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Name : Maria Theresa M.D.

Nim : 44216010071.
Major : Public Relation.

Fill in was or were into the gaps.

If there is a (-) use the negation (wasn't or weren't).

1. Last year my best friend was 22 years old.

2. The weather was cold when we were in Berlin.
3. Why were you so angry yesterday?
4. At this time last year Sandra was in Paris.
5. We were tired because it was late at night.
6. Tim wasn't asleep at ten o'clock yesterday. (-)
7. Our hotel last year were small, but it was very clean.
8. I phoned you at the weekend, but you wasn't at
home. (-)
9. My dad wasn't at work the whole week, because he
was ill. (-)
10. The shops were open yesterday, but we didn't go
There is / There are, Some/Any
1. There is some money on the table.
2. There are any people in the restaurant.

3. Is there some cheese in the refrigerator? (question sentence)

4. There aren't any students in the classroom. (negative sentence)

5. There are some apples in the kitchen.

6. Have you got some tomatoes?

7. Did you get the ketchup? No, They didn’t have any .

8. Here are any cornflakes, but they didn’t have some milk.

9. You should eat some fresh fruit.

10. There’s no butter in the fridge. Let’s go and get some .

Choose the best answer to complete the conversations.

1. A : _________________________
B : Yeah, it was OK
a. What did you do this weekend?
b. When did you do your homework?
c. Where did you go?
d. Did you have a great weekend?

2. A : Do you want to go shopping

B : _________________________
a. I can buy some.
b. Yes, I can.
c. We don’t have any bananas, either
d. I can’t. I’m busy.

3. A : Where’s the coffee?

B : _________________________
a. No, we don’t.
b. Yes, we do. It’s in the living room.
c. They’re in the fridge.
d. We don’t have any.

4. A : ________________________
B : Yes, we did.
a. Where did you go on Saturday?
b. Did he hang out with friends?
c. did you take a trip?
d. When did you clean your room?

5. A : This kitchen is messy! It’s your job to clean it.

B : _________________________
a. Sorry I was too busy.
b. Well, I was just here.
c. No, I wasn’t.
d. I don’t know.

6. A : _________________________
B : Yes, it’s on the table.
a. Do we need any food?
b. Do we have any juice?
c. Where’s the bread?
d. Do we have any cookies?

7. A : Were you at school all day?

B : ________________________
a. Sorry, Mom.
b. Yes, I was.
c. You were at home.
d. No, You weren’t.

8. A : What did you do on Friday afternoon?

B : ________________________
a. Yes, I did.
b. She saw a movie.
c. It was great.
d. We went to a party.

9. A : We need some juice and some apples.

B : ________________________
a. We don’t have any juice.
b. I can’t.
c. OK. What else?
d. It’s in the fridge.

10. A : I wasn’t at home this morning.

B : ______________________
a. No, I wasn’t.
b. Where were you?
c. I was at home, too.
d. Were you at home?
Read the letter and answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. What does Megan do?

• Megan write a lot of emails while at the cafe yesterday.
2. Where does she live?
• She lives in a house with four other students.
3. What is Megan’s house like?
• Megan's house is big, three are five bedroom, two bathrooms, a
kitchen, and a living room.
4. When does Megan and friends go to campus for their classes?
• They are have classes from Monday to Friday .
5. What do they usually do on Saturdays?
• She went shopping or hangout with friends.
6. What did they do last weekend?
• They are went to the park.
7. What did Megan and friends enjoy at the Internet cafe
• Because the internet cafe have delicious coffe, tea, cookies, and
8. When did Megan and friends exactly go there?
• They are went to the internet cafe on Saturday.
9. What does the internet cafe provide for the visitors?
• The internet cafe have computer, magazines, books, movies, and
vidoe games.
10. Who did Megan send this letter for?
• Megan sent a e-mail to Jordan.

D. WRITING (20 points)

Write a paragraph (8-10) sentences about your last vacation using these
guideline questions:
a. Where did you go?
b. Whom did you go with?
c. How did you go there?
d. How many days did you spend there?
e. What did you do?
f. What did you buy there?
g. Did you meet interesting people there? ... etc

Answer :

D. Writing

Hello everyone, I'm Maria Theresa Moi Dosi seven semester from
Mercu Buana University majoring in Public Relations, this time I want
to share a story about a vacation that is very impressive and can't
even be forgotten. Right on sixteenth august two thousand nineteen,
went on vacation to Garut which is usually famous by the name of
Dodol City, this time I was on vacation with three of my best friends
and even more amazing I was on vacation in Garut using a two-
wheeled vehicle.
In the beginning, I and my friends did not think that we would go on
vacation to Garut, but because I saw on social media that Garut has
natural beauty that is no less beautiful than any island in Indonesia,
finally we decided to immediately go to Garut, goods we didn't bring
too many items, only three clothes, 3 pants, toiletries, food and tents,
because we didn't have relatives in Garut we decided to fight there
and it really made me happy because this was the first time in my life
setting up tents and sleeping in tents. We have imagined our
happiness later after we arrived in the city of Garut and of course our
feelings of each of us can not wait to visit the city, because we
imagine the high seas, hot water baths, delicious food and cheap,
funny souvenirs and adorable, really impatient. Finally we went on
our way.

Eight hours of travel is indeed very tiring for us, especially coupled
with travel at night that really makes us want to sleep fast but can not
because our journey must be full of focus and high concentration to
prevent harm in the road. Even though it was a very long journey, we
were very entertained because the beautiful moon and stars
accompanied our night trip. After the trip finally we were in Garut and
we decided to take a break, then the most impressive thing was that
we could not get lodging and finally we slept in one of the houses of
the residents who were very good at giving us a ride even though we
were not familiar with him.
Travel in the morning we decided to go to Lake Garut but it failed
because the road was closed due to an Indonesian independence
statement, then we changed our destination to the top of the very
famous beautiful Guha in Garut, after traveling for four hours we
finally arrived at the Peak of Guha and we immediately set up camp
really there I was amazed because God created beauty that was so
amazingly good. Two days at Puncak Guha we finally decided to go
back to Jakarta because our office assignments called us to go home.
And I promise myself that someday I have to go back to Garut City
because this city is the best city of all time.

So many stories from me, see you all, have a nice day.

a. I went to Garut city.

b. I went with three of my best friends.
c. We drove motorbikes for eight hours.
d. Two days.
e. Visiting the guha peak beach which is very famous in Garut.
f. Cheap food and drinks.
g. Yes, I met an interesting person because he gladly allowed me
and my friends to spend the night at his home even though we had
not known him before.

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