh ailrdesEdEnt) 2A

NBR (wiih Entidcgradant) r,'l'* 40 2a

X-NBR qfr' 40 ,D
X'NBR (with anlidegradant) ! 4A 20
X.II,lBR 40 20

'X-" m@N'..qlbo,iy,aHl.
Su.Cr"r."Lz. i, )


4 @ ISO 200a - All dghLs @toed

iSo 124:2008(EI

Annex B


B.1 The precision dala presented in Tables B.1 andB.2 were obla,nid'in iepaidt6 inter-laboratory tes:
prcg."mmei oTP") carrieb out at diff€rent times employing lhe tesi,methods specified in 6.2 and 6.4,

B.2 The precision was detemined in accordance with ISO/TR 927.2. RcJer to ISO/TR 9272 {oI termjnology
e of the iretrEion of these test methoos with the
The plecislon oarameteG should nol be Lsed 'o.
withoLl docLmentation lhal the parametels are

8.4 The precision results are gtven in Table6 8.1

95 % confdence levelforthe values established for re

NOTE Bi6s is not sppllcable. ln t€st meihod teminologt, bias is lile diie'e.c€ belw€on an ave€ge lest value snd
the ret6lenc6 (or tue) tesi D.operty value. RefeEnce valueslc.Iot erist for lhE test melhod- sinc€ lhe v,lue (ot.lhe lesl
prcpedy) is ex;Esiveiy defned by the Iest melhod aias, tSgetoE, cannor oo le'rflined 1br this Padrcular test m€thod

8.4.1 Th6 reEults contained in Table 8.1 are values and give an estimate of the pr66ision of ihis
test melhod as detemined ih an ITP in 2001, in 13 laboratodes performod trlplicate analyses on two
samples, A and B, which woro prepared from.. mmonia natural-rubber latex concentrale. The bulk latex
was strained and then homogenized by ing and stining prior to being sub-sampled into 1-litre
bottles labelled A and B. ThLi6, essenti les A and B were the same and treat€d as such in the
statislical computations. Each particip was required lo carry out the lest u6ing these two
samples onthe dates which harl been participants in lhe lTP,

e Precision of lhis
analyses on three
out the tesl using
temPeratures and

8,5 ln each case, a type 1 ,preiision was determined, based on the sampling method used for the latex
samples in lhe ITP in 200'1 and4.&t

8.6 r (in measurernent units) of each test method has been established as
the le 8.1 or B2 Two single test reslllts, obtained in the sarne laboratory
il r by more lhan ths tab--ulat€d value of r (for any givon l6vel) should be
considered lo have come.from dlfferent (non_identical)

B.7 Rsbroducibilttvllhe reoroducibilfty n (in of each test method has been

*Ltri"iJa tte aibioDriate value tabul;ted in T single test results, obiained under
ii"uiri"""l' tiat differ bv more than ih
n"rm"i'G "" .R (for anv givon level) should
considered to have come from different (non'idenlical) samPle populations

@ ISO 2ooS - AL nohb EseRed

ISO 124:2008(E)

Tablo B.'l Prscision for tot6l solids content, drylng at 70.C (see 6,2)
Betreen Iaboratort6s
(.) -R (x)
70 .c
61,68 0,11 0,18 0,23 0,37
rcp*iab lity (in maasumment unjls)

t) lep6alability (iD pircent ofmea. Ievel)b

-R roproducibilily ('n measuEment unils)
(R) repmducibilty (in perc€niotmean level) b

. Sollds @nre.tln % b\,ness

b as the acluat measureoent unds aE %, th€se v6rus rcpr$enl p€l(snt'r6la[!€, l,e, pe@nl or g

T.ble B.2
fortotalsollds content' drying iil3i "C ahd 160.C (seo 6.4)

Wfiln laboriforyl Botween laboratorleB

(r)-' (R)

X.SBR.1 50,7 0,46 *3"0,91 0,46 0,91

20 mh
x-sDit,2 506 0,20 ! 1,.-0,3e 0,38 0,75
50,1 o,1q-*. :4 0,36 0,33 0,66
x-sBR-1 50,7 0.4"q 0,4'1 0,25 049
130 "C
X.SBR-2 s0,6 6og. 0,16 0,11 022
CR 50,2 $i? o,24 0,40 0,80
X.SBP.1 50,6 "op4 0,08 0,16 4,32
x-s8fl,2 50,6 \B0,Os 0,09 0,16 0,32
cR! 50,0 0,11 023 0,43 0,86
x-sBR-1 so7r. 0,1! 020 0,18 0,36
x-sF!rt-2 s{sJ 004 008 0,14 028
50 min
j"5q,2 0,09 0,19 0,56 1,12

P = 11, q =1, N=2

rcpeatabllily (ln m:ali@Jn6nt unrls)

k) lepeairbrliiy (in pelE'ni ormean level) b

Gproducibllity neisurement !nhs)
(x) reploducibllity;( perenl ofmean level) b

! sottdsm di;n% bI mAs.

b ar aaoet meBiufenea unhs aE pe@ntaso (%), these wlu6 epE6dl perenl Erah€, le
c Dryhg CRleiex atthls lhpeEtuE ls rcLe@mmehded, (S* clase A2-),

6 @ lSO 2000 -A!l nghls @Ned

ISO 124:2008(Ei


i1l tso 3251

ISO/TR 9272, Rubber aad rubbet protfucls Deteinination of pGcisbi fot test nethod standads

@ lso 2006-Al nghls @seNed

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