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Singularul si pluralul substantivelor: - pentru plural si adauga un “ s”

 Pentru cuvintele terminate in y – se transforma in “ i+ es”
 Pentru cuvintele terminate in “ch,x,sh,ss,s se adauga “es”
 Iregularitati: man – men; woman-women ; child – children; person – people;
II. Articolul nehotarat: - pentru subs. La singular este “a”
 Folosim “an” atunci cand substantivul precedat de articol incepe cu o vocala
 Pentru plural nu avem articol nehotarat – vom spune: doctors, dancers etc
III. There is + singular – There is a cat in the garden
There are + plural noun – There are a lot of students in your town?
IV. Pronumele obiect: me; you; her; him; it; us; you; them
V. Adjectivele posesive: my; your; her; his; its; our; their
VI. Posisivele cu “ ‘s ” – pentru oameni si animale adaugam “ ‘s “ pentru posesie – ex: The
cat’s bowl
VII. Posesive pentru lucruri : noun + of + noun
Dupa: the front, back, side, top, bottom, end intotdeauna adaugam of + noun.
VIII. This – acesta / aceasta ; These – acestia / acestea
That – aceea / acela ; Those – aceia / acelea
IX. Comparativul / adjectivele de comparative : adjective + er + than ( ex: taller than )
- Sa compare 2 lucruri.
X. Prepozitii de loc, miscare si timp
1) Prepozitii de loc : in (in); on (pe) ; under (sub); behind (in spatele) ; in front of ( in fata);
above (deasupra); below (sub); between ( intre); next to (langa)
At, On, In ca prepozitii de loc:
“At” a place – at the bus stop; “ On” a surface – on the table; “in” a place (inside) - in the
2) At, On, In ca prepozitii de timp:
At a point in time – at lunchtime; at 9 o clock;
On a day or date – On Monday; On 4th June
In a period of time – In May; In 1992
XI. Gerunziul si Infinitivul
o este ca un substantiv; se foloseste dupa verbe ca: like; love;hate
o forma: verb la infinitive + ing (ex: going; drinking)
Infinitivul: would like + to – infinitive / verb + to + infinitive (We tried to phone you)
o would like este o forma de a spune “want”
o dupa “would like” folosim “to + infinitive”
XII. Adverbe de frecventa cu present simple : always (mereu) ; often (de multe ori) – adverbul este
intre subiect si verb;
XIII. Go + to / Go + for a / Go + verb +ing
 Go to – ex : go to England, go to the cinema
 Go for a – ex: go for a walk; go for a run; go for a drink
 Go + verb ing – ex: go fishing; go walking; go swimming
XIV. Some/any & a / an in fraze affirmative, negative si interrogative
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Singular Plural
Positive a / an orange some oranges some bread
Negative & Interogative a / an orange any oranges any bread
Adesea folosim “some” in propozitii de genul : “ Would you like some oranges? “ / “Can I
have some bread? “
XV. Adverbul de mod – descrie o actiune: Form: adjective + ly (quick – quickly)
Iregularitati: good-well; hard-hard; fast-fast; late-late; early-early;
XVI. Adjectivele de comparatie : bigger than ; more expensive than
Adjectivul are trei grade de comparatie: pozitiv, comparative si superlative
Adjectivele scurte (1 sau 2 silabe) : adjective + er (big-bigger; clean-cleaner)
Adjectivele lungi (2+ silabe) : more + adjective + than (careful - more careful)
pozitiv comparativ superlativ
Adjective scurte smart smarter the smartest
Adjective lungi expensive more expensive the most expensive
Good – better - the best ; bad – worse – the worst ; old / elder – the eldest ;
Comparativul de inferioritate – se formeaza adaugand cuvantul “less” inaintea adjectivului
Ex: cheap – less cheap ; expensive – less expensive (mai putin scump)
Comparativul de egalitatate – arata ca cele 2 elemente sunt la fel : as adjectiv as
Ex: Oranges are as cheap as bananas.
XVII. The imperative ( Imperativul) – se foloseste sa dam explicatii/instructiuni/ordine
Ex: Turn left. ; Don’t / Do not walk on the grass.
XVIII. Verbul modal Can – exprima abilitatea/capacitatea.:
S + can + verb de conjugat + continuare propozitie
Ex: I can run fast / She can’t drink alcohol / Can you paint?
XIX. To / At / From :
To – pentru a merge intr-un loc : Can you come to our party?
At – pentru a fi intr-un loc : Linda works at the post office
From – pentru a merge dintr-un loc in altul : She walked from shop to the cinema.
 Present simple
- este timpul care se refera la : actiuni repetate, preferinte, adevaruri general valabile si
evenimente programate
- este adesea marcat prin adverbe sau expresii temporale explicite sau implicite care
indica frecventa
- verbele de genul cer present simple : think, know; understand; agree; want (nu sunt
verbe de miscare)
1) Always (intotdeauna; usually (de obicei) ; regularly (in mod regulat) ; normally ( in mod
normal) ; often (adesea/deseori) ; sometimes (cateodata/uneori) ; occasionally (ocazional)
; rarely(rareori) ; seldom (rareori) ; never (niciodata)
2) Every day = daily; every week = weekly; every month = monthly ; every year = yearly
3) Once a day ( o data pe zi) ; twice a week ( de 2 ori pe saptamana); three times a month
(de 3 ori pe luna).
4) In the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening; at night
5) On Mondays, On Sunday etc
Affirmative : S + verb. (la pers a 3 a singular se adauga “s”)
Negative: S + do not (don’t) + Verb infinitiv
Interrogative: Do/Does + S + Verb infinitive

 Past simple tense

- Se refera la actiuni incheiate in trecut / cere forma a 2 a a verbului / verbele pot fi
regulate sau iregulate.
- Este folosit pentru actiuni incepute si terminate in trecut
- Past simple este deseori marcat prin adverbe sau expresii temporale explicite sau
 Yesterday; yesterday morning; last evening (aseara); last week; last summer; last
year; one week ago; two months ago; as a teenager; in May etc
Affirmative: S + verb +ed (verbele regulate) / S + verb (forma a 2 a pt verbele iregulate)
Negative: S+did not (didn’t) + verb infinitive (forma 1)
Interrogative: Did + S + verb inf (prima forma)
!! Past timple este folosit doar pentru actiuni terminate in trecut. Daca actiunea a inceput
in trecut, dar nu este terminate in present, nu folosim Past Simple.

 Present continuous tense – vorbeste despre actiuni care sunt in desfasurare

Form: S + to be (present) + verb + ing
Interrogative : To be + S + verb + ing
Negattive: S + to be + not + verb + ing
Nu folosim present continuous cu verbele: like, hate, love, know, understand, forget, agree.
(nu sunt verbe ce exprima activitatea).
Folosim PRESENT CONTINUOUS in urmatoarele situatii:
Cand actiunea se intampla chiar acum : ex - I am reading a book on the beach.
Cand actiunea se intampla in present, chiar daca dureaza mai mult timp :
Ex - He is studying to become doctor
Cand ne referim la planuri pentru viitorul apropiat
Ex – Clara is meeting Ruby tomorrow.
Cand ne referim la o actiune repetitive : ex – He is always arriving late.
Cum recunoastem present continuous:
Now – What are you doing now?
Right now – They are getting on the plane right now
In this moment, at the moment – The plane is taking off in this moment.
At present – At present, he is living with his friends.
 Present Continuous tense as future – folosim present continuous sa vorbim despre
aranjamente in viitor, adesea cu verbe precum : go, come, see, meet, stay, have, leave.
 Folosim Present Continuous cu expresii de timp : tomorrow, at the weekend, next week,
on Friday, next year.
 Sa vorbim despre un plan sau o intentie, ceva ce te ai decis sau nu sa faci (ex – We are
going to visit Alice on Sunday)
 Sa facem o predictive, ceva ce se poate intampla in viitor (ex – It’s going to be a nice
day tomorrow)
 Sa vorbim despre un lucru in viitor (ex – Danny is going to be seven on his next

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