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Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 150 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 150 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items

.955 .958 29
Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the class. 2.5000 .58791 150

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” excellent, etc.. 2.6533 .54325 150

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz bee 2.0733 .81180 150
and related competition.

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. 2.2933 .78190 150

Informs me my grade every after grading period. 2.7600 .51397 150

Informs me my standing in class 2.6533 .61291 150

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. 2.2533 .77014 150

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. 2.6200 .66221 150

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. 2.5067 .59918 150

Encourage me to do my own projects. 2.6200 .60943 150

Let me do oral reports in class. 2.4733 .62064 150

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities 2.5467 .55061 150

Conducts contest and games in teaching. 2.5533 .59682 150

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity 2.4800 .58757 150

Used pictures and charts when teaching. 2.5533 .59682 150

Used the textbook only when teaching. 2.3000 .67307 150

Used manual when teaching. 2.5333 .57541 150

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). 2.7467 .45150 150

Used other references for enrichment 2.6200 .51384 150

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show 2.4733 .62064 150
interest in the class.

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and show 2.5467 .59738 150
interest in the class.

Used instructional materials when teaching. 2.6867 .53265 150

Used videos and simulations in teaching. 2.6667 .51379 150

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. 2.6200 .56366 150

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. 2.2600 .71822 150

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. 2.0267 .86658 150

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. 1.8533 .89282 150

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. 2.3667 .76340 150

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. 1.8133 .71781 150

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Gives additional 1.000 .630 .598 .701 .422 .466 .578 .457 .495 .478 .469 .498 .603 .525 .507 .348 .436 .379 .544 .635 .612 .354 .578 .496 .501 .593 .205 .621 .032
grades when I do
good and show
interest in the class.
Praises me when I .630 1.000 .469 .510 .445 .443 .500 .527 .193 .329 .390 .256 .471 .336 .409 .268 .381 .406 .439 .371 .298 .364 .449 .378 .319 .376 .047 .373 -.098
answered correctly
by saying “very good”
excellent, etc..
Give money as an .598 .469 1.000 .695 .445 .537 .732 .514 .544 .464 .637 .540 .650 .587 .539 .475 .577 .399 .518 .530 .526 .426 .526 .516 .704 .760 .339 .649 .070
incentive for my
achievement joining
quiz bee and related
Exempt me in their .701 .510 .695 1.000 .360 .522 .645 .528 .526 .405 .625 .482 .642 .568 .455 .406 .366 .326 .480 .473 .473 .319 .546 .605 .521 .642 .225 .786 -.117
third quiz when I
perfect the first and
second quiz.
Informs me my grade .422 .445 .445 .360 1.000 .586 .460 .578 .310 .435 .359 .230 .414 .273 .348 .132 .345 .401 .389 .337 .365 .483 .483 .424 .243 .286 .069 .260 -.122
every after grading
Informs me my .466 .443 .537 .522 .586 1.000 .600 .748 .262 .454 .470 .247 .601 .353 .491 .172 .299 .384 .346 .434 .393 .467 .440 .451 .343 .435 .054 .431 -.133
standing in class
Displays my .578 .500 .732 .645 .460 .600 1.000 .624 .505 .535 .646 .510 .598 .530 .467 .357 .496 .302 .414 .464 .499 .326 .486 .502 .632 .684 .357 .583 .050
achievement on
bulletin board.
Inform my parents .457 .527 .514 .528 .578 .748 .624 1.000 .353 .488 .473 .242 .553 .351 .502 .257 .342 .372 .362 .408 .308 .459 .493 .546 .364 .462 .109 .410 -.207
about progress in all
my subjects.
Let me do activities .495 .193 .544 .526 .310 .262 .505 .353 1.000 .549 .560 .599 .468 .525 .468 .403 .515 .428 .477 .542 .571 .354 .509 .494 .565 .491 .328 .604 .112
(e.g. experiment/
Encourage me to do .478 .329 .464 .405 .435 .454 .535 .488 .549 1.000 .550 .543 .490 .569 .416 .460 .563 .404 .414 .461 .574 .313 .386 .456 .519 .553 .292 .446 .159
my own projects.
Let me do oral .469 .390 .637 .625 .359 .470 .646 .473 .560 .550 1.000 .632 .629 .661 .484 .445 .566 .359 .442 .512 .492 .310 .456 .383 .565 .638 .405 .637 .170
reports in class.
Lets me relate .498 .256 .540 .482 .230 .247 .510 .242 .599 .543 .632 1.000 .564 .760 .380 .496 .514 .426 .383 .554 .595 .245 .387 .436 .622 .588 .424 .574 .277
experiences in
relation to the class
Conducts contest .603 .471 .650 .642 .414 .601 .598 .553 .468 .490 .629 .564 1.000 .577 .623 .336 .444 .524 .625 .556 .482 .465 .584 .609 .570 .594 .191 .612 -.071
and games in
Requires me to relate .525 .336 .587 .568 .273 .353 .530 .351 .525 .569 .661 .760 .577 1.000 .577 .550 .588 .360 .386 .459 .548 .269 .511 .413 .657 .660 .314 .622 .166
my experiences to
the activity
Used pictures and .507 .409 .539 .455 .348 .491 .467 .502 .468 .416 .484 .380 .623 .577 1.000 .403 .503 .399 .581 .484 .464 .380 .518 .450 .492 .516 .141 .450 -.071
charts when
Used the textbook .348 .268 .475 .406 .132 .172 .357 .257 .403 .460 .445 .496 .336 .550 .403 1.000 .589 .406 .390 .413 .391 .152 .233 .320 .546 .550 .442 .425 .297
only when teaching.
Used manual when .436 .381 .577 .366 .345 .299 .496 .342 .515 .563 .566 .514 .444 .588 .503 .589 1.000 .601 .599 .548 .532 .396 .446 .381 .588 .604 .336 .438 .210
Used computer aided .379 .406 .399 .326 .401 .384 .302 .372 .428 .404 .359 .426 .524 .360 .399 .406 .601 1.000 .653 .598 .417 .533 .473 .489 .349 .360 .074 .408 -.002
when teaching (e.g.
power point
Used other .544 .439 .518 .480 .389 .346 .414 .362 .477 .414 .442 .383 .625 .386 .581 .390 .599 .653 1.000 .631 .594 .494 .610 .518 .451 .505 .185 .529 -.030
references for
Gives additional .635 .371 .530 .473 .337 .434 .464 .408 .542 .461 .512 .554 .556 .459 .484 .413 .548 .598 .631 1.000 .800 .513 .561 .441 .490 .525 .259 .566 .139
points in the written
work when I do good
and show interest in
the class.
Gives additional .612 .298 .526 .473 .365 .393 .499 .308 .571 .574 .492 .595 .482 .548 .464 .391 .532 .417 .594 .800 1.000 .394 .532 .382 .496 .555 .340 .573 .208
points in the
performance tasks
when I do good and
show interest in the
Used instructional .354 .364 .426 .319 .483 .467 .326 .459 .354 .313 .310 .245 .465 .269 .380 .152 .396 .533 .494 .513 .394 1.00 .646 .540 .320 .396 .030 .334 -.119
materials when 0
Used videos and .578 .449 .526 .546 .483 .440 .486 .493 .509 .386 .456 .387 .584 .511 .518 .233 .446 .473 .610 .561 .532 .646 1.000 .672 .455 .457 .127 .605 -.061
simulations in
Used blended/varied .496 .378 .516 .605 .424 .451 .502 .546 .494 .456 .383 .436 .609 .413 .450 .320 .381 .489 .518 .441 .382 .540 .672 1.000 .511 .461 .195 .622 -.193
learning strategy in
Used peer teaching .501 .319 .704 .521 .243 .343 .632 .364 .565 .519 .565 .622 .570 .657 .492 .546 .588 .349 .451 .490 .496 .320 .455 .511 1.000 .754 .458 .621 .225
or peer tutoring in
Gives school .593 .376 .760 .642 .286 .435 .684 .462 .491 .553 .638 .588 .594 .660 .516 .550 .604 .360 .505 .525 .555 .396 .457 .461 .754 1.000 .500 .675 .127
supplies when I got
perfect score.
Gives gift certificate .205 .047 .339 .225 .069 .054 .357 .109 .328 .292 .405 .424 .191 .314 .141 .442 .336 .074 .185 .259 .340 .030 .127 .195 .458 .500 1.000 .355 .617
for my excellent
performance in class.
Exempt me in the .621 .373 .649 .786 .260 .431 .583 .410 .604 .446 .637 .574 .612 .622 .450 .425 .438 .408 .529 .566 .573 .334 .605 .622 .621 .675 .355 1.000 .028
next quiz when I
perfect the previous
Used traditional way .032 -.098 .070 -.117 -.122 -.133 .050 -.207 .112 .159 .170 .277 -.071 .166 -.071 .297 .210 -.002 -.030 .139 .208 - -.061 -.193 .225 .127 .617 .028 1.000
of teaching the .119

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

Summary Item Statistics

Maximum /
Mean Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Variance N of Items

Item Means 2.450 1.813 2.760 .947 1.522 .063 29

Inter-Item Correlations .437 -.207 .800 1.007 -3.870 .029 29

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Squared Multiple Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Correlation Deleted
Gives additional grades 68.5533 145.256 .727 . .953
when I do good and show
interest in the class.
Praises me when I answered 68.4000 148.577 .531 . .955
correctly by saying “very
good” excellent, etc..
Give money as an incentive 68.9800 139.805 .804 . .952
for my excellent achievement
joining quiz bee and related
Exempt me in their third quiz 68.7600 141.687 .731 . .953
when I perfect the first and
second quiz.
Informs me my grade every 68.2933 149.390 .497 . .955
after grading period.
Informs me my standing in 68.4000 146.805 .587 . .954
Displays my achievement on 68.8000 141.450 .757 . .953
bulletin board.
Inform my parents about 68.4333 145.818 .603 . .954
progress in all my subjects.
Let me do activities (e.g. 68.5467 145.780 .675 . .954
experiment/ discussion)
Encourage me to do my own 68.4333 145.683 .669 . .954
Let me do oral reports in 68.5800 144.326 .751 . .953
Lets me relate experiences in 68.5067 146.319 .697 . .954
relation to the class activities
Conducts contest and games 68.5000 144.668 .758 . .953
in teaching.
Requires me to relate my 68.5733 145.186 .733 . .953
experiences to the activity
Used pictures and charts 68.5000 146.238 .645 . .954
when teaching.
Used the textbook only when 68.7533 146.160 .571 . .955
Used manual when teaching. 68.5200 145.902 .696 . .954
Used computer aided when 68.3067 149.395 .571 . .955
teaching (e.g. power point
Used other references for 68.4333 147.294 .669 . .954
Gives additional points in the 68.5800 144.836 .715 . .953
written work when I do good
and show interest in the
Gives additional points in the 68.5067 145.352 .708 . .953
performance tasks when I do
good and show interest in the
Used instructional materials 68.3667 148.945 .513 . .955
when teaching.
Used videos and simulations 68.3867 147.178 .679 . .954
in teaching.
Used blended/varied learning 68.4333 146.690 .651 . .954
strategy in teaching.
Used peer teaching or peer 68.7933 142.514 .751 . .953
tutoring in teaching.
Gives school supplies when I 69.0267 138.831 .799 . .952
got perfect score.
Gives gift certificate for my 69.2000 146.349 .405 . .957
excellent performance in
Exempt me in the next quiz 68.6867 141.478 .762 . .953
when I perfect the previous
Used traditional way of 69.2400 153.553 .103 . .959
teaching the lesson.

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

71.0533 155.903 12.48612 29


KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .902

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 3569.917

df 406

Sig. .000


Initial Extraction

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the class. 1.000 .608

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” excellent, etc.. 1.000 .477

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz bee and related 1.000 .721

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. 1.000 .811

Informs me my grade every after grading period. 1.000 .667

Informs me my standing in class 1.000 .750

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. 1.000 .762

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. 1.000 .780

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. 1.000 .572

Encourage me to do my own projects. 1.000 .572

Let me do oral reports in class. 1.000 .660

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities 1.000 .677

Conducts contest and games in teaching. 1.000 .685

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity 1.000 .668

Used pictures and charts when teaching. 1.000 .497

Used the textbook only when teaching. 1.000 .527

Used manual when teaching. 1.000 .682

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). 1.000 .701

Used other references for enrichment 1.000 .713

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show interest in the class. 1.000 .698

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and show interest in the 1.000 .634

Used instructional materials when teaching. 1.000 .613

Used videos and simulations in teaching. 1.000 .670

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. 1.000 .608

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. 1.000 .689

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. 1.000 .740

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. 1.000 .637

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. 1.000 .789

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. 1.000 .711

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Rotation Sums of
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Loadingsa
ent Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total

1 13.813 47.630 47.630 13.813 47.630 47.630 10.926

2 2.767 9.541 57.171 2.767 9.541 57.171 4.189

3 1.548 5.338 62.509 1.548 5.338 62.509 8.935

4 1.194 4.117 66.626 1.194 4.117 66.626 8.082

5 .968 3.338 69.964

6 .906 3.123 73.087

7 .850 2.932 76.019

8 .686 2.364 78.384

9 .611 2.107 80.490

10 .598 2.060 82.551

11 .570 1.964 84.515

12 .528 1.820 86.334

13 .465 1.603 87.937

14 .421 1.452 89.389

15 .409 1.411 90.801

16 .348 1.202 92.002

17 .327 1.127 93.129

7/618 .277 .956 94.086

19 .239 .825 94.910

20 .227 .782 95.693

21 .220 .759 96.451

22 .184 .634 97.085

23 .168 .579 97.664

24 .156 .538 98.202

25 .133 .458 98.660

26 .124 .429 99.089

27 .099 .342 99.431

28 .088 .305 99.736

29 .077 .264 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. When components are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.
Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz .821

bee and related competition.

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. .806

Conducts contest and games in teaching. .798

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. .788 -.374

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. .774 -.375

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. .768 -.341 -.305

Let me do oral reports in class. .763

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the class. .760

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. .757 .308

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity .752

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show .748 .371
interest in the class.

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and .731
show interest in the class.

Used videos and simulations in teaching. .726

Used manual when teaching. .715

Used other references for enrichment .715 .415

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities .710 .395

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. .703

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. .699

Encourage me to do my own projects. .692

Used pictures and charts when teaching. .690

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. .650 -.433 .312

Informs me my standing in class .633 -.427 .325

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). .619 .532

Used the textbook only when teaching. .579 .423

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” excellent, .577 -.333
Used instructional materials when teaching. .569 -.395 .351

Informs me my grade every after grading period. .545 -.424 .436

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. .744 .368

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. .392 .645

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 4 components extracted.

Pattern Matrixa


1 2 3 4

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. .866

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. .866

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity .627

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. .604

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. .594 .324

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz .559 .342
bee and related competition.

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities .554 .353

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the class. .531

Conducts contest and games in teaching. .516

Let me do oral reports in class. .504

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. .495 .373

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. .490 .334

Used pictures and charts when teaching. .330 .318

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. .869

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. .736

Used the textbook only when teaching. .499

Encourage me to do my own projects. .394 .392

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). .846

Used other references for enrichment .760

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show .686
interest in the class.

Used instructional materials when teaching. .659

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and .541
show interest in the class.

Used videos and simulations in teaching. .355 .535

Used manual when teaching. .431 .531

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. .849

Informs me my standing in class .842

Informs me my grade every after grading period. .784

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. .480 .570

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” excellent, .543


Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 11 iterations.

Structure Matrix


1 2 3 4

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. .880 .514 .401

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. .864 .410 .557

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. .801 .486 .466 .511

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz .784 .338 .498 .628
bee and related competition.

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity .772 .471 .477 .379

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. .766 .522 .460 .400

Conducts contest and games in teaching. .734 .609 .625

Let me do oral reports in class. .731 .461 .435 .536

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. .726 .329 .371 .723

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the .718 .569 .550

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities .716 .558 .503

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. .672 .357 .591 .310

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. .648 .602 .532

Used pictures and charts when teaching. .587 .584 .532

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. .801

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. .383 .776

Used the textbook only when teaching. .512 .615 .424

Used other references for enrichment .531 .831 .424

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). .339 .830 .425

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show .565 .312 .802 .419
interest in the class.

Used videos and simulations in teaching. .606 .727 .533

Used instructional materials when teaching. .308 .719 .552

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and .593 .422 .705 .372
show interest in the class.

Used manual when teaching. .501 .542 .694 .424

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. .468 .407 .879

Informs me my standing in class .443 .405 .864

Informs me my grade every after grading period. .491 .783

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” .433 .436 .666
excellent, etc..

Encourage me to do my own projects. .517 .477 .520 .556

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.

Component Correlation Matrix

nent 1 2 3 4

1 1.000 .307 .490 .471

2 .307 1.000 .176 .033

3 .490 .176 1.000 .474

4 .471 .033 .474 1.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.
2 components

Component Matrixa


1 2

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz bee and related .821

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. .806

Conducts contest and games in teaching. .798

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. .788

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. .774

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. .768

Let me do oral reports in class. .763

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the class. .760

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. .757 .308

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity .752

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show interest in the class. .748

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and show interest in the .731

Used videos and simulations in teaching. .726

Used manual when teaching. .715

Used other references for enrichment .715

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities .710 .395

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. .703

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. .699

Encourage me to do my own projects. .692

Used pictures and charts when teaching. .690

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. .650 -.433

Informs me my standing in class .633 -.427

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). .619

Used the textbook only when teaching. .579 .423

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” excellent, etc.. .577 -.333

Used instructional materials when teaching. .569 -.395

Informs me my grade every after grading period. .545 -.424

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. .744

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. .392 .645

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. 2 components extracted.

Pattern Matrixa

a. Rotation failed to
converge in 25
iterations. (Convergence
= .000).

Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2

Inform my parents about progress in all my subjects. .771

Informs me my standing in class .754

Used videos and simulations in teaching. .721

Conducts contest and games in teaching. .703 .417

Used blended/varied learning strategy in teaching. .694

Informs me my grade every after grading period. .688

Used instructional materials when teaching. .685

Praises me when I answered correctly by saying “very good” excellent, etc.. .649

Exempt me in their third quiz when I perfect the first and second quiz. .635 .445

Gives additional grades when I do good and show interest in the class. .621 .448

Used other references for enrichment .614 .390

Used pictures and charts when teaching. .593 .376

Displays my achievement on bulletin board. .576 .517

Used computer aided when teaching (e.g. power point presentation). .565 .303

Gives additional points in the written work when I do good and show interest in the class. .529 .529

Lets me relate experiences in relation to the class activities .774

Used peer teaching or peer tutoring in teaching. .342 .743

Gives gift certificate for my excellent performance in class. .739

Gives school supplies when I got perfect score. .434 .716

Requires me to relate my experiences to the activity .361 .715

Used the textbook only when teaching. .704

Let me do oral reports in class. .433 .654

Used manual when teaching. .377 .644

Gives additional points in the performance tasks when I do good and show interest in the .423 .618

Let me do activities (e.g. experiment/ discussion) independently. .391 .610

Used traditional way of teaching the lesson. -.448 .600

Exempt me in the next quiz when I perfect the previous quiz. .520 .599

Give money as an incentive for my excellent achievement joining quiz bee and related .576 .586

Encourage me to do my own projects. .423 .562

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

Component Transformation Matrix

Component 1 2

1 .730 .684

2 -.684 .730

Extraction Method: Principal Component

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser
Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis
Version 2.5

12/1/2018 6:46:02 AM
Number of variables: 29
Number of subjects: 150
Number of replications: 100

Eigenvalue # Random Eigenvalue Standard Dev
1 1.9312 .0767
2 1.7983 .0593
3 1.6844 .0470
4 1.5958 .0434
5 1.5143 .0465
6 1.4360 .0418
7 1.3685 .0377
8 1.3043 .0350
9 1.2418 .0298
10 1.1883 .0303
11 1.1357 .0246
12 1.0836 .0263
13 1.0338 .0282
14 0.9896 .0267
15 0.9432 .0267
16 0.8958 .0264
17 0.8510 .0269
18 0.8039 .0238
19 0.7655 .0238
20 0.7244 .0235
21 0.6823 .0222
22 0.6398 .0235
23 0.6012 .0232
24 0.5644 .0240
25 0.5246 .0260
26 0.4889 .0258
27 0.4507 .0281
28 0.4068 .0236
29 0.3520 .0338
12/1/2018 6:46:11 AM

Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis

©2000,2010 by Marley W. Watkins. All rights reserved.
Component Value from Actual Eigen value
Number Parallel from PCA
1 13.813 1.9312 Accept

2 2.767 1.7983 Accept

3 1.548 1.6844 Reject

4 1.194 1.5958

5 .968 1.5143

6 .906 1.4360

7 .850 1.3685

8 .686 1.3043

9 .611 1.2418

10 .598 1.1883

11 .570 1.1357

12 .528 1.0836

13 .465 1.0338

14 .421 0.9896

15 .409 0.9432

16 .348 0.8958

17 .327 0.8510

18 .277 0.8039

19 .239 0.7655

20 .227 0.7244

21 .220 0.6823

22 .184 0.6398

23 .168 0.6012

24 .156 0.5644
25 .133 0.5246

26 .124 0.4889

27 .099 0.4507

28 .088 0.4068

29 .077 0.3520

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