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No. 23 I'll Be Here Seafarer ein Claire _ susie and lyries by Adam Gwon fal DL wr lf af ¥ = re * =. AWe met, OF all pla ces, in front of Gristed es some freak ish-lJ=— cold winters day. 1 had on ToT at Tay-ets of wook he slipped on the ice with his gro-cery bags—— fll. So 1 alee eee ete vr tes-cued seme Fruit Loops he'd. dropped by the curb—And "he made some re-mark—that my smile was sup-erb. 218 ing for 28 [tert thought that was sweet and 1 starved to go,—ishen fe said, "Hey, what-cha do in’ 10 mer-tow? Be-cause at the cor-ner of Bleeck-er and Mer- cer to-mor I you want to meet— up, 1 be waiting sight bere And in case there are wo fel-tas you, my names —— John.."__ He waved, and then he was 219. bette) Needless to sa 1 went back there cool him, most-ly to see if if e vee show And there he was, out inthe cold —with his jacket pulled — tight. He took me to din-ner and— vt ised me good night, The next week we went to this ter-i-ble——play And the week after that,—drank hot 20. tpette e > > > choclate all_—day. And sud-den-ly,—eight or nine monthshad flown by, whenbe sid, "Hey, shat cha doin! the rest of your life? Be-eause (2 =: want me t0 be-— there's no qies-tion, There is noth-ing ve—want-ed so mucin my life. This might Fy ——— sound im-ma-tur, but Im to-tal-ly sure you'e the one!" ‘And we had mi Lim Be Here hitched in Sep - tom-ber, our with rock tand that played in this old sy And we bought an a-part - ment on West Se-ven teenth Street and Talked e-bou——ebi-ten and ageteting 9 dog ur first an-ni-ver-sacry_— came in a flash and we Be Hers] promised to tke the day off, He tad. to stop in (0 his of fice that mom-ing, sn3—— So 1 went walking up-town to this bak-ery I know When 1 hheard on the strect what 1 thought was a joke, il 1 no ticed the si = fens and Mp sn, bt espn te Mtns sw all the smoke So Tm running back ome with this feeling of dread to the sasa010 222 voice mail He'd left with the last words he sai, Mp css oa 2 Sor-ry, T doatt mean to I . a = wend-ring why I ev-en called you to-night. Well, to - day something hap-pened that spocked me allright shar 1 saw this stonncloudof pa pers fll downfromthe sky,—and I thoughtofthatdayand 1 started tocry.—When as 224 [om beter sure as 1 breathe, I heard John, clear as day, say-ing, "Hey, you're allowed to mave on.. ifs okeay Be-cause ev-en if you decide to gat rid of my fav- 0-nte if you go out on my binh-day this year ‘sead of sitting at home let-t all of lifes mom -ents pass eee You don't have 25. meter) Be-cause - when you start go ing back to the = places we went 10 ‘When you take off my ring and you let your-self smile. When you by call him one night and he meets you down - town and you fi-mal-Iy an-swer him "Yes." 226 Yes. Ja-son, 1 will mar-ry you, Iwill give you my heart has > mp eniam Right now, John’s whisp-'ting con ~ grts in my car ‘Cause Tve ot in ope [im Beery tak-en so long, but fm ready to start a flenalely let my-self tell you that 1 will be saxon

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