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The last movie that I watched was an Indian movie with title Taare Zamen Par.

This movie talks about the story of a child who is considered as a stupid and lazy by his parents,
but actually he has dyslexia. Dyslexia is a condition where someone has difficulty to recognize
letters. He poor in academic but great in art. His parents who cannot afford to teach their son are
forced to send their son named Ishaan who is played by Darsheel Safary to boarding school. That
makes ishaan depressed, fortunately there is a substitute art teacher who also teaches for children
with special needs and immediately talks to Ishaan’s parents. Nikumbh as the teacher is played
by Amir Khan is patiently teaches Ishaan in various ways so he can understand. When Nikumbh
teaches Ishaan, he knew that Ishaan had an extraordinary talent. Ishaan can make a beautiful and
imaginative paintings because of his high imagination power. Since Ishaan was taught by
Nikumbh, Ishaan is increasing in each lesson. He who initially could not read became able and
developed rapidly than before.
I really love this movie. This movie made me cry and gave me motivation that every child is
special includes me.

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