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Kegunaan Tracer

Tracer adalah suatu alat yang penting untuk mengawasi penggunaan berkas
rekam medis. Kartu ini diisi setiap dokumen rekam medis akan diambil,
kemudian disisipkan pada tempat dokumen yang akan diambiltersebut sebagai
petunjuk bahwa dokumen rekam medis itu sedang tidak berada ditempat
Kegunaan tracer untuk memudahkan pengambilan dokumen rekam medis yang
telah selesai digunakan dan dikembalikan di bagian filing. Selain itu dapat
berguna untuk melacak apabila dokumen rekam medis tersebut hilang, karena
didalamnya berisi kapan, siapa, dimana, untuk apa dokumen rekam medis
Tracer is a very important tool for reporting the use of medical records. This card
will be used for help, then inserted in the document to be used as a hint that the
document can not be stored.
Tracer useful to facilitate the retrieval of documents that have been available and
completed in the filing. In addition it can be used to enter the documents, because
in it there is when, who, where, for anything computer medical record used.

1) The medical recorder

issues the patient's name,
medical record number, and
borrower's purpose.

2) Officer takes note of

patient's name, medical
record number, and
borrower's purpose provided
by officer.

3) The officer seeks medical

records on the storage rack
that will be required in
accordance with the patient's
name, medical record
4) Officer writes the patient's
name, no. RM, exit date, and
RM destination or borrower
sent on tracer (outguide).

5) Tracer officers at medical

records to fill medical records
issued from storage shelves.

6) Officers take medical

records on storage shelves.

7) Medical record return

should be possible again.

8) Raising medical record up

to the expedition book.

9) When the medical record

is eligible, the storage officer
corrects the rising medical
record and matches it with
an expedition book.

10) The officers sort the

medical records that have
been in the group position
and placed on a temporary
storage rack.

11) A sorted medical record

placed on a temporary
storage rack by a storage
officer is entered into storage

12) Tracer (outguide) Selects

or removes on new file and
new paper.

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