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Supplementary reading Day 06

APP001: Empowerment Technologies

Creating a document file in LibreOfice Writer is very easy.
To create a file, follow the ff. steps.
1. Open LibreOffice application
2. Create New File. Press Ctrl + N
3. Save the document into a directory with desired file name.
Whereas, to edit encoded texts, there are three (3) operations performed namely: Copy, Cut,
Copying/Copy (Ctrl + C) refers to duplicating a section of a document and placing it in a
buffer (sometimes called a clipboard).
Cutting/ Cut (Ctrl +X) refers to removing a section of a document and placing it in a buffer.
After cutting or copying, you can move the contents of the buffer by pasting (Ctrl +V) it
somewhere else.

To apply various formatting to a text/s, ensure that you have selected them by highlighting
only the specific text/s. Using formatting tools, you can change the alignment, font styles,
colors and size, emphasis, apply bullets and numberings. Undo (Ctrl + Z) and Redo (Ctrl
+Y) is also used to move back and forth to the latest revisions on your document.
Also, you may improve your document by inserting images, shapes, wordArt, and tables using
the icons from standard toolbar or menu from menu bar.

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