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The receptor of thirst are located in a part of the brain called hypotholamus.

receptors, called osmoreceptors, are stimulated by an increase in blood osmolarity.
Imagine a man who has just landed on a deser islan. trace the course of events leading
to his sensation of thirst. can he satisfy by drinking seawater

1. as a man looses water through sweating, urine or breathing. he becomes dehydrate if he

did not drink.
2. Blood volume will decrease due to the loss of solvent (water) and the blood becomes
more concentrated
3. the increase of blood osmolarity will stimulate the osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus
and causes sensation of thirst and release of ADH
4. seawater is hypertonic to the blood. Drinking seawater will increase the osmolarity of
blood. due to the fact that osmoreceptors are stimulated by increase osmolarity ,
drinking seawater cannot satisfy thirst

Before the invention of refrigerators, pioneers preserved meat by salting it. Explain how meat can be
preserved by this procedure. (HINT: Think about what salting the meat would do to decomposer
organisms, like bacteria and fungi)

salting the meat will create a hypertonic environment between on the interface between salt and meat.
once decomposers cells are in that are water will be drawn out of them and thus causing there

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