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To conclude, the very existence of the political injustices (e.g.

, graft and corruption, unjust election

administration, unequal representation, etc. ) in the Philippines has created negative impacts affecting
the lives among the Filipinos today, more indicatively, those who are poor and marginalized within the
society who were likely to suffer ---from the health care system, job opportunities locally, free education
for all, development of dignity and humanity within the society, were most likely be affected and
disrupted due to the self-interest of the officials in the government and institutions. However, not just
only officials are to be blamed as to why Philippines is not improving economically, the citizens could
also be part of this whole crisis, too for not actively reacting this types of issues as a democratic society.
Moreover, due to the unstable conditions of our political system, which caused many facets left
uncatered, as described by the interviewee, it has been alarming and thus, caused the Filipinos to lost its
credibility and trust to the high ranking authority, however, this must not be tolerated any further as
this would continue to destroy the entire government and its peope. Therefore, an action must be taken
to defeat these political injustices in the system, and this action should start from ourselves as Filipino
citizens where we should start to be politically aware regarding the system as our moral obligations,
seeing that, if people has the chance to be continuously involved to participate in different political
avenues , like voting in elections wisely and intelligently, helps to avoid to be easily fooled by any sort of
propaganda or brainwashing which is done by political outfits from the left, right and centre and
perhaps, through this, we can choose the right people who are truly deserving for the right position in
the government. As for the leaders, they should perform duties as responsible citizens and always put
their dedication for the service of the people. Hence, it is essential to have a politically conscious and
responsive society. In our country, which has the highest percentage of young people, let us hope a day
will come when these bright youngsters shall step out of their selfish growth ambitions and start raising
their voice for people who don’t voice out their opinions or suggestions.

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