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Name:________________________ Score:____________

Section:_________ Date:____________

A. Identification

________1-2. It shows a negative relationship between the price of goods and the quantity demand.

________3-4. The total amount of specific goods or services that is available to the consumers.

________5-6. Studies the implications of individual human action, specifically about those decisions
affect utilization and distribution of scarce resources.

________7-8. The ability or willingness to buy a particular commodity.

________9-10. A table that shows the relationship between the price of goods and quantity supplied.

________11-12. It shows how and why different goods have different values, how individuals make
more efficient or more productive decisions, and how individuals best coordinate and cooperate with
one another.

________13-14. Quantity of commodity that is in the market that is available for purchase.

________15-16. It is a theory that explains the interaction between the supply of a resource and the
demand for that resource.

________17-18. A graphic presentation of the relationship between the product, price and the quantity
of product that a seller is willing and able to supply.

_______19-20.It is a measure of value.

B. Enumeration

21-23. Give at least three examples of microeconomics

24-25. Two types of curves

26-27. Two types of schedule

28-30. Three reasons why demand is downward sloping?

C. Essay

31-40. What is a demand curve? Explain and draw it.

41-50. What is a supply curve? Explain and draw it.

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